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Game Notes vs. Cincinnati


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- Peyton Hillis is still a beast. Last week wasn't a fluke. This guy is in it for the long haul.

- Rob Ryan did not dial up useless blitzes as often as he did in Baltimore. I am not a huge fan of the corner blitz but it still helped a few times

- Seneca Wallace is so mobile and accurate. I am afraid to see how many times Delhomme gets sacked next week.

- Ben Watson has proven to be a great first and second down option to throw it to. He has sure hands and is quite mobile.

- Eric Wright improved making some good knockdowns and some better coverages. Guess he fixed his girl problems.

- KENYON COLEMAN had the game of his career recovering two fumble and recording a sack. He was all over the place today.

- Vickers and the O line have to be in the top 3 in the league.

- Blocked field goals are fun.

- Run defense was awesome. We need that every week.




- Hillis needs someone to take the load off of him. The poor guy was so winded towards the end. 27 carries is too much. Davis was inactive but where was Harrison? He was not listen on the inactives.

- Mike Adams and Able Elam cannot tackle period. Thank goodness for TJ Ward.

- Speaking of Ward, that last personal foul could have been prevented and he is 100% to blame for that. If it was TO or Chad I wouldn't care. But it was on poor innocent Shipley.

- Terrell Owens, who some say is on his back nine, had the second most yards ever by a receiver against the Browns. What happened to being in the top 10 pass defenses this season? Oops.

- Our receivers still are terrible. Stucky looked good but MoMass was nowhere and Robiskie was inactive again.


Overall it's a great win and hopefully we can carry this on to next week!!!

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I can't believe mangini gave the game ball to his son..


What about hillis?


I know it was his sons first game and he wanted him to see a game before he gets fired



This is beyond me as well, but Hillis seems like a really good guy and I'm sure he doesn't really mind, even if he did deserve it.

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Yeah but why not just give his son a ball in private?


I just don't see him winning friends with this move. Its all about him...


How did that go down. "Hey great win today, I have a game ball for my son for not pooping himself on the sideline"


I think its great he loves his son. There is a time and place for everything.. why not give two game balls?


Really, really, no one on the team deserved one over his son?

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Yeah but why not just give his son a ball in private?


I just don't see him winning friends with this move. Its all about him...


How did that go down. "Hey great win today, I have a game ball for my son for not pooping himself on the sideline"


I think its great he loves his son. There is a time and place for everything.. why not give two game balls?


Really, really, no one on the team deserved one over his son?


It was his son's 1'st game ever (not sure how old he is), Peyton (or insert player here) seems like the kind of guy(s) who would much prefer that it went to the Kid!

It was probably like Christmas to him.


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Yeah but why not just give his son a ball in private?


I just don't see him winning friends with this move. Its all about him...


How did that go down. "Hey great win today, I have a game ball for my son for not pooping himself on the sideline"


I think its great he loves his son. There is a time and place for everything.. why not give two game balls?


Really, really, no one on the team deserved one over his son?

No offense but I'm willing to bet no one gave a shit because they just won the game.


You really think a matter as trivial as who gets the game ball is going to suddenly alienate the coach from his players?


You can spew all the hate you want but when it comes down to it this team gives it 110% for Mangini and the coaching staff. We've been in every single game this season and I think if some of our younger players had a few more veteran years in them, we'd be 3 - 1 or possibly 4 - 0 right now.


We lose and fans throw Mangini under the bus. We win and fans still throw him under the bus. Can't we just enjoy the win without having to look so deep into everything the HC does?

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No offense but I'm willing to bet no one gave a shit because they just won the game.


You really think a matter as trivial as who gets the game ball is going to suddenly alienate the coach from his players?


You can spew all the hate you want but when it comes down to it this team gives it 110% for Mangini and the coaching staff. We've been in every single game this season and I think if some of our younger players had a few more veteran years in them, we'd be 3 - 1 or possibly 4 - 0 right now.


We lose and fans throw Mangini under the bus. We win and fans still throw him under the bus. Can't we just enjoy the win without having to look so deep into everything the HC does?


