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Transcript from OC Brian Daboll's Press Conference - 9/10


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The transcript of offensive coordinator Brian Daboll's weekly Friday press conference.

Browns Offensive Coordinator Brian Daboll press conference 9-10-10


(On how much weight he has lost)- “I lost quite a bit, 72.6 (joking). I’ve lost over 70 pounds.”


(On his impressions of Jake Delhomme)- “He’s been great, a true pro. He understands the game. You can tell the guy’s a winner, he’s been a winner. He’s been to the big game. I’m glad he lost that game, but he’s a consummate pro.”


(On Delhomme statistically outplaying Tom Brady in Super Bowl XXXVIII)- “I couldn’t tell you those stats. I know that he lost, that’s about it. He’s been really good. I was a receiver coach then. At the end of the game, I’m like ‘Oh crap, they’re taking the ball down the field.’ He had a good game that day. Fortunately, it wasn’t good enough.”


(On how much easier Delhomme makes his job)- “He’s been great. He can really operate the offense effectively, whether we are in the huddle or whether we are not in the huddle. Just to have Jake around, he’s so experienced. Some of the things you just can’t teach with that guy. He’s just a guy that you can tell he has been around so many other good guys in his career, he just gets it. He’s just one of those guys that gets it. He’s just a true leader and I hope he has a really good season for us.”


(On how much more he can do with the offense with a quarterback like Delhomme)- “We are not changing a whole bunch, relative to plays or anything like that. I think it’s just some of the plays that I’ve run before, he’s run before, whether it be with Dan (Henning) or Jeff (Davidson). He’s got a pretty good grasp and we’ll load his plate up with as much as he can handle, which is quite a bit.”


(On if Joshua Cribbs is a legitimate threat at receiver)- “I think he’s done a really good job. I’m looking for him to have a good year, both at receiver and whatever else we ask him to play.”


(On Cribbs’ enthusiasm for his role on offense and him saying that coaches are having to ‘hold him down’ because of it)- “I don’t know, you will have to ask him. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with him. We have had a lot of good conversations. We do have a lot of stuff in for him because he’s a very good playmaker. I hope he’s excited about it. I hope he goes out and he does a really good job with the multitude of things he’s going to have to do.”


(On if Seneca Wallace is potentially a good addition to the offense)- “Seneca is definitely a good addition. I didn’t know a whole bunch about him when Mike (Holmgren) made the trade for him. I’ll tell you what, I’ve been very happy with him. Not just doing some of the things that he might do non-traditionally, but as a true quarterback too. He can sling the ball, he’s smart, he’s picked up the system very well and the other things we do with him, I think those will be some good additions.”


(On how he feels he has grown into his role as offensive coordinator)- “I think any time you get a year under your belt in any profession, any job you do, you need to feel better about it. Not only that, you get here and you get some new coaches that you haven’t been working with and the coaches that we have that we work with offensively have been doing a great job, but you didn’t work with any of those guys before you got here. You have to grow as a staff and then you have got the players. The preseason games, just calling it, you get in the flow and I feel better. I do.”


(On if he feels like he ‘prevailed’ by the offense not changing with the new regime that has come in)- “No, I think we are going to run any of the plays we can run to help us win. The offense that I came from in New England has been a successful offense and the offense that Mike had has obviously been successful. What’s great is I can walk down the hall and say, ‘Hey Mike, what do you think about this?’ He has been great. He’s made it clear that, ‘This is your stuff. Whatever I can do to help.’ I’ll go down there any time I need to to ask him.”


(On how often he goes to Holmgren for advice)- “I don’t know. I don’t keep the tally marks up, but any time I have something. If I need to ask him something about a certain thing, I have no hesitation to do that.”


(On the passing game having multiple options at various positions to take pressure off of the young wide receivers)- “For an effective passing game, you have to have everybody doing their job, whether it be the protection or the tight ends or the backs or receivers. I think that’s what those guys pride themselves on at each position is making sure that each person is accountable to do what they need to do in their part of the play. Part of the quarterback’s job is to find the open guy. Go through his reads, make sure he’s reading the coverage the right way and distribute the ball to whoever it is. It’s not just, ‘Hey, we are going to throw it to Mohamed (Massaquoi).’ It’s whoever is the open guy and that’s the philosophy that I kind of learned under and which I believe in.”


