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Watch Browns games online


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I found one good way to watch Browns games online.


I tried to watch football online on the p2p web sites and justintv links and I did get to watch the Browns online for about 15 seconds a single time, and for two minutes a different time, then it cut off and a pop-up said that it's not accessible in my area.


I had a hunch that it was just a problem with where I was located at that time, but I've tried it several times from a variety of states while traveling for work, and I cannot seem to catch over a couple minutes.


I finally took the plunge and bought NFL game pass. I can say that it is great...but man is it FREAKIN' PRICEY! ($25/week, or a season pass for $239 plus) but at least the connection didn't cut out while I was watching football online.


Then my Brother in law and I watched a game at his place on a neat little computer program he showed me that picks up all the Browns games and other NFL games.


He got his computer hooked up to his TV too, so it is pretty sweet to see live football online from computer to TV. And get this... he's only paying about 50 bucks as a one-time payment. He's been using the same program over a few seasons now, and he doesn't need to keep buying a brand new package every season like I have to with GamePass. Needless to say, I felt ripped off with Game Pass and switched over to his little program. So far it's been great. I haven't missed a game yet.


Go Browns!



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The mouse-over link for that looks shady. This guy is also a new user... I wouldn't trust the above post.


I am sometimes forced to watch games online, myself. There is a website that is something like p2p(something).eu


You have to download Bittorrent (free) to watch the link on the website. The picture isn't the best quality, but it usually works for the whole game. But keep in mind, most sites offering NFL game links are links to spyware and viruses [possibly, like the post above].

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If you absolutely have no choice but to watch it via free stream google NF* p2p.eu or free N*L stream, these pay once programs are dicey to say the least if not a right out scam utilizing resources you can already find free online and they generally dont deliver what they claim pertaining to live sports..

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I recommend www.myp2p.eu not only for NFL games, but pretty much any sport. I use it to watch Ohio State games online since not many are televised in the Dallas/Fort Worth metromess. Click on the "Live Sports" tab and navigate your way to the appropriate sport's page and you'll see a list of games that people are streaming. You will likely need to download a program to watch the stream. I use Stream Torrent and haven't had any issues with it not being compatible with a stream. You will sometimes find that there's only one person streaming the game you want to watch and that the image quality isn't very good. Veetle.com is a good back-up site to watch streaming sports. The selection is generally more limited but you do not need any special software or programs. It's just like watching a YouTube video. I've never seen games streamed via either of these sites get shut down. THAT seems to happen pretty frequently when I've watched stuff on justin.tv.


I hope this info has been helpful.

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