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Pavo Joe's Duty

The Gipper

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OK, we were discussing this at the Tailgate Party and board denizen PavoJoe agreed to take on a task which is: Given that this is "Steeler Week" he is to give us a regular report on how many "drive by" Steeler trolls takes on this board consist essentially of "Browns Suck, Steelers Rock, We're gonna kick your butts". You know. High literary content stuff like that.

So, OK Joe, your count began at 4:00 p.m. yesterday.

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The Steelers will celebrate the Big Ben homecoming party by stomping your visiting Brownies.


Let, as you say, "Steeler week" begin. With your host, Lawrence Timmons.




Even though he's more of a rash that won't go away, than a drive by troll since this is The Browns Board, I am counting this as #1

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What a sad franchise the Browns have become. I have dubbed them the Queens of the NFL.


All the trash talk about your new coaches, GM, QB's, draft picks competing with the Steelers? Queens Indeed. we own them.


The NFL should let the Browns wear skirts to make it fair.


This is a yawn week for the Steelers. The Browns are little men.


Strong smell of troll number 2

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OK, we were discussing this at the Tailgate Party and board denizen PavoJoe agreed to take on a task which is: Given that this is "Steeler Week" he is to give us a regular report on how many "drive by" Steeler trolls takes on this board consist essentially of "Browns Suck, Steelers Rock, We're gonna kick your butts". You know. High literary content stuff like that.

So, OK Joe, your count began at 4:00 p.m. yesterday.


It's a thankless job, but thanks for keeping us informed Joe. Thread starters count double in my book. Frankly, I'll delete the kiddies if I spot them before they've been replied to.


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WOW! It must really suck that this is what you talk about at a tailgate party! Were you drinking a Queers Lite and eating a pre-made salad too?



Yea, to you I suspect that it would be real bizarre to be discussing football at a tailgate party. And actually I was drinking a Harp's Ale and having hamburger and a Kielbasa sandwich. Thanks to roach for providing the food.

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Dude..........do you always get even more delirious during Steelers week? Talking football?


he is to give us a regular report on how many "drive by" Steeler trolls takes on this board


Yep, they'll be hashin this out for weeks on every "football" talk show this side of Siberia!!


I am beginning to feel a bit bad about making fun of you, you are obviously not all there. I'm sorry!



I don't think that anyone seeing what has been going on on this board with you lately is going to question MY sanity.

Obviously the thought of the Browns playing the Steelers has caused you to go off the deep end.

What? Someone said that you have made 150 posts just today? And every one of them wracked with fear, paranoia and loathing.


Tally up another mark, Joe.

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Nah...............We Steeler fans accept reality, of course it's usually a very pleasant thing. We also accept the once every five year blip on the radar screen LOL

Cleveland Browns–Pittsburgh Steelers



1st Meeting October 7, 1950

Last Meeting December 10, 2009

Next Meeting October 17, 2010

Number of Meetings 116

All-Time Series PIT:60-56



How the hell did you come up with once every 5 years ?

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Cleveland Browns–Pittsburgh Steelers



1st Meeting October 7, 1950

Last Meeting December 10, 2009

Next Meeting October 17, 2010

Number of Meetings 116

All-Time Series PIT:60-56



How the hell did you come up with once every 5 years ?


Nobody counts pre-Woodstock games except for stains fans.


Try as yinz might, pre-merger games just aren't part of the record books unless you play a lot of Trivial Pursuit.


Now go take a cookie and return to your seat.








... an'at









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WOW! It must really suck that this is what you talk about at a tailgate party! Were you drinking a Queers Lite and eating a pre-made salad too?

Since you were feeling sorry for us and our lame tailgate party l thought l would do a google search of steelers tailgate parties to see how the elite do it. This being a home game l thought l would have to wade through numerous sites where local fans welcome the legions of out of town fans to join them in celebration before the christians were fed to the lions. To my amazement l did'nt find any thing like the site you are posting on, where fans like Ed, Stan, and Don treat other fans like family. Since your a steeler fan l should add the family reference has nothing to do with carnal knowledge. l did find some sites where you shared your favorite tailgating recipes. The road kill chili sounded interesting, as did the corn off the cob. ( Seems you need front teeth to eat it on the cob) There were some videos of past steeler tailgate partys posted under the title of The Hills have Eyes II. So what I'm suggesting is that the steeler fans who regularly post here would be doing their fellow fans a real service by pooling their resources and providing a place for all those West Virginians to go on Sundays.