(On if players were open on a regular basis and the quarterbacks were at fault for not finding them)- “So much of last year is in my rear-view mirror, not to coach-speak or anything like that. There was a variety of problems last year. I’m kind of excited about it this year in getting ready to go with the guys that we have. We have got three new quarterbacks. I don’t know how many times that’s been done, relative to bringing new guys in, but it’s an exciting time right now. We’ll see what we can do on Sunday.”


(On how much Benjamin Watson is going to help the offense)- “Hopefully a lot. I have a good familiarity with him from back at New England. I think the world of the guy, not just as a player, as a person, as a dad. He’s a great guy. We can kind of speak the same language, “Hey, remember we called it this? Boom, boom, boom, great.’ He’s a really good leader. He’s a day to day guy, you know what you are going to get from him. I think he’s good for the offense in terms of he’s very consistent in his approach. I think he’s helped out guys like Evan (Moore) and some other guys. The same thing with the other guy, Peyton (Hillis), who we brought in. He came from a similar deal too, with Josh’s (McDaniels) deal. ‘It’s just this, okay? It’s not that.’ Jake and I can go three different languages, so it’s pretty good.”


(On why Watson never had an 800-yard receiving season)- “Because I was always telling Tom (Brady), ‘Throw it to those receivers,’ because I was the receivers coach (joking). He was productive there at New England for them and now they have got a bunch of different guys, and I can’t speak for when I wasn’t there, but when I was there, he always made plays when he had opportunities to.”


(On if Watson is as good as Antonio Gates or Kellen Winslow)- “I can only speak for the guys that I have been around and he’s been a pretty effective tight end for the guys that I have been around.”


(On if Montario Hardesty’s injury has affected the game plan for the season)- “No, great guy I feel terrible for him. You hate to see that happen to anybody. He had seven carries for us and that’s what he had and he was out. I know he is going to be rehabbing and getting better. You just role with the guys that you have. That number 40 (Peyton Hillis) he’s not too bad either.


(On if he still feels good about the running game without Hardesty)- “Yes, because that’s who we’ve had all training camp. Unfortunately, Montario wasn’t out there to be able to practice so we were working with J.C. (Jerome Harrison) we were working with Peyton, we were working with James Davis. Those were the guys that got all the reps and those are the guys that are going to end up playing.”


(On if Peyton Hillis was a pleasant surprise)- “Yes, I’m happy with Peyton. I was on offense at the Jets and I remember Eric (Mangini) talking about him a bunch. He kind of run through us when we were there. He’s a hardnosed guy, tough, got good size, very selfless kind of guy. Not knowing him, I think he’s been a really good addition to the team.”


(On what made the run offense click last season)- “We ran it like 50 times a game (joking). No, the line did a good job. I just kept running it over and over again and they took some pride in it relative to before then. Hopefully, we can keep that going a little bit.”


(On if the run success was realistic because they didn’t play the best teams)- “What are those numbers? They’ve got to be realistic then, it happened. It’s pro football. In my opinion, every team you’re going to play is a good football team. They’ve got good players defensively, offensively and you have to go out and execute on a game basis. It doesn’t matter who you’re playing, what you think of us when we played you, you’ve got to bring your lunch pail to work every day and execute the plays and make it work. Testament to the guys last year, they made it work at the end of the year. Now we’ll see where we are going to be this year.”


(On what he thinks about Gerald McCoy)- “Explosive, he’s got some very good pass rush moves, high energy. Everything a first round type of guy should look like in my opinion. He hasn’t played a game yet, but I think he’s a pretty good player. I can see why he was taken that high.”


(On if he is worried about the right side of the line because they have been missing players throughout preseason)- “No, to be honest with you I know the guys who are over there playing. I know what they’ve done. A couple of the guys that we have brought in, nope, I’m good.”


(On what people should expect from Jerome Harrison)- “I think you’re going to expect his best effort. I can’t sit up here and tell you what he is going to do this game. I wish I could, I wish I could say he is going to have a bunch of yards, but I know the kid is going to give you his best effort. Contentious, and he wants to be really good, and he is going to have to go out there and do it. He works his tail off in practice so I think he will be okay.”


