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T.J. Ward


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TJ Ward is a great player and that hit was bs for him to do. I dont like it, but it makes a statement. Some wr will think twice to go over the top and will be looking for our ROY.

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A lot of people on this forum cried when Suh hit JD, and Ward's hit was no different. So, if you liked Ward's hit today, then you probably liked Suh's hit too. I for one didn't like either. I don't fault Ward's effort, just the outcome on the play in question. That said, he's gonna be a great one in a few years.

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Not gunna lie....i loved the TJ Ward hit on shipley...yea hes gunna get fined, but i think it shows that he will light someone up if you come across him. Yes it lead to a TD but still we need that intimadator in our D and hes showing he can be that guy


Do it without all the yea's and it's great .

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IDK, had Shipley grabbed that pass and Ward put that hit on him and seperated the ball, it would have been a good play. It looks alot worse in slow motion then it does in real time.


I thought that was why you had that defender hang in zone coverage there so they can put a big hit on a WR.


I just don't understand what the defenders are suppose to do on some of these plays. Just like the play earlier in the game where Watson grabbed the ball over the middle and got hit as he caught it... the defender was in on the play and made the hit as he caught it. They threw the flag for that also. (That one may have been more of a helmet to helmet hit) but in real time you either make the hit, or you let the guy make a big play unattested.


I just don't think as a defender in the NFL you can be thinking about this stuff during a play. They just make the stop.


(I don't think this bang bang hit is anywhere near as bad as the Vince Young body slam Harrison pulled last week that he didn't even get flagged for.)

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Guy has been living on here for years. Pathetic.


So? He doesn't troll 'as often as most Steelers fans on here (edit)' and he offers something semi-knowledgeable. Give the guy a break..


On the subject though, I feel that there is a difference between drilling a receiver like that (The penalty Ben Watson drew was also bullshit) and ringing a QBs neck and whipping him to the ground in a preseason game. That is the only thing about the Suh hit that pissed me off was that it was preseason. The penalty on Ward and the one drawn by Watson were both bullshit. This is FOOTBALL for pete's sake..I'm not sure what else TJ was supposed to do.


Either way..I loved that hit

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So? He doesn't troll and he offers something semi-knowledgeable. Give the guy a break..


On the subject though, I feel that there is a difference between drilling a receiver like that (The penalty Ben Watson drew was also bullshit) and ringing a QBs neck and whipping him to the ground in a preseason game. That is the only thing about the Suh hit that pissed me off was that it was preseason. The penalty on Ward and the one drawn by Watson were both bullshit. This is FOOTBALL for pete's sake..I'm not sure what else TJ was supposed to do.


Either way..I loved that hit



He trolls all the time and won't hesitate to be an asshole. So, no break.

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A lot of people on this forum cried when Suh hit JD, and Ward's hit was no different. So, if you liked Ward's hit today, then you probably liked Suh's hit too. I for one didn't like either. I don't fault Ward's effort, just the outcome on the play in question. That said, he's gonna be a great one in a few years.

Ward's hit was bang bang, Suh's was a continuation whereas he tried to rip JD's head off. Way to be a spin doctor on that one. Keep up the hard hits TJ

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I love Ward's style of play but lowering your shoulder into a receivers head will get you a penalty every time. He might not have had time to realize the ball had been dropped but you have to stay away from a helmet. I don't want to see anyone end up with a broken neck

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I want an intimidating guy in the middle of the defense but you can't lower your shoulder and hit a receiver in the head like that. What I liked was Sheldon Brown talking to him right after the play and telling him to use his head. What I would've liked was to see Brown kick Palmer in the nuts for trying to get in Ward's face after the play though.



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I want an intimidating guy in the middle of the defense but you can't lower your shoulder and hit a receiver in the head like that. What I liked was Sheldon Brown talking to him right after the play and telling him to use his head. What I would've liked was to see Brown kick Palmer in the nuts for trying to get in Ward's face after the play though.


Yeah, the way it's called today you can't just take a guy's head off like Ward did. I think our Steeler fan is worried about what's going to happen to Hiney Ward in a couple of weeks. But there was some BAD reffing in today's game, and it hit both sides. "Excessive Celebration"? Give me a break. And I had to agree with the Bungle fan I was watching the game with- When's the last time you saw defensive holding on a running play?


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Looks like he was fast asleep before he hit the ground. I hope Shipley is going to be ok. I think Ward just proved today he is here to beat some ass and make a statement. I also didn't like the head shot though.

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Somewhere out there Tatum and Butkus and other real football players actually had a flashback of real football. The weak don't survive in this league. That hit truly reminded me of how it all began. I would take a team full of guys like Ward over some of these other softies we have. I would rather lose with 20 penalties a game like that rather than be beat like have been in recent years. I hope the Shipley kid is ok, but if he or anyone else can't take that hit then its time to use what you learned in college. That goes for our players too.


And stooler fans shouldn't be bitch'n....................because the `ketchup kid` has been taking cheapies off the ball for years. Could give a fook what you think. Go home pussy!

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I'm a Texas alum and love Jordan Shipley to death but he got jacked up. To my eye, Ward hit him a bit too high but that's a "bang-bang" play as they say.


If he's not allowed to hit a "defenseless" receiver in the end zone then what else is he supposed to do? By the time Shipley can "defend" himself then the play is over.


I want my safeties separating receivers from footballs.


Jordan, I love you. You got lit up.


Welcome to the NFL.

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