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That and this so-called great football city lost it's team to Baltimore!


The replacement Browns beat the Steelers once every five years.


In order to create anything above the order of complete garbage Browns fans have to stats which belong to another team, in another era. It's like saying your hideously ugly, 50 year old, adopted, sister is pretty because your mom used to say she was a beautiful baby!

Leave your 50 yr old mistress out of this

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Gee, there's a news flash! A Browns fan doesn't get it, so it must be real! Steelers fan tailgate better at many opposing teams stadiums than the home team!


Steelers tailgate parties are steeped in tradition just like the Browns tailgate parties, the big difference is one has a tradition of winning and class, the other has a tradition of losing and embarrassment. Just like is pointed out in the opening of this thread.........


Browns fans at the tailgate party for the Atlanta Falcons game......


"Who are we playing today?"


"I don't know, let's talk about how many Steeler fans will invade our precious board this week!"


"Yeah, I'll even keep track of it and post it on the board!"


"Why can't those trolling Steeler fans just leave us alone to play in our own poop?"


"Well......you know, they all come to our board just because they are jealous of our losing team, shithole city, and bitter whining fans!"


"Yep....what a bunch of loser they are"

That last line nails it. Can't think of any other reason for you to be here.

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WTF is this???? some fat pittspuke Retard playing laser tag??? and someone explain to me what YINZ means? man you need to get the fxxk out of where ever you are and try some big city life for a while, if you could handle it.

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WTF is this???? some fat pittspuke Retard playing laser tag??? and someone explain to me what YINZ means? man you need to get the fxxk out of where ever you are and try some big city life for a while, if you could handle it.



And they say we have no class! It blows my mind that these pukes who profess their love for the Steelers continue to take up residence on a rival team board! It's one thing to come here and talk football, but the insulting of our fans, and our city, on our board is completely unacceptable!!!! It's like walking into someone's house and insulting their family members or the way their carpeting looks! Put it this way, I hate the Steelers! Browns fans hate the Steelers! Why on God's green Earth would I or any other Browns fan EVER go to one of their message boards dedicated to their fans and take up residence there?!!! And if Steelers fans diss the Browns on their board, why would I (knowing that it's their board) try to even defend my team??? It would be like talking to a brick wall. These are probably the same assholes that text "Go Steelers" to Tailgate 19 every Sunday!


Yinz means you all, or y'all, and it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Apparently proper grammar isn't a strong point in parts of Appalachia.

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Nobody counts pre-Woodstock games except for stains fans.


Try as yinz might, pre-merger games just aren't part of the record books unless you play a lot of Trivial Pursuit.


Now go take a cookie and return to your seat.








... an'at










Really? Show me a single authoritative source that doesn't count the games played by team prior to that. No one does more research on this sort of subject around here than I do and I can tell you that what you are saying is purely wishful thinking, not reality.

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Gee, there's a news flash! A Browns fan doesn't get it, so it must be real! Steelers fan tailgate better at many opposing teams stadiums than the home team!


Steelers tailgate parties are steeped in tradition just like the Browns tailgate parties, the big difference is one has a tradition of winning and class, the other has a tradition of losing and embarrassment. Just like is pointed out in the opening of this thread.........


Browns fans at the tailgate party for the Atlanta Falcons game......


"Who are we playing today?"


"I don't know, let's talk about how many Steeler fans will invade our precious board this week!"


"Yeah, I'll even keep track of it and post it on the board!"


"Why can't those trolling Steeler fans just leave us alone to play in our own poop?"


"Well......you know, they all come to our board just because they are jealous of our losing team, shithole city, and bitter whining fans!"


"Yep....what a bunch of loser they are"



Bottom line: You are obsessed by the Cleveland Browns and their fans. We are beginning to feel like Leonardo DiCaprio who had a woman stalking him saying he was Jesus's Father, or Tia Tequila who had a guy break into her house and kill her dog.

