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Is this team doomed to a destiny of AT BEST mediocraty ????

It couldn't be more frustrating to watch this team show so much promise AGAIN, only to be standing by the sideline eating so much BS from the fans of teams that deservedly so, should be in the same arena. Are we destined to stink forever ??? Used to be SO MUCH pride in this organization, and now is once again, the laughing stock of the NFL. Mike Holmgren, Etc., Etc.. When will we ever see the Browns of old .. of Pride. Will never jump ship, but this truly feels like NFL pergatory !!!

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I'm still hopeful and I see progress. This team is beating themselves with stupid mistakes. But at least we're not getting blown out.


A lot of these players are new to the team, new to the playbooks, and new to each other. We're a mixture of ex jets, patriots, and browns. We have a new crew at qb who are learning the system and receivers.


I do see where your coming from. I'm frustrated too. But I do see progress. Unfortunately we just have to be patient. That seems to be our motto every year. But I'm still optimistic and want to see what we can do against some decent teams.


Hopefully we'll be pleasantly suprised. I'm not banking on it, but I think once the system and players start to get a grasp, things will improve.

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I'm still hopeful and I see progress. This team is beating themselves with stupid mistakes. But at least we're not getting blown out.


A lot of these players are new to the team, new to the playbooks, and new to each other. We're a mixture of ex jets, patriots, and browns. We have a new crew at qb who are learning the system and receivers.


I do see where your coming from. In frustrated too. But I do see progress. Unfortunately we just have to be patient. That seems to be our motto every year. But I'm still optimistic and want to see what we can do against some decent teams.


Hopefully we'll be pleasantly suprised. I'm not banking on it, but I think once the system and players start to get a grasp, things will improve.


You are right guys. Progress somewhat, and I am curious what we do against against solid teams too, but who cares how much we look like a contendor, when we can't close against even the most "compromised" teams in the league. I really don't care how strong we may look against strong opponents, if we can't even do the weaker games, we're just another bump in the road to teams on their way to success. Enough is enough, spend what we must on the most dedicated fanbase in the NFL.

This team, 2 weeks in, is killing me already !!!!! I hate what the Redskins organization represents (buy whatever looks good at the time) but this program is so annoyingly self destructive it's painful when Sunday comes around.

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As a cleveland sports fan in general we are by default in sports hell and it appears there is no way out!

I have the urge to want to be impatient if not downright irate with holmgren he has made some bad decisions in his bid to be "fair" that he hasnt anwered to and has instead been unfair to browns fans in the process as we burn in the basement of the nfl purgatory without mercy or reprieve, and only the devils lying advocate (mangini) as a spokesman...


However we have to keep in mind he is still breaking in his seat in berea, the man has a self inflicted mess on his hands and better focus on the fans with some honest dialog soon...my thoughts are holmgren is mangini's lapdog and or doesnt know what he is doing or is just a full of crap teddy bear with no balls enjoying the executive lifestyle on us and randy lerner....i dunno we will know in a few months...


I want to believe mike holmgren is the answer but i have more questions about this franchises ability to resolve the tough issues and get to work fixing things now than i ever did and even fewer honest answers..

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Is this team doomed to a destiny of AT BEST mediocraty ????

It couldn't be more frustrating to watch this team show so much promise AGAIN, only to be standing by the sideline eating so much BS from the fans of teams that deservedly so, should be in the same arena. Are we destined to stink forever ??? Used to be SO MUCH pride in this organization, and now is once again, the laughing stock of the NFL. Mike Holmgren, Etc., Etc.. When will we ever see the Browns of old .. of Pride. Will never jump ship, but this truly feels like NFL pergatory !!!

It was awful how we got the lead and then slowly watch it melt away to a loss again. Also to see a turnover kill you more than the other teams offense. Even Phil D. blew a chance for us to keep some momentum going. I'm a forever fan but why do we have to suffer for so long. I see a new coach next up on our merry-go-round.

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I'm not ready to throw Mangini under the bus just yet, as I have stated before that we have got to get some CONTINUITY in here!!!! I am also not ready to call for Holmgren's head either... BUT I DO WANT ANSWERS!!! I'm sick of "rebuilding!" This is the NFL, and with the current system in place it is set up to where any team can go from worst to first within a matter of a season! So let's f***n' do it ALREADY! Watching this shit is like watching the movie Ground Hogs Day!!! It's funny that this organization's big concern is making sure that the fans behave!! Here is a thought Holmgren... put a f***n' winning team on the field and I GODDAMN GUARANTEE YOU THE FANS WILL BEHAVE!!! No wonder the fans are complaining about changing the hours of the muni lot!!! You have to be drunk or high to watch this shit, week in and week out, season after season!!!


P.S. Rizzo is filleting the Browns on his show right now! Can't say I blame him!!!!

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I think it is becoming clearer by the game . Our players lack drive, skill,desire,ability,direction,instinct, and a few other things necessary to make a contender . Till they pull their heads out of their asses , and get a game plan from the coaches we are absolutely screwed .

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