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Let me put it this way, It is better to lose bad and win big in the draft than lose average and lose again in the draft ;-).


Jake Locker, Mark Ingram ..... 2010 is gonna be a good year and I hope u bucks go 7 - 9 . good luck with ur season.

lol the attitude of a true loser. Can't say I'm surprised considering the general mentality of the rest of this board.


I think you made a typo. It should say ldycracksfan.

What witty and cunning humor!

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We welcomed you into our House and gave you a/c fans to keep you cool in the horrible heat.


We have made a video for your viewing:



Sit back and enjoy!!!


Look everyone, I can still be a Browns fan and say, "great and funny video". Of course I wish we were the one's singing it but, well, we can't. And as our cheerleader thread indicates (if you look at the various pictures) the Tampa girls are amongst the best in the NFL.


Good luck, Tampa Fans, but now that the game is over and you've rubbed in the salt, please get off our boards.

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Look everyone, I can still be a Browns fan and say, "great and funny video". Of course I wish we were the one's singing it but, well, we can't. And as our cheerleader thread indicates (if you look at the various pictures) the Tampa girls are amongst the best in the NFL.


Good luck, Tampa Fans, but now that the game is over and you've rubbed in the salt, please get off our boards.

It wasn't great or funny-just gay.Especially high pitched eric singing the song.

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Let me put it this way, It is better to lose bad and win big in the draft than lose average and lose again in the draft ;-).


Jake Locker, Mark Ingram ..... 2010 is gonna be a good year and I hope u bucks go 7 - 9 . good luck with ur season.




ok..............................so what happens when you lose bad for a decade in both the season AND the draft????




classic brownie!

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We welcomed you into our House and gave you a/c fans to keep you cool in the horrible heat.


We have made a video for your viewing:



Sit back and enjoy!!!



lol That's embarrassingly horrible.


Congrats on the win, hopefully you can get one more before the season ends.



I am hoping we get ours this week!




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This is so weird. Does anyone else find it a bit odd that bucs fans are this annoying? Its like they beat us in the superbowl.


This just in, its now going on week2. You should have moved on.


See I can some what rationalize gay steeler fans posting here. Were division rivals. I didn't know tampa and cleveland became rivals over night.. was it the signing of jeff faine or trading for winslow?



Celebrate all that you can my gay friends. You know this is ur only chance to act like an ass so ur making the most of it.


Ur that kid who one time got a hit in 3rd grade kickball and are still bragging abuut it.


You won at home, and it was a jewish win at that.

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We seem to be having pretty good first round draft picks under Mangini.


We had a good draft under heckert this year, last year was mantardo's draft and most of those guys are gone or still stinking the team up posing as WRs...


Thanks for the cool video "bucktoothgirl" tampon bay got lucky if we had anything other than a Retard for a coach and a 5' midget that likely never even played college ball as an OC that wouldnt have been the case..


But good luck anyways at least it seems you have a fiesty, scrappin coaching staff led by morris, wish i could say the same for the browns....we have ren and stimpy instead...

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This is so weird. Does anyone else find it a bit odd that bucs fans are this annoying? Its like they beat us in the superbowl.


This just in, its now going on week2. You should have moved on.


Sorry my friend, I'm afraid we're stuck with this merry band of butt pirates till their next win.


Soooo.....sometime next year

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We had a good draft under heckert this year, last year was mantardo's draft and most of those guys are gone or still stinking the team up posing as WRs...


Alex Mack seemed like a solid pick. Sure Masaquoi and Robiskie did not pan out as good as expected and Veikune was a horrible pick for us but if u look at it . But We needed either Massaquoi or Robiskie back then cos we had Braylon Edwards who could stretch the D but we needed a safe hands receiver and both these receivers seemed like a smarter pick then.


This year Im not happy with the Haden pick but he was a position of needed and hopefully we will pan out well. TJ Ward was a great pick. Im depressed with Hardesty injury but he showed so much potential. McCoy ? I feel we should have gone RT with that pick.

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