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I know we're 0-3 but....


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We do look better this year. Before the season started all I asked is that we play competitive football and remain in games with a chance to win in the fourth quarter. So far in each game we can point to a few plays here and there as to why we are not winning, which is a huge upgrade over past seasons.


Now of course I want us to be winning games, but you have to crawl before you can walk. Be competitive this seasons and don't lose more games than we did last year. Then we can draft more athletes/skill position players and hope to improve.


Hope im not being overly optimistic

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We do look better this year. Before the season started all I asked is that we play competitive football and remain in games with a chance to win in the fourth quarter. So far in each game we can point to a few plays here and there as to why we are not winning, which is a huge upgrade over past seasons.


Now of course I want us to be winning games, but you have to crawl before you can walk. Be competitive this seasons and don't lose more games than we did last year. Then we can draft more athletes/skill position players and hope to improve.


Hope im not being overly optimistic


I agree with you. After this game I was really pissed off. As the night has wore on, I'm coming to terms with the fact there are at least some area's of this team that are entertaining, such as Hillis, our run support is improved, and Ward's slobber-knocking. Today our biggest weakness on defense happened to the same spot we have a very promising first round draft pick waiting in the wings.


I guess I'm mostly frustrated with the lack of our coaching staff making adjustments, and using the weapons that we have at our dispossal (Cribbs wilddawg package, Haden, etc..). I'm disappointed that we didn't sign a good/great WR veteran, then get burned by one today for 3 TD's. I like Mangini and trying to have faith, but this talk of "We probably should have done this or that" by him after the losses mount, have me a bit puzzled.


I heard tonight on the radio that we have lead in the 4th quarter of all three games. That is being competitive and much improvement.


I'm already looking forward to Sunday, we just have to keep working. Wright needs to pick himself up, dust himself off, and come back with something to prove.



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I guess I'm mostly frustrated with the lack of our coaching staff making adjustments, and using the weapons that we have at our dispossal (Cribbs wilddawg package, Haden, etc..). I'm disappointed that we didn't sign a good/great WR veteran, then get burned by one today for 3 TD's. I like Mangini and trying to have faith, but this talk of "We probably should have done this or that" by him after the losses mount, have me a bit puzzled.


I have nothing but an uncountable amount of complaints and discontent for both daboll and mangini and then when you think it couldnt be any worse ryan jumps into the frey and basically gives the ratbirds the game and mangini fails to act on it benching wright as well yet he has benched mcdonald for much much less, and yes the base of our teams defense from a player aspect is much improved and i could get use to wallace running the show he has the tools if he only had a WR or two...who wants or needs kolb? jesus christ himself couldnt do a better job with this playbook and idiot coaching than wallace is doing...


Its like as browns fans we cant just watch the games and have fun knowing we are in good hands and our regime, coaches and players alike are always doing their best to win, hell no we get stuck with a coaching crew that is sub par and you spend the whole game asking...WHY! The expansion browns football is getting harder and harder to swallow when the off season is what you look forward too.....


Simply put we could be at least 2-1 or even 3-0 but we are 0-3 and the blame is not a lack of talent overall but more a lack of creative coordinating and not gameplanning or having a playlist that gets everyone involved, it takes work and being active and trusting your players to go out and make it happen, but you have to accommodate the players strengths and that is something this bunch of knot on the log wall flowers would know nothing about..if you dont fit my playbook or plan you dont play attitude..


They plan ahead and then stick to the plan with little or no adjustments of any kind its loser football...

And honestly if i had season tickets i would try to have faith in mangini as well rather than barf in my mouth every time he does or says something Retarded...i sold my tickets to the nov bengals game because i dont have any desire to potentially watch bad coaching decisions determine a game...its hard enuff to watch on tv..

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You can't expect to bring Jon Gruden in if Mangini is succeeding!

It really has nothing to do with gruden i love the guy but theres no way holmgren can bring him here, but the fact is i would take almost any coach or even creative coordinator over mangini...the guy just sucks from a coaching aspect...


The team is in good shape at its base for a coach takeover at the end of the season and wouldnt necessarily need to be completely dismantled just appropriate pieces added to offense and as long as we stayed 3-4 the same there...

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The Browns are tremendously better. We only lost by a touchdown, last year the Ravens MURDERED us in both games.


There were Drives were our offense just had their way with the Ravens defense. And our D hung pretty tough most of the game. They just have to stop giving up so many third and longs.


The staff is doing a great job. The Browns are on the verge of being a really good team, and I'm excited for the future.

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You make a good point. We have a few talented players, and a lot of not so good players. Only so much you can do with that situation. It takes time to make a playoff team. Patience is hard, but necessary.

I think the "lacking talent" mantra is over-blown. We don't have a bunch of crazy gamebreakers... NEITHER DOES PITTSBURGH!


This team is 12 points from being 3-0. They have a shot at being a solid team and ANY team that overlooks the Browns will be in trouble.

