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the sky is falling


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ive only been a member here for about 2 weeks but i have noticed that everytime something bad happens everyone thinks the sky is falling. i know exactly how it feels since the saints have always sucked


but listening to scott fujita talk who was among the fan favorites in new orleans and will always be a true saint despite only playing there a few seasons, he says the browns are building a winning team. he said the browns are doing everything they can to get better and that the atmosphere in the front office seems a lot like it was in '06 for him in new orleans


i dont think anybody really has the answer to what the problems are in cleveland even tho everyone clearly has an opinion of whats wrong. i think the biggest issue is that Cleveland is such a harsh city to play in. worse than new york. worse than philly. worse than LA. cleveland teams have a history of listening to the extreme fans and trying to win it all in one season


the browns are historically the most successful pro football franchise despite their struggles in the NFL. my best medicine from an outsiders point of view is to support the team. just because they lose a game doesnt mean there arent positives that come out of it.


seneca wallace outperformed a pro bowl caliber player in matt cassel. ben watson is emerging as one of the leading TEs in the league and Evan Moore looks to have a ton of potential. Cribbs is still the best return man in the league and because teams are so scared of him, the browns always end up with solid field position. vickers is one of the best blocking fullbacks in the league and joe thomas is easily the best tackle in the league. matt roth has a pretty good game and TJ Ward looks like a truck out there and the defense seems to be clicking together.

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ive only been a member here for about 2 weeks but i have noticed that everytime something bad happens everyone thinks the sky is falling. i know exactly how it feels since the saints have always sucked


but listening to scott fujita talk who was among the fan favorites in new orleans and will always be a true saint despite only playing there a few seasons, he says the browns are building a winning team. he said the browns are doing everything they can to get better and that the atmosphere in the front office seems a lot like it was in '06 for him in new orleans


i dont think anybody really has the answer to what the problems are in cleveland even tho everyone clearly has an opinion of whats wrong. i think the biggest issue is that Cleveland is such a harsh city to play in. worse than new york. worse than philly. worse than LA. cleveland teams have a history of listening to the extreme fans and trying to win it all in one season


the browns are historically the most successful pro football franchise despite their struggles in the NFL. my best medicine from an outsiders point of view is to support the team. just because they lose a game doesnt mean there arent positives that come out of it.


seneca wallace outperformed a pro bowl caliber player in matt cassel. ben watson is emerging as one of the leading TEs in the league and Evan Moore looks to have a ton of potential. Cribbs is still the best return man in the league and because teams are so scared of him, the browns always end up with solid field position. vickers is one of the best blocking fullbacks in the league and joe thomas is easily the best tackle in the league. matt roth has a pretty good game and TJ Ward looks like a truck out there and the defense seems to be clicking together.


I agree. There are several areas of solid improvement. I really like the D. The only thing that hasn't changed is the losing mentality of some of the players and especially the coaching staff. That will take time though.

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i do see some positive gains for this team even considering the 0-2 start. the problem is the team's inability to play hard for 60 minutes. i don't know if a conditioning question or a built-in psyche surrounding a losing franchise that just feeds negativity.


hey i'm the first one to be critical of my favorite team. but i like a couple of the draft picks we got this year (god knows they all can't be all pro franchise players) and i like the fact that we are at least scoring SOME points. on the bad side there is no pass rush and our OL can't open any holes.


i'm interested to know how you think the saints turned it around? was it change in management/coaching? drew brees stepping up? obviously the team somehow came together with talent and coaching AND i think the positivity created by almost everyone in the country wanting to see NO, LA pull itself out of the muck because of katrina (and our inability to help as a society). i think that put a little boost in the pants of every player on that team.

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being reactionary is never a good thing and i'm trying to keep a cool head. i think that everybody had lofty expectations this year based on the 4 gm win steak, front office change, and the improvement of our roster. when things don't translate from paper to reality, it can be really frustrating. however, i'm staying optimistic because compared to where we were last year @ this time, even though we are still 0-2, it's night and day. last year, we just flat-out stunk. this year, we look more like a football team and playing more like one. everybody seems to have forgotten the pathetic touchdown droughts that began in 2008 and lasted for much of the 09 campaign. we just need to figure out that an NFL game is comprised of 2 halves instead of just one. i'm not stressing out too much about the tough run of games coming up on the schedule. our defense looks good for the first time in a long time. it's just a matter of adjusting on offense and being able to continue putting points on the board.


i've had a very hard time reading this forum over the past 8 days due to the knee-jerk reactions of many fans.


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i'm interested to know how you think the saints turned it around? was it change in management/coaching? drew brees stepping up? obviously the team somehow came together with talent and coaching AND i think the positivity created by almost everyone in the country wanting to see NO, LA pull itself out of the muck because of katrina (and our inability to help as a society). i think that put a little boost in the pants of every player on that team.

i think the best thing that could've happened to the saints was not katrina, but what happened after katrina. the city banded together to help each other and the team rallied with the city. because they lived there they felt the sting of the hurricane as well and the team knew they had to do something


it helped a ton that drew brees showed up and sean payton knows how to run an offense. drew and sean are on the same page on just about everything phylosophy wise.


but more than anything, i think it was an attitude change. it wasnt that the team wanted to win so badly or that they were just tired of losing. it was that the city needed the saints to win and the fear of letting the city down was the best motivation for the team


i feel like the browns could also put together a winning team and they are well on their way to doin that. but the fans of cleveland are so negative all the time and the city would rather crush the teams than support them. its hard to want to play in that type of atmosphere. when a QB gets cheered because he needs to be carted off the field, why would he want to come back and play?