I'll agree. I just re-watched the Browns- (undefeated) Chiefs game, and there's no way in hell you can blame Mangini for that loss. Wallace's pick-six, the Harrison iffy fumble and the ill advised retaliation after the crotch grab were the difference in the game- not coaching.


If you want to fault Mangini for anything in that game, it's giving Harrison too much of a chance 16 carries- 33 yards.




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mangini haters are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks to buttress their case that mangini needs to go. all of the players are 100% behind what he is trying to do. you knee-jerk reaction browns "fans" are bottom dwellers. some guy behind me at the game yesterday was screaming for them to yank wallace after the INT. i didn't know that the shortbus made stops along alfred lerner way.


also, i'm pretty sure that hillis, fujita, and coleman aren't the kind of guys who get their feelings hurt because the coach gave the gameball to his 6 year old son. there is a name for players who get offended about these sort of things, and that name is locker room cancer.

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Mangini is an all round bad coach but there is no since in whining about it anymore, mike holmgren will either remove him or not and until holmgren makes the choice we are stuck with him so lets just hope we can keep barely scratching out wins under this idiot...


The season is still young and maybe mangini can turn things around but any team he is running browns or any other will tend to struggle to win due to his over conservative and poor decision making nature be it this year, next year or even 5 years from now..

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mangini haters are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks to buttress their case that mangini needs to go. all of the players are 100% behind what he is trying to do. you knee-jerk reaction browns "fans" are bottom dwellers. some guy behind me at the game yesterday was screaming for them to yank wallace after the INT. i didn't know that the shortbus made stops along alfred lerner way.


Yeah, yank Wallace after he hit Stuckey in the hands with a perfectly led pass, and the guy can't handle it. :(


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Mangini is an all round bad coach but there is no since in whining about it anymore, mike holmgren will either remove him or not and until holmgren makes the choice we are stuck with him so lets just hope we can keep barely scratching out wins under this idiot...


The season is still young and maybe mangini can turn things around but any team he is running browns or any other will tend to struggle to win due to his over conservative and poor decision making nature be it this year, next year or even 5 years from now..


That Super Bowl ready team Ryan is playing with in New York was built by Mangini. Over-conservative? Yeah, bombs away to covered leadfoot wideouts, with a backup quarterback whose downfield accuracy is atrocious.


He got fired because St. Brett didn't bother to tell him his shoulder was so messed up it needed off season surgery. I guess the consecutive games played in streak was more important. I've said it before, if you want to fault Mangini for anything, it's he tends to keep guys in too long that aren't playing well. If you want to bring up Wright, got any better suggestions- Mike Adams? Brandon McDonald? Whoops, not here anymore. Hayden is being brought along slowly- he should be starting by the end of the year.


And will you give the guy a break already? Talent cures a lot of ills, and the Browns are still woefully deficient in that department. Most of our wrs wouldn't be starting on playoff caliber teams- you really think MoMass or Robo would be doing anything but riding pine on the Bengals, Ravens, or Steelers rosters? From my POV, we have one great player on D- that would be Ward, who should get serious consideration for defensive ROY. Fujita's so great the Saints considered him expendable, ditto Gocong with the Eagles.


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That Super Bowl ready team Ryan is playing with in New York was built by Mangini. Over-conservative? Yeah, bombs away to covered leadfoot wideouts, with a backup quarterback whose downfield accuracy is atrocious.


He got fired because St. Brett didn't bother to tell him his shoulder was so messed up it needed off season surgery. I guess the consecutive games played in streak was more important. I've said it before, if you want to fault Mangini for anything, it's he tends to keep guys in too long that aren't playing well. If you want to bring up Wright, got any better suggestions- Mike Adams? Brandon McDonald? Whoops, not here anymore. Hayden is being brought along slowly- he should be starting by the end of the year.


And will you give the guy a break already? Talent cures a lot of ills, and the Browns are still woefully deficient in that department. Most of our wrs wouldn't be starting on playoff caliber teams- you really think MoMass or Robo would be doing anything but riding pine on the Bengals, Ravens, or Steelers rosters? From my POV, we have one great player on D- that would be Ward, who should get serious consideration for defensive ROY. Fujita's so great the Saints considered him expendable, ditto Gocong with the Eagles.

