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Arguably the Greatest Athlete ever


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For those who saw him he was absolutely majestic and totally dominating


Yes, this may be the greatest athlete ever


Atenears who knows the game may understand


I am talking about Secretariat...........the racehorse who won the the Triple Crown in 1973 setting race records in all three events which still stand


Yes he was a horse, but has already been rated by ESPN as the only non human top 100 athlete


His movie comes out this Friday, tommorrow, I hope it is good


Meanwhile go see the movie and watch reliving the greatest there ever was


I am an will relive one great series of events in sports history......his life


Big Red......the greatest of the great

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I'm neither a gambler nor horse race fan, but I watched all those triple crown races & have NEVER seen domination to compare with Secretariat's domination of those fields. No matter when the jockey let him go, he simply ran away from the other horses. I'll never forget that.


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Jim Thorpe, hands down.


Given that he played both football and baseball at a high level (batted over .300 one season, and batted over over .500 in one world series with the Braves--playing with a broken bone in his foot), you've got to at least consider Deion Sanders in the mix.



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I'm neither a gambler nor horse race fan, but I watched all those triple crown races & have NEVER seen domination to compare with Secretariat's domination of those fields. No matter when the jockey let him go, he simply ran away from the other horses. I'll never forget that.




Well, Mike I watched em all................still waiting to see better.......maybe Deon Sanders can outrun a horse........whatever


The thread was for serious thought for those who know sports......Big Red was the best athlete I ever saw.........if he had two legs it would be unaminous


If only he had a brain

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I saw the movie today.....quite good......if you are woman or a horse or an athlete you will love it.........if you are dimwitted male.......well zoom way over your head


Great Flick....the should have emphasized his record time in all three events still holds and his track record at Belmont still holds by a margin

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I'll have to see the movie. That big chestnut horse could run.


If we are talking animals as athletes, I'll offer one rank bull:





The PBR decided it best to retire him since nobody wanted to ride him anymore.

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I'll have to see the movie. That big chestnut horse could run.


If we are talking animals as athletes, I'll offer one rank bull:





The PBR decided it best to retire him since nobody wanted to ride him anymore.


Let's call it a tie due to the different sports, but that bull WAS devastating. There was a great show on Bodacious that aired in the last year or so. After Tuff Hedeman came back from the injury in the tape, he drew Bodacious to ride & withdrew. Nobody blamed him.



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I'll have to see the movie. That big chestnut horse could run.


If we are talking animals as athletes, I'll offer one rank bull:





The PBR decided it best to retire him since nobody wanted to ride him anymore.



Damn you got me............Ballpeen......Bodacious is the best there ever was..................makes Secretariat a wimp...............


but wait we are talking two different agendas.................running superb


or hitting superb


Bodacious is now the best NFL defensive player ever


And yeah Secretariat..............is well the best athlete ever..................three supreme events 37 years ago and still hold the record in all three......................and in the endurance event..........NO CHALLENGERS EVER


but I like your mojo

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Not a wimp at all man....I am a BIG, Big Red fan.....just offering a equal option from the animal kingdom.



Speed and heart, power and heart....same thing really

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