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Kosar blames the Receivers


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Bernie Kosar on the Browns' offense: 'I'd be hard on the receivers this week'

Terry Pluto Published: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 5:54 PM



John Kuntz / Brian Robiskie hasn't posted many receptions so far this season for the Browns, which reflects on what Bernie Kosar says is the offense's greatest weakness.


CLEVELAND, Ohio -- What's wrong with the Browns?


Looking for a little different answer from the point of view of a quarterback, I called Bernie Kosar. The former Brown began with a discussion of the receivers.


"I'm a quarterback, so I tend to give those guys a break," he said. "Jake [Delhomme] and Seneca [Wallace] each made a mortal sin with those picks [that set up touchdowns], but I really don't think they have been that bad. They are far more accurate than what we had last year."


So what is the problem with the offense, which has scored only 14 points in each of the first two games ... and no points after halftime?


Kosar said there are a few issues, but he started with the receivers. Brian Robiskie and Mohamed Massaquoi have combined for only five catches and 73 yards in two games.


"Those passes down the sidelines that guys can't catch and stay in bounds," said Kosar. "If you watch them, you see that the receivers are 1-2 yards away from the sidelines as they run down field. That's too close. They should be 5-6 yards. You want to give the quarterback about 15 feet to throw the ball between the receiver and the sidelines."


Kosar said he "knows" the coaches are stressing this to the receivers, but added, "I'd be really hard on them this week. Each guy is being covered by one cornerback. The two safeties are up on by the line, looking to stop the run. They aren't respecting our receivers."


Massaquoi and Robiskie were both second-round picks in 2009. They have had 19 balls tossed in their direction. Only two of their five receptions earned first downs.



John Kuntz / The Plain DealerThe wide receivers haven't been the only culprits in the laboring passing game, says Bernie Kosar, who has seen drops throughout the receiving corps, including tight end Evan Moore.


Kosar said they can improve. But he added, "It's really been all of our receivers. We started the Kansas City game with Seneca throwing a good pass to Evan Moore, and he dropped it. Then Seneca threw a pass for what should have been a first down to [Chansi] Stuckey, and he dropped it. Those were good throws, we just didn't catch them."


Running back Peyton Hillis leads the team with four catches for first downs. Moore is the only player with more than one catch (he has two) for at least 20 yards.


"Of all the guys, Josh [Cribbs] is probably doing the best job at receiver," said Kosar. "He is making a lot of progress. He's using his hands to get open. He doesn't get shoved off his routes."


What is happening to the offense in the second half?


"I don't think it's so much our lack of adjustments," said Kosar. "Eric [Mangini] and his staff are starting games with some really good schemes. The other teams adjust to us, and then it comes down to talent -- man-on-man. You can't out-scheme the other team for the entire game."


Keep in mind that Kosar is close to Mangini and offensive coordinator Brian Daboll. He respects this coaching staff and it pains him to see all the "little things that we've been doing wrong" that have led to losses by scores of 17-14 in Tampa, 16-14 to Kansas City.


This is not a longing for Braylon Edwards, traded to the Jets last year and arrested on DWI charges this week. It's simply that Kosar believes the feeble running game is partly due to the inability to establish a passing game.


"I know we won five games last year where we were 33-of-89 passing and had only one touchdown pass," he said. "But four of those came at the end of the season when the weather was bad, the players were banged up and it's easier to run the ball. Early in the year on a faster turf with good weather, quickness shows up more."


What Kosar left unsaid is the Browns often are the slower team.


"But it's not just pure speed," he said. "You can make up for some of that if you pay attention to detail, and just run better routes. Our receivers need to do that."


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Kosar is in with the regime and wants to stay that way he like anyone associated directly isnt going to address the coaching and he doesnt have to it is obvious for even a blind man to see!


However what kosar says about gettin ruff with the WRs i most certainly dont disagree with, he is right its their job to make things happen out there and if they cant get open or stay on the route or catch the ball or block when they have to then they shouldnt be on the field...


The coach brought his guys in and was very comfortable with them before the season started now he needs to get them to play for their jobs and his..

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It is a good read and points to what many of us have been thinking. WE HAVE NO GOOD RECEIVERS. Check that - we have a couple GOOD receivers, but none that are great or ever really good.


In this day and age, you need playmakers.


We have none.



Agree. I would love to see Bernie as our OC or QB coach at the least, if he would accept the offer of course, if it was made. :o

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I also think that the inexperience of our WRs is our biggest offensive problem by far. Once these youngsters learn the position, they will be fine, but I would like to see a veteran out there (although NOT some 37 year old).


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