Sorry but this is way inaccurate. I mean not even close. There are a few holdovers from Mangini days, but the roster has been turned over quite a bit. Our starting QB was a rookie last year, we have 2 RB's that were not with Mangini, a rookie FB, 3 WR's that were not on the roster with Mangini. The offensive line is pretty much the same, save Slauson. On D we have a brand new secondary with the exception of Revis and a couple of backups (Coleman and Lowery). The LB corp is pretty much the same, but we added Bart Scott and Jason Taylor. D-line is pretty much the same too, but Shaun Ellis was here way before Mangini and Pouha was as well. Gholston was Mangini's bust pick and apparently the only pick that he influenced Tannenbaum into making in the 3 years here. I'm sorry but the only way Mangini made this team SB ready was by getting fleeced in 2 trades.

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Mangini is an all round bad coach but there is no since in whining about it anymore, mike holmgren will either remove him or not and until holmgren makes the choice we are stuck with him so lets just hope we can keep barely scratching out wins under this idiot...


The season is still young and maybe mangini can turn things around but any team he is running browns or any other will tend to struggle to win due to his over conservative and poor decision making nature be it this year, next year or even 5 years from now..




You are an unbelievably bad poster. I mean just flat out terrible. Your schtick against Mangini is beyond frustrating. It's both bullsh*t and f'in pathetic at this point.


How in the hell can you not see what is going on here by now? This team is prepared to play week after week after week. Aren't you watching the games? Based strictly on talent, do you honestly think that the Browns belong on the same field as anyone else in their division?


Yet here they were poised to win two games in the division in the last two weeks. The Bengals have the most talent in the division and Baltimore is right behind them. The Browns are not even close, not by miles. But Mangini has his guys believing they're better than what they really are. How many teams are going to have the Ravens down in the 4th quarter in their house this year?


And what poor decision making are you referring to? Like the piss poor decision to bench an unproductive Harrison? Or how about the terrible idea of signing Matt Roth and Marcus Benard last year? I sure as hell don't know what he was thinking when he talked Heckert into getting Hillis for Quinn. Yep, stupid sh*t all the way around.


And he's over-conservative, too, as you point out. Because we should be chucking the ball all over the place to lower-than-average WR's and extending the game because we can outscore people every week.


God, you're dumb. Get off the Fire Mangini train and take a GOOD, HARD look at what's going on here. We are more physical, disciplined, and smart than we have EVER been since '99. That's not even arguable. But it takes awhile to add talent. Once you have that talent at the key areas and you've got one win in the first 4 weeks (like Dallas or Minnesota) then you have my permission to bitch and moan about the head coach.


Until then, do everyone a favor and shut the xxxx up.

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Wow I didn't know anyone loved mangini so much.


I always pray that our coaches turn things around.


I did give him credit andmentioned we do play very hard.. he doesn't have as clueless as a look on his fave as romeo did...


Dude you have to pull for a guy who use to be a ball boy, I just don't see him being the answer...


I don't hate mangini, i m just not in love with him



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Other than Mangini, is any of Bellicheats ex-coaches still coaching at any level ?


Are you serious?


How about this list off the top of my head?


Nick Saban, Univ. of Alabama (Head Coach)

Pat Hill, Fresno State University (Head Coach)

Kirk Ferentz, University of Iowa (Head Coach)

Romeo Crennel, Kansas City Chiefs (Def. Coordinator)

Charlie Weis, Kansas City Chiefs (Offensive Coordinator)

Josh McDaniel, Denver Broncos (Head Coach)


All these guys were assistants under Belichick in either Cleveland or NE. I'm sure there are more.

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I don't follow Bellicheat or his team, not enough respect for him and their orgainzation to do so. Without following him, I really didn't know of any of his students. All I remember is that Weis and Crennel bomb.


Crennel might have been a better coach if we had given him a more supportive GM. Love 2007. Love Chud. Love JJ & KW2. awaiting the second coming of 2007 !

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