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Cribbs being interviewed on Jim Rome right now


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Listening to Rome and Cribbs is being interviewed right now. He mentioned he has a big responsibility this year, and not going to be just the gadget guy, but an actual WR. I liked what I saw out of him in pre-season, and I think he'll do well. Dude is just a baller! Hell, let's try him at safety too. :)

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He sounded really high on Mangini and the camaraderie of this team. He mentioned how deep we are and how extreme the 'Wild Dawg' Offense is going to be .. the guy is jumping out of his skin waiting to unleash the WildDawg. He said the coaches are having to hold the players back as they are excited as hell to start the season. Good stuff! and I only caught part of it.

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He sounded really high on Mangini and the camaraderie of this team. He mentioned how deep we are and how extreme the 'Wild Dawg' Offense is going to be .. the guy is jumping out of his skin waiting to unleash the WildDawg. He said the coaches are having to hold the players back as they are excited as hell to start the season. Good stuff! and I only caught part of it.


Did he actually use the term WildDawg or did he mention it by that feline name?

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He sounded really high on Mangini and the camaraderie of this team. He mentioned how deep we are and how extreme the 'Wild Dawg' Offense is going to be .. the guy is jumping out of his skin waiting to unleash the WildDawg. He said the coaches are having to hold the players back as they are excited as hell to start the season. Good stuff! and I only caught part of it.



If that is true about the players chomping at the bit to start the season, then we have to be pleased with what the staff has done to start turning this team around. I cannot wait to see the Wild Dawg! I hope these guys go balls out with a chip on their shoulders, and stick it up the haters asses this year!

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There is absolutely NO reason to think that this team can't start 2-0 and then kick a contender in the teeth. If I would have told you last year that the Browns would beat Pittsburgh, sacking Roeth-what's-his-name eight times and doing it on national TV....you would have laughed.


Surprise teams are teams that everyone underestimates because they can't think outside the box and they can't see the potential. Personally, I see a team with better talent on both sides of the ball. I see a team whose QB play last year cost them several (2-3) games. That would have been the difference between 5-11 and 8-8. If Jake can protect the football, there's no reason this team can't win. Specials will be great.


Historically, when Mangini has had a QB that could play in the league (Pennington, Favre) that was not injured...he's done very well. The QB play can't be any worse than it was last year. The DA-Quinn combo threatened for the worst QB rating EVER. Now THAT is bad.

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