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It doesn't have anything to do with the Browns "not playing hard" the second half. That's ridiculous.


The Browns inspire me with their intensity. And we now have a SECONDARY that can kick arse.


The offense needs a RT, at least one game breaking deep threat (Rnd one?) and a pass rushing force.


Like has been said before, the Browns are on their way, ... you can't do it all it two drafts.


You know, the list of "must haves" in previous drafts... has been cut to a small number of positions. I'd say


WR, pass rushing LB/DE, and RT, ... QB in 2012. Think about it. The list used to be most of the positions on the team.


But I don't know if Daboll makes the team next year. I think he's rolling dice to see which play to call now. @@

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The problem is mostly attitude. I'd like to see some of these coaches grabbing a guy by their facemask and getting in their grill. Not accept losing, suit-up in pads on Monday mornings for additional reps until we start leaving it all on the field on Sundays. I am so eff'ing tired of seeing the head coach walk off with the howdy doody 'Aww Shucks' type look on their face. I want to see him meet someone at the entrance of the tunnel and rip someone a new asshole into the locker room then have to be restrained from kicking the next players ass.


How do you think Cowher did it? You think the guy was smart, or gave off energy?


Never accept losing, ever.

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The problem is mostly attitude. I'd like to see some of these coaches grabbing a guy by their facemask and getting in their grill. Not accept losing, suit-up in pads on Monday mornings for additional reps until we start leaving it all on the field on Sundays. I am so eff'ing tired of seeing the head coach walk off with the howdy doody 'Aww Shucks' type look on their face. I want to see him meet someone at the entrance of the tunnel and rip someone a new asshole into the locker room then have to be restrained from kicking the next players ass.


How do you think Cowher did it? You think the guy was smart, or gave off energy?


Never accept losing, ever.




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Good thread. I waited until I cooled off after another loss to post.

I have read & heard of folks hollering for the firing of Mangini, Dabol, & even Holmgren. WHY??? These folks actually ACCEPTED the challenge of trying to right a capsized & sinking ship. Other regimes built NOTHING through the draft, & we had absolutely NO continuity. Now we have a FO & Coaches with a purpose & a plan who are moving toward reversing a 10 year negative progress. I defy ANYONE to say our defensive backfield is not DRASTICALLY improved. We have further improved our o-line & linebackers, & our QBs are better than before. I may catch flack for this, but the offensive play calling HAS shown improvement, but it still must be EXECUTED! Our wide receivers are still developing & learning how to get separation & create better opportunities for the QBs.

We need more play makers & from all indications, this FO will get them, but not in a single year.

I know it's hard to remain patient, but I have seen more progress already this year (even with the 0-2 start) than any year since the Browns are back.

Hell, I'm darn near 64 years old & I can wait when I see positive moves & gains. I had stated before that, regardless of record, I wanted to see improved play, which I have seen. Let's be positive & support our Browns.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm in this for the duration.


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It doesn't have anything to do with the Browns "not playing hard" the second half. That's ridiculous.


scoreless in both second halves of the first two games. it's either not playing hard or not making correct adjustments or the opposing team makes adjustments and we play not to lose with no adjustments. 4 game win streak at the end of last year guys were playing for their jobs FOR 60 MINUTES!!!!!!! do you really see that now?

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ive only been a member here for about 2 weeks but i have noticed that everytime something bad happens everyone thinks the sky is falling. i know exactly how it feels since the saints have always sucked


but listening to scott fujita talk who was among the fan favorites in new orleans and will always be a true saint despite only playing there a few seasons, he says the browns are building a winning team. he said the browns are doing everything they can to get better and that the atmosphere in the front office seems a lot like it was in '06 for him in new orleans


i dont think anybody really has the answer to what the problems are in cleveland even tho everyone clearly has an opinion of whats wrong. i think the biggest issue is that Cleveland is such a harsh city to play in. worse than new york. worse than philly. worse than LA. cleveland teams have a history of listening to the extreme fans and trying to win it all in one season


the browns are historically the most successful pro football franchise despite their struggles in the NFL. my best medicine from an outsiders point of view is to support the team. just because they lose a game doesnt mean there arent positives that come out of it.


seneca wallace outperformed a pro bowl caliber player in matt cassel. ben watson is emerging as one of the leading TEs in the league and Evan Moore looks to have a ton of potential. Cribbs is still the best return man in the league and because teams are so scared of him, the browns always end up with solid field position. vickers is one of the best blocking fullbacks in the league and joe thomas is easily the best tackle in the league. matt roth has a pretty good game and TJ Ward looks like a truck out there and the defense seems to be clicking together.



Maybe I misread what you said, but did I just read Matt Cassell is a probowl calliber player??? HAHA!

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Maybe I misread what you said, but did I just read Matt Cassell is a probowl calliber player??? HAHA!

in '08 matt cassel should've made the pro bowl.....although he was with the pats at that time and was clearly a product of the offense i wont discount what he did. i said he was pro bowl caliber, not a pro bowler because he hasnt made the pro bowl


his offensive line is pretty terrible but its obvious that if his line gives him time, he can play very very well

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