Folks: Keep your dogs away from this guy.

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Really? Show me a single authoritative source that doesn't count the games played by team prior to that. No one does more research on this sort of subject around here than I do and I can tell you that what you are saying is purely wishful thinking, not reality.



Remember Gipper you're dealing with a fanbase that seems to think that the NFL didn't start of until 1970. Nevermind they had almost 40 years of not even sniffing the playoffs in that time frame. But, oh you know "it was an inferior league." If it was so damn inferior back then, why did they suck for so long! Like I told the idiot, enjoy it while it lasts, because nothing is forever! I hope they have the testicular fortitude to deal with it when their team falls on hard times. Oh wait, no I won't because of all the shit that we have had to put up with from them, I'll be LMFAO!!!!

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If monkeys could talk to each other do you think they would be saying the same thing?


"Wow, look at all the people who come here to look at us.....it just proves that they are jealous of us and they wish they could be living in their own squalor in a cage"


I am belly laughing at you!

Don't know about that, but I do know that even a tree swingin, ass scratchin, urine swillin monkey prefers to mingle with it's own troop. Seems like you would learn the same.

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If monkeys could talk to each other do you think they would be saying the same thing?


"Wow, look at all the people who come here to look at us.....it just proves that they are jealous of us and they wish they could be living in their own squalor in a cage"


I am belly laughing at you!



You are a troll Stoned. A bored, lonely little troll. You obviously have no social life because you spend all your time in here between shifts at the Prison. I bet your a real bad ass there. Looking at the inmates taking showers and getting connections, right? What a pathetic troll. :lol:

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the Steelers did fine working with backup QB's and are 3-1.


Why are the Browns losers year after year? is it in the water in Clevelend?


Mangini, Holmgren are Retarded overpaid douchabags inviting Jake Delhomme and Wallace to join the gravy train that Cleveland does every year.


If you people could draft you might win 5 games. ENJOY THE SUNDAY MASSACRE. you people are the dumbest fans in the NFL and prove it every year by losing and making excuses.


Browns motto: "just wait until next year, LOL."

Here's another inbred genius. Just wondering what is a douchabag. Is it german ?

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it is amazing how one team - the Browns keep losing every year and Amazing to see the Steelers dominate every year.


it is so funny to see the Browns lose year after year. maybe we need a reality show on how to be a loser starring the Cleveland Browns.


Have fun in Pittsburgh on Sunday!

Maybe you should ban this guy I have to sleep sometime.

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Really? Show me a single authoritative source that doesn't count the games played by team prior to that. No one does more research on this sort of subject around here than I do and I can tell you that what you are saying is purely wishful thinking, not reality.





See also: List of Super Bowl champions


* Most Super Bowl Wins, 6


Pittsburgh Steelers


* Most League Championships, 12


Green Bay Packers 1929-1931, 1936, 1939, 1944, 1961-62, 1965-67, 1996


* Most Consecutive League Championships, 3


Green Bay Packers 1929-31

Green Bay Packers 1965-67


* Most Times Finishing in First Place, Regular Season, 21 [1]


New York Giants 1927, 1933-35, 1938-39, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1956, 1958-59, 1961-63, 1986, 1989-1990, 1997, 2000, 2005

Chicago Bears 1921, 1932-34, 1937, 1940-43, 1946, 1956, 1963, 1984-88, 1990, 2001, 2005-06

Green Bay Packers 1929-31, 1936, 1938-39, 1944, 1960-62, 1965-67, 1972, 1995-97, 2002-04, 2007


* Most Consecutive Times Finishing First, Regular Season, 7


Los Angeles Rams 1973-79


Wow - where are the stains?


Even your claims to prehistorical dominance are highly exaggerated.








... an'at








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WTF is this???? some fat pittspuke Retard playing laser tag??? and someone explain to me what YINZ means? man you need to get the fxxk out of where ever you are and try some big city life for a while, if you could handle it.


It was designed by a highly regarded psychologist who told me that it would piss off anyone with an IQ lower than 60.








... an'at








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