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Anthony Davis Gets Shafted


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Kansas City defensive end Shaun Smith, accused by Cleveland center Alex Mack of grabbing where he shouldn't have in the Chiefs' 16-14 win over the the Browns last week, apparently is at it again.


San Francisco offensive lineman Anthony Davis was flagged for a personal foul for going after Smith at the end of a play on which the 49ers had made a first down.


Davis said Smith's actions were, well, below the belt.


"He tried to feel me," Davis said. "That's weird, right?"


"I think he got hit inappropriately," Singletary said after the 49ers' 31-10 loss to the Chiefs on Sunday at Arrowhead Stadium. "After a while, there's only so much you can take. He (Davis) was wrong for retaliating and he knows that."


Mack leveled his allegation of Smith's indiscretion in a conversation with The Plain Dealer's Mary Kay Cabot.


Alex Mack accused former Browns defensive lineman Shaun Smith Monday of foul play during the Chiefs game, specifically grabbing his genitals during a play near the end of the first half.


The reason it's significant is because the Browns' center got into a verbal spat with the trash-talking Smith and may have still been steamed about it a minute later when he jumped over the pile on a short pass to Jerome Harrison and drilled linebacker Derrick Johnson late. The move drew a 15-yard unnecessary roughness penalty, one that moved the ball back to the Chiefs' 37.


Two plays later, Phil Dawson missed a 42-yard field goal, which proved to be the difference in 16-14 loss.


"I don't think he should be able to do that," said Mack of Smith. "I'm still fired up about it."


The incident took place after a one-yard run by Josh Cribbs with 1:21 left in the second quarter. After that play, a number of Chiefs players ended up on the Browns' sideline and punches were thrown.


Smith told the Associated Press the Monday the Chiefs beat the Browns: "I don't have no comment. I don't recall doing anything like that. I'm not known for being a dirty player or anything like that, so I don't know what that was all about."


Smith has not commented on the latest accusation. The Chiefs have a bye this week, and return at Indianapolis on Sunday, Oct.10.

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Video emerges of Shaun Smith grabbing Anthony Davis's junk



Posted by Michael David Smith on September 28, 2010 2:09 PM ET

We previously noted that 49ers offensive tackle Anthony Davis accused Chiefs defensive tackle Shaun Smith of grabbing his genitals during Sunday's game. Now video of the incident has emerged.


The video appears to back up Davis's account of what happened: That Smith grabbed his crotch, Davis reacted by slugging Smith, and the officials gave Davis a 15-yard penalty for retaliating without ever seeing what Smith had done to provoke the retaliation.


Davis is the second opponent this season to accuse Smith of grabbing his junk; Browns center Alex Mack Mack also said Smith grabbed his genitals.


Smith didn't receive any league discipline after Mack made his accusation. But now that there's a second accusation, along with video evidence, it's time for the league office to come down hard on Smith.




Hopefully the fine his azz for this.

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