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Browns QB Passer Ratings

Mr. T

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Passing Player ratings

Seneca Wallace Att 85 Comp 52 Yds 554 Comp % 61.2 Yds/Att 6.5 TD 3 TD% 3.5 INT 2 INT% 2.4 Long 65 Sck 4 Sack/Lost 18 Rating 82.2

Jake Delhomme Att 37 Comp 20 Yds 227 Comp % 54.1 Yds/Att 6.1 TD 1 TD% 2.7 INT 2 INT% 5.4 Long 49 Sck 0 Sack/Lost 0 Rating 59.2

Some can argue that Seneca gives us the best chance of the QB not getting sacked, but the stats are showing us a different equation.
Seneca gives a better completion % along with a higher TD %
Scoring points is what its about!
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Passing Player ratings


Seneca Wallace Att 85 Comp 52 Yds 554 Comp % 61.2 Yds/Att 6.5 TD 3 TD% 3.5 INT 2 INT% 2.4 Long 65 Sck 4 Sack/Lost 18 Rating 82.2

Jake Delhomme Att 37 Comp 20 Yds 227 Comp % 54.1 Yds/Att 6.1 TD 1 TD% 2.7 INT 2 INT% 5.4 Long 49 Sck 0 Sack/Lost 0 Rating 59.2




Some can argue that Seneca gives us the best chance of the QB not getting sacked, but the stats are showing us a different equation.

Seneca gives a better completion % along with a higher TD %
Scoring points is what its about!


Seneca also threw a TD to the other team, but thats neither here nor there. I like both QBs and I am happy we actually have an option at qb. Seneca has shown good poise in the pocket but is not to great at hitting the intended 2nd or 3rd read. When he breaks out of the tackle box he becomes so much better. I know its hard for a 5'11" man to see over those monsters up front, so for that I give him credit. As for Jake We only got to see one game of his and it was forgettable. If he is going to give the ball to the other team all the time, then he needs to be the back up. I hope Jake gets to play this week so he can get some reps with our WRs who have been trying to get open for 3 games. Everyone in the whole world knows that Hillis is going to be getting the rock the first play of the game, so it would be badass if we could playaction and hit Josh down the sideline. Go Browns!!!!

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Passing Player ratings


Seneca Wallace Att 85 Comp 52 Yds 554 Comp % 61.2 Yds/Att 6.5 TD 3 TD% 3.5 INT 2 INT% 2.4 Long 65 Sck 4 Sack/Lost 18 Rating 82.2

Jake Delhomme Att 37 Comp 20 Yds 227 Comp % 54.1 Yds/Att 6.1 TD 1 TD% 2.7 INT 2 INT% 5.4 Long 49 Sck 0 Sack/Lost 0 Rating 59.2




Some can argue that Seneca gives us the best chance of the QB not getting sacked, but the stats are showing us a different equation.

Seneca gives a better completion % along with a higher TD %
Scoring points is what its about!



Well, honestly this is way too small a sampling to declare anything definitive about these two guys. Especkally for Delhomme. Jake played all of one healthy half.

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Neither of our QB's are going to make us any easier or harder to beat, both have their up and downsides and the reason Browns are going to keep winning games is if our running game keeps rolling along as is, and our defense continues to improve with everyone cutting down on the errors and penalties. the Browns are one team that has not got the luxury of a stud QB to heap all the expectations on, we just have to get on with things with either JD or SW at the helm and at the moment either of them is as good as we are going to get so I wont be screaming for anyones head no matter who is starting.

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I like them both but i do honestly believe if delhomme had not been hurt in the first game we would be 3-1 or maybe even 4-0, i have had this gut feeling all along that dabs and mangini basically put a plan into action that had jake as the centerpiece jake is the more accurate of the two and definitely reads the field faster than seneca and would perhaps mix it up better with the WRs as he isnt afraid to thread the needle...


With that said we have to assume dabs dumbed things down a bit for wallace to avoid taking to many down the field risks simply because both dabs and mangini are wired that way, delhomme has been da man all along as far as they are concerned and they likely had some trust issues with wallace at least at first.....


But now that wallace is warmed up and wired in and delhomme will be coming in sort of cold and BOOM! the whole equation possibly changes, jake isnt as jelled as seneca with the team as far as live games go and will he actually hurt the club as he readjusts? Or does his re-entrance into the game fuel a more creative and unpredictable flow to our offense as dabs puts jake into autodrive?


I want to believe with the improvement in the O-line and delhomme coming back into the game as the starter that our offense will now suddenly open up and catch on fire sending the dirty birds crashing to the ground and the stoolers down the toilet after them, but its hard to tell at this point just how effective he will be after being on the sideline for 3 games and really not that active with the team before that...


And we all know now that seneca is a very capable guy that many of us wouldnt be to uncomfortable with as the starter if jake for some reason implodes...its really nice to have a backup of wallace's quality..;)

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Please don't leave out facts, Jake's INT cost us the game vs Tampa they took it back to inside the 5 yard line.


Well the other fact that cost us the game was maybe a few fumbles and an all out blitz that left our rookie db out to dry. The first game was a team loss, Jake wasnt the only problem.

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Well, honestly this is way too small a sampling to declare anything definitive about these two guys. Especkally for Delhomme. Jake played all of one healthy half.



Both of these guys have the stats of what a backup QB should have. I dont have high expectations from either one.


It is a major improvement over last season, and I will give praise to Mangini/Holmgren for taking steps to resolve our lack of quality talent in the QB position.

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