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Something we can both agree on

Steeler SChick

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Yinz (Y-i-N-z): Traditional term used during large inbreeding times in the region of what is now known at Pittsburgh and the suburban population surrounding the area. Word has been formed by disfiguration caused by many nuclear power plants in the area as well as cross breeding of humans and other regional animals that inhabit the area.

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Yeah, whatever. At least the nerdy kid got to have a fine piece of ass at the end sixteen candles. That guy on the left... I just... I just... what is this i dont even


"it's da chicks............dey can't hold dey smoke!"


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He's been arrested for DUI, the only thing left is to beat up a paper towel dispenser and rape some underaged drunk girl, and he will then be accepted back in Pittsburgh with open arms.





Wow! One thing is certain amongst Browns, Ravens, and Bengals fans... we all hate each others teams, but united in hatred against the Steelers. Love it!

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Wow! One thing is certain amongst Browns, Ravens, and Bengals fans... we all hate each others teams, but united in hatred against the Steelers. Love it!

I don't hate the Steelers because of the team they field (although Pig Ben makes it easier), it's the trollish fans they have.


Believe it or not, not all Steelers fans are trolls.

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I don't hate the Steelers because of the team they field (although Pig Ben makes it easier), it's the trollish fans they have.


Believe it or not, not all Steelers fans are trolls.



Oh no doubt. There are a few here that are fine, and aren't dropping insults. But you're right they have a lot of cocky fans in their fanbase.

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Ain't no gayer than this bozo



When's the last time you've seen McBeam at a game? I'll answer for you, they don't use him in the Stadium. He was created for the PR events and outside the stadium for the kids.

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WTF is it!

A brown/stooler hybrid?

Or inbreed rather..

Or just a sun induced pic of a browns fan who should be shunned for letting this pic loose?


I bleed orange, brown and white not piss stained hybrid inbreeds! Rather this crap is photoshopped or a sun induced horror pic of a browns fan its disgusting..

We need mangini to overcome his paranoia this week and let McCoy step it up to shut these damn stooler asswipes up for a while...i am sorry if my language offends anyone, especially the young on this board(close eyes!) but its just so old and so stooler arsewipe...please keep the stooler arsewipes in check with their appropriate mod given names, as a matter of fact improve on it some please!


I love these guys but sometimes they hit a nerve!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe

Our future is bright and theirs is somewhat dimmer with heckert and even secret agent mangini around and they are feeling it...

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