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Good Game Browns fans


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I have carefully combed through all the threads and their replies over the past week and there has been a lot of smack exchanged...a lot of trolling by some of my fellow Bucs fans, and I can say without a doubt that I was thoroughly entertained by it all. Both teams obviously want to win and their fans have high expectations because everyone is 0-0. We are better than last year, and I think we will be underestimated all season, just like the Browns fans underestimated us. This game means nothing however, we will both have losing seasons. We can cry together.

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I never under estimated you. Tampa is a tough place to play. My brother still lives down there and been to 1 game in the stadium, and maybe 20 in the old. Saw a game against New England....Steve Grogan and Steve Spurrier were the QBs.


I don't usually respond to Noles being a Gator here....just kidding....it's football, all's good....I figure no matter what, we are all Americans.

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I never under estimated you. Tampa is a tough place to play. My brother still lives down there and been to 1 game in the stadium, and maybe 20 in the old. Saw a game against New England....Steve Grogan and Steve Spurrier were the QBs.


I don't usually respond to Noles being a Gator here....just kidding....it's football, all's good....I figure no matter what, we are all Americans.


Indeed we are kind sir! We are all Americans; to that I say USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My nephew is a cadet in the USAFA, Lister Jr will be entering ROTC in university, my father is a Korean War vet; I am a Gulf War veteran serving in the USAF for more years that I would like to admit...we are all Americans and we should never forget that fact


BTW I have a damn good looking one month old daughter!

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