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Is there anywhere online where one can find intelligent and measured political discussion?


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1. "breath" is a noun. You should try holding it. If you hold it long enough, intelligent conversation sprouts

out of this place like a soybean field. Really.


2. "breathe" is the verb. When you take a BREATH, you are BREATHING.


3. If you want some intelligent conversation on politics, try starting out yourself. BTW, if you

are a liberal pouty little wimp who gets enraged at being disagreed with when you say

stupid stuff...


good luck on getting your foot out of your mouth.

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Cal, you know if you look at Reagan's over his first two years it looks just like that?


We're in a horrible economy with unemployment just under 10% and not going anywhere soon. The stimulus and the Fed and the bailouts, while keeping us from going under, have not revived the economy to anyone's satisfaction. We're going to be in this slump for a while no matter who is in charge. It could be a decade.


But Obama is going to get the blame, which is how it works. But you keep pounding on the stimulus and how it "didn't work" then asking for a real intelligent discussion. Well, what intelligent or knowledgeable person would make a statement like "the stimulus didn't work"?


Which is why there's no point having a conversation with you. You can debate the stimulus up and down, and scholars will be doing it for years. But there's no doubt it added jobs and increased GDP. It's just a question of whether it was big enough, or crafted appropriately enough. You'd have a hard time finding an economist who didn't favor some sort of large stimulus package.


So you want to have the stimulus discussion, or blame Obama for the economy, you should read some first.

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Cal, you know if you look at Reagan's over his first two years it looks just like that?


Oh. What was the deficit under Reagan? How many stupid bailouts did Reagan do? How many people

seriously wondered if Reagan was really a Muslim? How many socialists and communists did Reagan have

in his cabinet? I remember Tip O'Neal was speaker. That means the Dems were in control....

How many times did Reagan affront and embarrass the Supreme Court at a State of the Union address or any speech?

Did Reagan EVER show complete disdain for our Constitution? How many companies did Reagan take over?


I don't believe I ever heard Nancy Reagan say "for the first time I am proud of my country".............


Say, why does Obamao get to blame all of HIS disasters on Bush, but Republican Presidents get the

"buck stops with him, it's all on him" from day one?

Get serious.

Did Reagan ever SAY and TRY to completely remake our country? Did he EVER say "redistribute the wealth" ???


I could go on, you know. We're dealing with NOW as a DISASTER, HIDEOUSLY compounded by Obamao's many



We're in a horrible economy with unemployment just under 10% and not going anywhere soon. The stimulus and the Fed and the bailouts, while keeping us from going under, have not revived the economy to anyone's satisfaction. We're going to be in this slump for a while no matter who is in charge. It could be a decade.


It didn't keep us from going under. It just delayed the recovery, and skyrocketed the debt to extremely dangerous levels.

Obamao PROMISED THE STIMULUS would KEEP UNEMPLOYMENT below 8 percent. He was completley full of crap.


Tell me, Heck - was Obamao completely incompetent? Or was he just a corrupt lying somebeech? Pick one.


But Obama is going to get the blame, which is how it works. But you keep pounding on the stimulus and how it "didn't work" then asking for a real intelligent discussion. Well, what intelligent or knowledgeable person would make a statement like "the stimulus didn't work"?


Oh, boy. I'll answer that one a bit later with documentation.

I don't EVER remember you excusing Bush for anything.


Which is why there's no point having a conversation with you. You can debate the stimulus up and down, and scholars will be doing it for years. But there's no doubt it added jobs and increased GDP. It's just a question of whether it was big enough, or crafted appropriately enough. You'd have a hard time finding an economist who didn't favor some sort of large stimulus package.


You are so sold out to the left, that you can't bring yourself to be honest. A government employment blip does nothing

to help our economy. Big enough? Are you kidding? Do we really have to post all the extreme ASININE WASTE that was

in that stupid 768 billion "stimulus" bill? Really? Do you want us to post the abuse?


So you want to have the stimulus discussion, or blame Obama for the economy, you should read some first.



I read a lot. If you want to have intelligent conversation, you should stop with your moveonupObamao'sleg.orgy talking points

with no documentation whatsoever.


You see, Heck, I DIDN'T START THE STUPID THREAD. Go check it out. READ and COMPREHEND and BE HONEST for a change.


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Here, Heck,


CRAFT THIS: Note when Obamao came into office and his regime went berzerk with

asinine college marxist pseudo-intellectual school of thoughts: (from the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS web site.)


Note when Bush was pres. You big dummy.


1997 4.9

1998 4.5

1999 4.2

2001 4.7

2002 5.8

2003 6.0

2004 5.5

2005 5.1

2006 4.6

2007 4.6

2008 5.8

2009 9.3

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Thanks for proving me absolutlely CORRECT about you doofus libs... you avoided the statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics site.


Nice. Say, you going to make up your own? Put people down personally some more?


I haven't seen you have an intelligent conversation but maybe one time since you've been around here.


And left, after your backside was pummeled.


and came back,,,, after you figured we forgot about it.


Then you left again... when the pummelling happened again....


Have a nice Labor Day

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well, don't forget to let Obamao know where to send your


"traveling" bailout check to.


He wouldn't want to lose your vote over a simple misunderstanding...

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