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Enough with the fire Mangini talk


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Reasons to not fire Mangini:


We had the worst offense in the NFL last year. Our #1 receiver is MoMass with journeymen QBs. Did we really think this offense was going to be anything other than decent (which they are definitely not). We have the worst set of receivers in the league. They're young and may have potential, but what team has a worse receiving crew than us?


Our O Line is not as good as advertised. It's ok, but we're not opening holes like we should or protecting the QB.


Turn overs, fumbles, running routes out of bounds, not catching the ball. These are all problems that our guys are having and the coach can't be put to blame for all of it.


Jerome Harrison is not performing like he did last season. This last game he had less than 3 yards per rush.


The receivers are not getting separation. We have no offensive weapon that makes opposing defenses worried. They all stack the box and dare us to throw. They play man and eat us up.


A lot of our guys are new to the system/each other/playbook/etc. They need time to gel and work with each other.


I was never a support of Mangini in the beginning. But I do like his philosophy and I think it's way to early to be calling for his head. Going through another head coach change will take us even longer to rebuild. Yes I know, if he still fails it'll be even longer than to replace him now.


The problem isn't all with the coaching, we just don't have any true threats on offense. It's easy to game plan for us. We aren't a team that can win if we keep turning over the ball and can't catch it/stay in bounds with it.

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I agree. We must play much closer to a perfect football game to win than many other teams. We don't have that ability to drive down the field for touchdowns late in the game to cover up for our earlier mistakes.

Fire mangini he sucks!

And ya you do have to play perfect football to win with what we have but not in the way the love sheeples believe...

Perfect football requires perfect training and a perfect plan which requires a perfect coach and guess what?

Our coach doesnt utilize but a few of the players he has available into the gameday package nor is his and dabs system or gameplan perfect, far from it even the playbook is repetitive and has only a few primary targets available and any high school coach can call whats coming next with at least 60% accuracy, so why do some think its the players that have to be flawless in a flawed system with a very bad coach and an even worse OC?


If mantardo was mixing things up more and actively changing the looks and (player)packages and schemes to creatively keep defenses off balance and give the players a legitimate chance to win and presenting us with not even a perfect system but an active and creative plan, and we were still 0-2 i wouldnt be making this argument right now...i would be agreeing with you...


But this coach is as far from perfect as it can get and every aspect of his game is flawed because of it....


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Fire mangini he sucks!

And ya you do have to play perfect football to win with what we have but not in the way the love sheeples believe...

Perfect football requires perfect training and a perfect plan which requires a perfect coach and guess what?

Our coach doesnt utilize but a few of the players he has available into the gameday package nor is his and dabs system or gameplan perfect, far from it even the playbook is repetitive and has only a few primary targets available and any high school coach can call whats coming next with at least 60% accuracy, so why do some think its the players that have to be flawless in a flawed system with a very bad coach and an even worse OC?


If mantardo was mixing things up more and actively changing the looks and (player)packages and schemes to creatively keep defenses off balance and give the players a legitimate chance to win and presenting us with not even a perfect system but an active and creative plan, and we were still 0-2 i wouldnt be making this argument right now...i would be agreeing with you...


But this coach is as far from perfect as it can get and every aspect of his game is flawed because of it....


First off, no body is perfect. Everyone says Adrian Peterson is a great running back. But he fumbles, now is that the coaches fault? You would think if fumbling was something you can cure by coaching, there would be no fumbling. I mean, honestly, the coach can on do so much for a player. Talent is not something you can coach and in many areas we are lacking talent.


I do agree that it's his fault not doing something with Daboll or the offense. But it's not all on Mangini. There's higher ups that also should be to blame here.


Mangini came in and cleaned house. He got rid of the divas, some with talent, and has created a good base to build off of. We still have problems with offense but it's a work in progress. We've had to change QBs constantly (not all Mangini's choice this time). It's hard to get consistent performance doing that. Both defense and offense are much improved since last year.


Give the guy some time, you can't just fire a coach every year. We all see that Daboll is a glaring weakness and maybe he should go. It's all opinions anyway but i think you're still looking for a coach that can come in and make us a playoff team, which no coach can do now. It's going to take time and I think Mangini is on the right track.

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First off i would like to point out when i said "fire mangini" i failed to add that i meant if he doesnt start improving this clubs situation 2 games in is way to early to actually call for the HCs head in a rebuild year..even though mangini's "opportunity time" is likely the culprit in many players like davis and mitchell not getting into the mix and it makes this staff look lazy, rigid and stupid for lack of better words, it also likely limits what the OC can do as far as player packages, different looks and substitutions...



I definitely agree with upper management playing a part and know exactly where you are coming from, heckert and holmgrens silence on the issue is deafening...but a coach has to make do with what he has and be creative and smart almost every coach in the league is missing some components for ultimate success but it doesnt stop them from implementing the best system and personnel that they can to truly offer the players the best chance to win...and when rebuilding that should include nearly if not everyone thats active for the game, its how you discover a gem in the rough or a bust, not on the practice field alone..


Like i said man if i felt this coach was doing everything he could be doing and leaving it all on the field and we were still 0-2 i would be content to say he is doing all that he can with what he has, unfortunately thats not the case, mangini lacks everything a browns fan should want to see in a coach, a flexible system, creativity, field smarts, etc and at this point im waiting to see if he has the determination and resolve to change his system to a more flexible system and some new looks that allows more players to get involved in the offense and he should remove daboll if dabs is his problem...but i believe it goes deeper than that its an ego thing and a my way or the highway approach and if thats the case his system stinks and it will be the highway...


And there is no doubt that heckerts draft has improved the team on the defensive side...and i should also point out that mangini in his stupid rigid system was obviously leaning on jake delhomme to execute the gameplan and there is no doubt that jakes injury has hurt the effort, but once again you cant have a rigid predictable system in a rebuild or be foolish enough to plan everything around a 35 year old QB, he had to realize jake could/would get hurt but i dont think any of us believed it would be in game one....bottomline no excuses for not being prepared and squandering many preseason snaps for both QBs


As outsiders(and truly treated as such by this organization) there is a lot we are not privy too and can only base things off of what we see happening...i hate the coaching carousel as much as anyone and i hate to see the displacement and uprooting of peoples personal lives when they are dismissed but as a fan having the right people in place is every bit if not more important than winning and i dont like the idea of getting stuck with another less than creative knot on the log coach for 5 more years either...mangini has time to prove he isnt that knot on the log coach but im betting he is...


The seasons still young but im stickin to my guns that unless mangini gets with it he will be toast at the end of the year...:)

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Our receivers need experience. Regardless of the Coaching they get, there is no substitute for experience. Who among us was an instant superstar in their profession simply based on structured training. I know that I learned & improved far more while actually working (matter of fact, I STILL learn on a daily basis!). As the receivers learn, they will instinctively react to create separation & help the QB in ways only a knowledgeable receiver can.


As far as Harrison goes, IMHO he is NOT a feature back. Forget the 4 games against poor opposition, subtract his BIG play from every game & figure his YPC....my bet is that it's less than 2 yards per carry.


Mangini has brought a philosophy of looking for intelligent, team oriented players & I have seen significant growth (from where we WERE "pre Mangini") since he has been here.


I like our direction now & I, for one, fully support him.


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