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2010 Captains

1 more season

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pumped to see fujita made captain. in new orleans he was a leader on and off the field. hes a good player and an even better person. lots of reports in new orleans saying that he is very excited about what the browns are doing and that they are building similarly to what the saints did


hopefully he helps lead the saints defense for a long time

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I just love this list.


If your QB is not voted captain ... you don't have a QB.


Thomas is just such a rock, he is like the Christmas gift that we all have deserved for years .. I still can't believe we got him and how well it has worked out. Set at LT for a decade!


Fujita is a really smart dude fesh of a SB and Robaire is a beloved graybeard healthy and ready to rock.


The ST guys are no-brainers.


Love this team! When is kickoff ... let's go!!!!




I totally agree! Check this article got me pumped http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/1389980...ion-with-browns

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Mangini: Captains elections-Offense Delhomme and Thomas, Defense-Scott Fujita and Robaire Smith, Special Teams-Cribbs and Dawson

4 minutes ago via web

Looks like a solid captain selection for the new era. You can feel the page turning to a new Browns begining. Man, come on season I'm pacing the floor and fired up!! "LETS ROCK"!! "HERE WE GO BROWNIES HERE WE GO!!"

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