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can the Browns make it a game?

Slurp and Burp

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What a sad franchise the Browns have become. I have dubbed them the Queens of the NFL.


All the trash talk about your new coaches, GM, QB's, draft picks competing with the Steelers? Queens Indeed. we own them.


The NFL should let the Browns wear skirts to make it fair.


This is a yawn week for the Steelers. The Browns are little men.








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What a sad franchise the Browns have become. I have dubbed them the Queens of the NFL.


All the trash talk about your new coaches, GM, QB's, draft picks competing with the Steelers? Queens Indeed. we own them.


The NFL should let the Browns wear skirts to make it fair.


This is a yawn week for the Steelers. The Browns are little men.

Come on DumbAss... :ph34r: You need your SteelerNation Card revoked for this post... esp. your FIRST Post.

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I realize this is their Super Bowl but come on..this franchise is a bunch of panzy ass wanna bees.


The Browns are the joke of the NFL. Queens as I call them.


The Browns were winning Championships when we were the panzy's of the NFL.....I want nothing more than the Browns success to bring this REAL rivalry back to form, unlike the one we have with the Rabirds

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Surf and Turf is gone.


We don't mind a few Steeler fans around but for love of God say something halfway intelligent.


Let's have some good banter this week and not this kiddy crap.




Thank you sir! I am going to attempt to actually watch this game... Hopefully I can find a DD as I expect to be drinking and swearing heavily... I hope I am wrong. (and Drinking and cheering heavily!) I start my new job on Thursday though so maybe I have to work Sunday.... But I finally got a real job and can stop temping! Let's Go Browns!

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This Game will NOT be a Blowout ...I am telling you now. It will be in Doubt till inside the last 2 minutes , and if Our Players didn't Learn anything IN Cleveland LAST Year and I dont care who we were missing , they had a "Few" Injuries last year if I remember correctly , the Crow will be Jammed down our Throats.

the QB situation wont be a Huge deal Because they will throw Short and Ram Hillis in there and Cribbs as a QB Slash RB as well and we didnt handle THAT all that well last year either. Now DONT Get me wrong Pittsburgh has better Personnel ... But dont you think New Orleans had BETTER personnel than The Az. Cardinals YESTERDAY ??

Our Steelers Better be READY... thats ALL I have to say. I Predicted Last years loss and was written off as a Sand-bagger ... We Better be ready.

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I think the browns play the steelers tough, our defense will keep us in it as long as our offense isnt giving the ball away...run, run, run and punt...its what the genie already likes to do but with no QB the snake has a little grass to slither into now to hide..

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The Steelers have a tendency to make inexperienced QBs look like the second coming of Dan Marino. Not sure why that is, but it is. I wouldn't advise looking past the Browns in this game or any game. Good luck on Sunday. drink.gif

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The Steelers have a tendency to make inexperienced QBs look like the second coming of Dan Marino. Not sure why that is, but it is. I wouldn't advise looking past the Browns in this game or any game. Good luck on Sunday. drink.gif


Should I start Wallace against the Browns? Hes been on and off lately.

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Should I start Wallace against the Browns? Hes been on and off lately.


I'm more than a little biased, and without knowing who your other options are, I'd say start him. Remember, he's had Dennis Dixon and Charlie Batch throwing to him. I expect the Steelers to take some shots deep to Wallace. It all depends on how much rust Ben has to shake off.

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This Game will NOT be a Blowout ...I am telling you now. It will be in Doubt till inside the last 2 minutes , and if Our Players didn't Learn anything IN Cleveland LAST Year and I dont care who we were missing , they had a "Few" Injuries last year if I remember correctly , the Crow will be Jammed down our Throats.

the QB situation wont be a Huge deal Because they will throw Short and Ram Hillis in there and Cribbs as a QB Slash RB as well and we didnt handle THAT all that well last year either. Now DONT Get me wrong Pittsburgh has better Personnel ... But dont you think New Orleans had BETTER personnel than The Az. Cardinals YESTERDAY ??

Our Steelers Better be READY... thats ALL I have to say. I Predicted Last years loss and was written off as a Sand-bagger ... We Better be ready.


Thank you. Now if McCoy has to start, I'll concede the game- way too much to expect of a rookie qb in his first game- OTOH, if he could manage to pull that off- just say "I am Legend" in Cleveland. The other big factor will be the health of Hillis- I'd expect him to play, but how well is another question. The problem is with the lack of a true #1 wr, the Steelers can cram 8-9 guys in the box, and dare the Browns to try and beat single coverage over the top, before our qb gets killed.


If the Browns can eliminate mistakes- pick- sixes have killed them in four games- I'll agree that the Browns will at least be able to keep it close.


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Dont undeestimate the Browns this year. Thet're a lot better than their 1-4 record suggests. If not for Mangini, I think this years team would be at or above 500...I look for them to test us early and often and they will test us until the end

Every so often a Steeler fan makes a post that at least we can talk football and not the same old boring smack. In the NFL the well know fact is any given Sunday you can lose. Never bet your house on a football game because you could end up living under a bridge. Are the Steeler favored? of course. Can the Browns upset them? (Just last year we were 1-11 and beat them). That's why they play the game.

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Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but it's going to be very difficult for us to win this one. I think our Defense is greatly improved, but with the Rook starting, our offense is going to have a lot of trouble making long drives against a very good Steeler's D. That being said, it will put our Defense out there longer and they may tire out.


I'm hoping this isn't true, but I fear that's what will happen and it's not going to be pretty.

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