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I think the "lacking talent" mantra is over-blown. We don't have a bunch of crazy gamebreakers... NEITHER DOES PITTSBURGH!


This team is 12 points from being 3-0. They have a shot at being a solid team and ANY team that overlooks the Browns will be in trouble.



I agree. They need to come together and believe in themselves, and learn how to win.

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The Browns are tremendously better. We only lost by a touchdown, last year the Ravens MURDERED us in both games.


There were Drives were our offense just had their way with the Ravens defense. And our D hung pretty tough most of the game. They just have to stop giving up so many third and longs.


The staff is doing a great job. The Browns are on the verge of being a really good team, and I'm excited for the future. Nuck


Absolutely ! Our offense kicks ass on short yardage 3rd downs. Ngata and Lewis and company got their arses handed to them.


The Browns have a few more weaknesses for sure. Wallace .. has he thrown one good sideline pass? I don't think so... his depth perception


and his peripheral vision are lacking... or some freakin thing. I really, really hope Delhomme comes back next week...


And Wright... seemed like he was playing with no intensity or something. ALL THREE TD PASSES... were on Wright. When Joe Haden stepped in


at cb... Wright was in the nickle... and still was the goat on a td pass. The ratbirds made Wright look like he isn't very smart, and a giant step slow.


Wallace takes forever to see the field and make up his mind. Delhomme sees it FAST. I believe if Delhomme had not gotten hurt,


and somebody lit a fire under Wright, who doesn't seem to be barking material based on the last game... the Browns would have been


maybe 3-0.


I love the intensity of these Browns. I remember the loss of one/two/three yards on most third and one's. Now, the Browns WILL get at least


the first down most of the time. Hillis is a monster, Pashos played better than St. Claire...


a blue chip big time wr, a solid RT the whole year....more pass rush, another cb to take Wright's place in the nickle...@@, and the Browns go to the playoffs if


Delhomme stays healthy. We aren't that far away anymore. These Browns have some weaknesses turned into huge strengths now.


The Browns' list of needs used to be at least 3/4 of the first string roster. Now, the list is pretty short.

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I think the "lacking talent" mantra is over-blown. We don't have a bunch of crazy gamebreakers... NEITHER DOES PITTSBURGH!


This team is 12 points from being 3-0. They have a shot at being a solid team and ANY team that overlooks the Browns will be in trouble.



12 points or 200 points, 0-3 is still 0-3. I would beg to differ with your opinion of Pittsburgh. Wright plain out didn't even appear to try and play yesterday. Our pass rush is weak. Right side of offensive line, QB situation is in a quick fix mode. Stars are IMO Hillis, Thomas, Haden. I still don't know why they left Wright in the game. Haden is chomping at the bit to play and hits hard and tackles great. Makes no sense .

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I think the "lacking talent" mantra is over-blown. We don't have a bunch of crazy gamebreakers... NEITHER DOES PITTSBURGH!


This team is 12 points from being 3-0. They have a shot at being a solid team and ANY team that overlooks the Browns will be in trouble.


Compare the rosters and tell me who on the browns would be starting for the steelers. I see Thomas, Mack, maybe Rubin. Who else?


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I think the "lacking talent" mantra is over-blown. We don't have a bunch of crazy gamebreakers... NEITHER DOES PITTSBURGH!


If we had a decent replacement for Wright we could have won against a weak Ravens in their backyard and that too convincingly. That show the level of talent in us. We need better talent. PERIOD.



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In other cities that is called choking.


Or simply, not being good enough.


If you take away our four game winning streak at the end of the season last year, we are 5- 26 over the past three seasons.


Cincy played an ugly game yesterday ... but they won. Pittsburgh started their fourth string QB and blew out a team we lost to with our starter. Baltimore got pushed around by our offensive line and punishing runing back, but they won because we refused to adjust to their Pro Bowl receiver. We looked "much improved " and lost.


It's getting old, brother. I'm sure I'll start coming around by Thursday like I always do ... but when you haven't won a game that has mattered in over three years it makes me angry ... I wish I saw more anger on the sideline yesterday.





Fair enough, I have no real rebuttal reply. We still suck. I guess I was just glad to see us have a smash-mouth running game and the occasional stick by T.J. Ward. I'm liking what I see from Haden, and maybe not having him on the field all the time right now is a good thing in his development (at least he isn't out there learning how to lose). I liked seeing the Ravens go 3-and-out more than us. I liked seeing Wwinslow catches four very meaningless passes ans be no factor in us losing to that shit team. I liked Sheldon Browns well played Int a game or two back.


Baby steps and small glimmer oh hope ... at least I haven't gone total asshat and came on here to congratulate the ugly ass fanbase of Pittsburgh. I can't wait until Big Gay Ben comes back with his selfish attirude and screws that whole thing up.



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maybe it's just me, but is anyone else getting tired of seeing mangini give that frustrated/disgusted/confused look on the sideline when we give up a first down due to a big gain/penalty? show some emotion and get pissed. maybe if you don't like the penalties and first downs, you should do something about it.

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