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Health Reform/High Risk Pools


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There is a lot of debate about the Health Reform and the fact of the matter is that it has passed, and we have to deal with it. I deal with it every day in my job and thought I could provide some helpful information.


The Ohio High Risk Pool plans became effective in August with the first enrollees being eligible on Sept. 1st. Ohio has chosen Medical Mutual of Ohio to provide the plans, rather than the Federal Government. The High Risk Pool plans are for those individuals that have been unable to get coverage due to pre-existing conditions. There are several criteria that needs to be followed in order to be eligible. I am attaching the list of requirements, along with the benefit summaries for the two plans that are available, this also includes the rates that you would be paying, if you qualify.


All of this information is available at OhioHighRiskPool.com, and I found this information to be very helpful.


This is not to be confused with the part of the reform that is in effect tomorrow, 9-23-2010, that will now allow coverage to those individuals UNDER age 19, as they can no longer be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. The "pre-existing condition" clause for all others, (those over age 19) does not go into effect until the year 2014, which is why the High Risk Pools are important now. I have also attached the provisions for the pre-existing condition section of the Affordable (ha) Care Act.


I hope this is helpful.



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THANK YOU, Gidget ! I'm going to pass on this info to a few friends...


The entire hc bill is a fiasco, but Obamao talks about a few good points in it, to justify it in


it's mindboggling, huge entirety.


If that isn't a crucial indication of his dishonesty, what is?


A simple remedy to solve the few problems of not having hc, etc, can't get it because of pre-existing conditions...


well, most Americans would respect that.


That isn't what this hc bill is in it's entirety. It's a monumental takevoer disaster of impossible proportions to EVER have enough

money to pay for.

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The bill is a fiasco, I agree, and everyone interprets it differently, including every insurance carrier. So you get real close to the actual effective dates of changes before you get what the final regulations actually mean. Then you hustle to get the right information to the people that need it. Keeps me on my toes I guess, or runs me ragged, depending on the day.


The next several years will be very interesting as different parts of the act fall into place.

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Heard today - a caller said he was undergoing chemo for cancer he thinks he got from working at Ground Zero,


and he could no longer work... had insurance, but the company raised it's rates because of Obamacare,


and he finally found out that several programs that could have helped him, are gone because of Obamacare.


Now he has no choice but to go on welfare. He was choked up, that it came to that.


All the misery and hurt that ensues ... I don't expect any apologies from libs who 100% support it...


without knowing what is even it the bill.

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