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The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY from today's game


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The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY from today's game




1.Peyton "freight train" Hillis. That man is a beast. Even when he gets tackled the defender usually gets the worse end of the deal.

2.The O-line. Give it up for these guys. Hillis ran left-side and right-side. They also did a decent job in pass protection.

3.Lawrence "no glory" Vickers. I can't count how many times his blocking opened a hole. He proves the fullback position should still exist.

4.Seneca "game manager" Wallace. He played mistake free ball. He can't throw downfield for shit, but if Hillis can continue running like he is, it doesn't matter. We aren't good enough to have old man falling down INTs happen every game.

5. Run defense. We shut Benson down cold.

6. Dabol's play calling. Yeah I said it. The man called a good game today. Maybe its the mustache/flavor saver facial hair he is working on.




1. Little to no pressure blitzes. Blitzes are great...when they work. Our secondary isn't good enough when you leave them on an island without effective pressure on the QB

2. Stupid penalties. Looking at you TJ Ward. Shipley had already dropped the ball when you cracked him. I love his intensity and he is the only guy in our secondary that can tackle, but that hit cost us a TD.

3. No pass completions in the 4th quarter. Shit like this is what cost us to give up the lead and lose the first 3 games.



1. Eric "can't get" Wright. I don't know if he is having baby mama drama or what, but his head has clearly not been in the game for the past two weeks.

2. Receivers. More specifically, the fact that we don't have any. Stuckey had a few grabs, but clearly we are deficient here. We need at least a serviceable passing attack so teams don't just stack 8 in the box against Hillis and shut us down. If Robiskie is not an NFL caliber receiver, cut his ass. The only reason I know MoMass played today was that I saw him trotting back to the huddle after a couple plays.

3. We shut down in the 2nd half. Admit it, all of you could feel it happen today. Just like the first 3 weeks there was that "aww shit we're stalling" feeling in the 4th quarter. We did enough to win this week, but it could have easily gone the other way if not for Hillis drinking some of Braylon's 5 hour energy and being the only one awake on offense in the 2nd half.


All in all, we ARE and improved football team from last year. We look like a real team and could easily be 4-0 just as we are 1-3. We have the dirty birds next week who didn't exactly play mind blowing football squeaking a turd of a win out against the 49ers this week. Here we go Brownies!




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