(On if Harrison is going to be their go to running back with 12-15 carries a game)- “What I tell these guys, Steve (Doerschuk), is just do your job, whatever that may be. You don’t have to go out there and anticipate 30, just do your job when your number is called then go out there and execute the play. If you’re a hot hand then you’ll keep on getting the ball. Just don’t put all that pressure on yourself, just go out there and do your job. You get 40 Belly, get what you need and get out. If you get a toss, if you get a pass just get what you can get, there’s no unnecessary pressure. Peyton Hillis we can leave him out in the dark, he’s going to be okay too, and James Davis he’s had a pretty good couple preseasons now he is going to get his feet wet in the regular season here. I think all three of those guys will be ready to go come Sunday.”


(On Brian Robiskie)- “He went through a tough year last year, a lot of us did myself included. A testament to the kid, he stood strong. He stood up, he didn’t make excuses, he knew what he was all about as a person. He competed regardless of what it showed on Sundays on a daily basis. Take him into the offseason and he was very good at everything that he did whether it was the weight program, running program, learning the intricacies. Playing a position as a receiver from one year to the next, you’ve got to go through a lot of learning from the first year to the next. He’s a guy that keeps his mouth shut, a very unassuming guy. A guy I really have a lot of respect for and I think that he’s improved substantially from one year to the next. We’ll see where that translates to on Sunday. My hope is that it’s pretty good.”


(On when he knew if they received the Delhomme that took a team to the Super Bowl or the Delhomme who struggled last year)- “I didn’t have any preconceived notions. I didn’t know him. I know a lot of guys that do know him and I heard a lot of the same things about him that Eric heard. Not to sound like coach speak, but it’s a year to year deal. What you get one year might not be what you get the next year. You don’t know yet. Being around the guy he’s a true pro. He goes out there, he leads, he’s one of those guys that can interact with any group. Defensive line, sit there with the receivers, go hang with the o-line. He’s just got that leadership quality about him that you see almost instantaneously when you meet him. Heck we have had tons of practices since May to be around him and have him operate the offense and just to interact with him and it’s been very, very good. Been very happy with the guy.”


(On how he lost his weight)- “Work hard, no lie, work hard. I played a little basketball, but I started running a bunch, better sleep habits, better eating habits, winning at the end of the year helps a bunch.”


(On why Peyton Hillis didn’t play much last year)- “No, I just heard we had the trade. I got to sit down with Peyton, I just saw him I forgot it was the night or day after the trade and I just started talking to him. I didn’t really get too much into his deal at Denver with him, knew it was a fresh start for him. Usually when those trades happen guys are a little nervous and stuff like that and I didn’t really want to get into that too much with him. I wanted to formulate my own opinion first of the guy and watch him.”


(On if Hillis could be a work horse back if no one else was here)- “Yes, he’d have to be if no one else was here. I don’t think he’s afraid of getting too many carries. He kind of likes looking for those d-backs.”


(On if the Browns will try to control the ball on offense)- “We are going to run it, we are going to throw it, probably not going to use any WildDawg at all (joking).”

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OC of the Bucs, Greg Olson, was also someone Bucs fans loved to hate last year. Towards the end of the year he really started calling some good games. I think most Bucs fans still wanted him gone, but we kept him for continuity with Freeman. This is his first FULL off season as an OC in the league and everyone is excited to see what he does with it.


If you see some questionable calls on Sunday though, don't be surprised. Olson tends to make some odd decisions on 3rd and short... like coming out in shotgun and trying to pass. (talking like 3rd and 1, 3rd and 2)

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last year, i hated daboll. i think that every single browns fan did. by the end of the season, he really came into his own and started becoming a lot more creative with the playcalling. i'm excited about this year. i'm sure that he won't run consecutive WildDawg plays on 1st and goal this year.


agreed. and it helps alot that holmgren brought in an offensive guru like gil haskell to help him out. ofcourse, holmgren pitched in to.

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It seems we have a different Daboll this season. Last season, I despised his stupid play calling.


Now, we replaced that guy, with a smart, personable different guy.


The change is fun. I kinda feel like Daboll was t-r-y-i-n-g to get simple results from s-i-m-p-l-e-t-o-n qb's last year,


and just couldn't get things going from the beginning.


