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??? Who do we want as our QB


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This is something I have been wondering since Jake went down. Seneca has showed so dumb ass mistakes and then he goes and keeps a drive alive. Jake does pretty good, then throws off his back foot and throws to ints. I like what Seneca brings to the table and with time the wr's will become more of an option. I hope EM makes the right choice next week. Also, great job to the O line in blocking for Hillis. Go Browns.

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This is a no brainer, for now its Senaca.


I'm not sold on the fact that Jake has seen any changes in his play from last season. Senaca gives us the best chance to win right now.


We need to place a fragile sticker across Jakes forehead if something were to go wrong he may require a shrink.

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This is something I have been wondering since Jake went down. Seneca has showed so dumb ass mistakes and then he goes and keeps a drive alive. Jake does pretty good, then throws off his back foot and throws to ints. I like what Seneca brings to the table and with time the wr's will become more of an option. I hope EM makes the right choice next week. Also, great job to the O line in blocking for Hillis. Go Browns.

Probably won't be back before the bye. He was clearly limping each time he walked out on the field today. Wallace is doing a fine job as the #2 filling in.

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I would go with Seneca... but that's just me. Pulling the guy now is pointless. Hell, he had a play or two with his feet today... It saved us big sack yardage... At any rate I wouldn't put Jake back in untill I was fully sure he was healed and mobile. (never watched the guy so...) from what you have said he is immobile in the pocket.... we don't have a great o line... let's see what Seneca can do. I was happy with him today. one int but shit I have seen a lot worse than that during a game in the past 3 years.. 4? 5?

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I like was Seneca has done over the last 3 weeks, but our starter has to be Jake. Seneca can make things happen with feet, but he just doesn't have the height to be a deep threat QB. He has trouble seeing over the line downfield. Plus he lacks the experience to change plays and counter the blitz. Jake may not be as mobile but is a more experienced QB and can better manage the offense. I think Jake is going to prove to be a great QB for us as long as he can stay calm, play the game and not make bad passes.

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I've said Jake but Senecca has been OK. He got them a win. I would probably go with Senneca against ATL just for the sake of momentum but on a short leash. Jake is still the better QB and should be the starter. Unless Wallace turns out to be Kurt Warner coming out of nowhere there is a reason he is a career back-up.

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Seneca's a very good backup and we are fortunate to have him.


I think he's excellent for a 3-4 game stretch, but not necessarily a full-time starter because he doesn't audible alot, not great with the play action, and seems to lock in on certain routes. That is a guy defenses can get a good read on the more he plays.


Jake gives the play-action, the audible and a more accurate deep ball. The onlky thing with Jake is that we have to really protect him because he doesn't have Wallace's mobillity.


Jake was playing well before he got injured in that game against the Bucs, I look forward to him returning as the starter this week ... he knows the Falcons as well as anybody.





I'll agree- it's got to be Jake- but that ankle has to be 100% healthy before we trot him back out there. Wallace can avoid sacks with his feet, but his downfield accuracy is terrible- how many times have we seen him throw deep balls 3 yards out of bounds?

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Well, if Daboll would just play to Seneca's strengths, we should be okay.


But I like Jake as the starter. He sees the field much more quickly, and is far more accurate


on the sideline throws.


Seneca is pressing, and nearly threw maybe 3 ints on flare outs when the db was just sitting there


baiting him.


Seneca is no young qb, he freakin should know better.


If they must call a sideline route, they should have Cribbs throw it to Seneca... @@

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The only Jake that should start for this team in my opinion is Jake Locker. You should draft him...Man is sick nasty for real...



That perhaps is a debate for another time. I am understanding however that his stock is going down amongst the drafterazzi.

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This is a no brainer, for now its Senaca.


I'm not sold on the fact that Jake has seen any changes in his play from last season. Senaca gives us the best chance to win right now.


We need to place a fragile sticker across Jakes forehead if something were to go wrong he may require a shrink.


Jake has the ability to be a solid QB. I think he has confidence issues, and it prevents him from playing to his potential. The better your running game is, the better Jake can be. When you guys got Jake, I thought the change of scenery would be good for his career.

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