This offense is going to shock the defenses they play. They will be very successful.


Can't wait for the Wilddawg plays !

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From what i have seen dabs is basically running many of the same plays with the biggest difference being a far better QB more familiar with mangini's system and who can handle many more on the fly options, the biggest fault i had with dabs last year is that he was afraid to just let it rip with whomever was under center, i can understand not trusting DA or BQ in hindsight but you still have to let it all go with what you have and hope they get it and if they dont everyone will see it was their fault..


If there is one thing i hope dabs got from last years disaster it is that lesson, you cant win if you dont give everything you have or at least go down trying rather than looking like a weak minded over conservative gimp..

Basiclly i faulted dabs with poor coordination and game planning because he did nothing to build trust and that was obvious throughout the whole season, trust is a big part of a coordinators job and an absolute must in a team game...


Now that dabs and mangini have their own players that they trust and a great new attitude and team outlook they should hold nothing back now and they also have no excuses either...

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From what i have seen dabs is basically running many of the same plays with the biggest difference being a far better QB more familiar with mangini's system and who can handle many more on the fly options, the biggest fault i had with dabs last year is that he was afraid to just let it rip with whomever was under center, i can understand not trusting DA or BQ in hindsight but you still have to let it all go with what you have and hope they get it and if they dont everyone will see it was their fault..


If there is one thing i hope dabs got from last years disaster it is that lesson, you cant win if you dont give everything you have or at least go down trying rather than looking like a weak minded over conservative gimp..

Basiclly i faulted dabs with poor coordination and game planning because he did nothing to build trust and that was obvious throughout the whole season, trust is a big part of a coordinators job and an absolute must in a team game...


Now that dabs and mangini have their own players that they trust and a great new attitude and team outlook they should hold nothing back now and they also have no excuses either...


it will be nice to see what plays he can call now. sometimes you have to get a lil aggressive on the playcalling. it can put a d at a disadvantage.

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From what i have seen dabs is basically running many of the same plays with the biggest difference being a far better QB more familiar with mangini's system and who can handle many more on the fly options, the biggest fault i had with dabs last year is that he was afraid to just let it rip with whomever was under center, i can understand not trusting DA or BQ in hindsight but you still have to let it all go with what you have and hope they get it and if they dont everyone will see it was their fault..


If there is one thing i hope dabs got from last years disaster it is that lesson, you cant win if you dont give everything you have or at least go down trying rather than looking like a weak minded over conservative gimp..

Basiclly i faulted dabs with poor coordination and game planning because he did nothing to build trust and that was obvious throughout the whole season, trust is a big part of a coordinators job and an absolute must in a team game...


Now that dabs and mangini have their own players that they trust and a great new attitude and team outlook they should hold nothing back now and they also have no excuses either...


I remember during the Ratbirds game,a 3rd down situation that screamed for a pass in the flat yet Daboll ran it up the middle,I realized then

that this guy was handcuffed...we we're down by 7...if he has BQ throw the ball, chances are it's ...at minimal a turn over...at worst pic 6

He really couldn't just have either of those QB's just chuck it....because the results usually were disasterous...he was trying "NOT TO LOSE"

games with personnel that seemed hell bent on it.

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I remember during the Ratbirds game,a 3rd down situation that screamed for a pass in the flat yet Daboll ran it up the middle,I realized then

that this guy was handcuffed...we we're down by 7...if he has BQ throw the ball, chances are it's ...at minimal a turn over...at worst pic 6

He really couldn't just have either of those QB's just chuck it....because the results usually were disasterous...he was trying "NOT TO LOSE"

games with personnel that seemed hell bent on it.


good post. daboll had no confidence in bq and da and his play calling revolved around that (unfortunately).

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I really wonder how much they'll be using non-standard formations/trick-plays in the game today. I can't decide if I'm more psyched to watch the offense or more psyched to watch the defense. Tough call-- both are so improved this year-- or so it seems.


i can see them saving those types of plays for the more elite opponents.

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Exactly. If they can beat them mainly with the running game, it makes sense to save the tricks. At the same time, I bet they'd like to get some more experience running the WildDawg etc.


i could see that to. maybe do a little something, but maybe not the best they have in their "bag of tricks".

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