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Grading Out the Colt


Start him?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Colt Start?

    • Yes
    • No

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I've been reflecting on today's game quite a bit and I was going to say "give him one more week and then evaluate when the other guys are healthy." but the more I think about it the more I think that Colt should start the remainder of the games. Some reasons:


1. He just put up 282 yards and an 80.5 rating against arguably the best defense in the league. He showed tremendous poise and the environments don't get any more hostile.

2. If he's going to have growing pains and he's already as good or better than Wallace or Delhomme...you may as well let the future start now.

3. He showed me today that he's mentally tough enough. If he can survive in Pittsburgh, do you really believe he could be "mentally scarred" by playing?

4. The next three games are really tough but the remainder smooth out a bit. You get the Steelers and Ravens at home. You get Buffalo and Jacksonville. I think I'd take my chances with the rookie.


I'd like to hear your thoughts and reasons why Colt should or shouldn't start. I thought I was over-reacting to him playing well today but considering the above....perhaps I am not.

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I think we should start him the rest of the way but have Wallace ready (when healthy) to come in if he struggles. To me, it's only going to get easier for him the rest of the way other than possibly playing the Ravens but at least we get them at home. New England and New Orleans are good but I don't think they have the defense that Pisspuke does.


He started off slow and looked really nervous early but seemed to settle down and play well the rest of the way.


I'd say it was one of the better QB performances for us against Pittsburgh in quite some time.

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Ok who is the one NO vote? Please explain. Colt had the best game by a QB for us so far this year against the Steelers.

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I think we should start him the rest of the way but have Wallace ready (when healthy) to come in if he struggles.


I say for sure he starts against the Saints , and if he continues to show a grasp of the offense then stick with him the

remainder of the year...I don't think coaches want to start jerking this kid around if he struggles...deal with it growing pains and all

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INTs aside, he played the best game that any browns QB has played this season. if he is going to have long term success as QB on this team, his best receivers can't be evan moore and ben watson. we need to build around him. keep him the starter. we can beat the saints next week.


Total agreement. Colt put up this performance against the best defense in the league with NO weapons (and I say that not knocking our TE's who are are best position group by far this year). Imagine what Colt could have done today with a Randy Moss and 2nd option being a MoMass/Cribbs without a concussion.


Our season is gone now and we know that Delhomme and Wallace were only meant to be a 2 year quick fix anyways. Start Colt, have Wallace back him up (like I am sure he will be doing for the next 2-5 years). Worst case, this was a one game mistake (which I really don't think it was) and Colt sucks until Wallace and Delhomme come back and then we pick someone up in the next draft.

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Guys ... guys ... guys ... WTF? I haven't seen anyone mention anything about Colt accuracy? That is the #1 reason why I want to see him in there. The kid was dead-accurate today.


the 'expert' on either cbs or nfl-n bashed him for his arm strength and accuracy before the game. he did both pretty well today.

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Guys ... guys ... guys ... WTF? I haven't seen anyone mention anything about Colt accuracy? That is the #1 reason why I want to see him in there. The kid was dead-accurate today.


The throw to Moore down the right sideline was a thing of beauty. No way Jake, Seneca, Quinn or Anderson makes that throw. Even the throws into coverage were well-placed.

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You absolutely start him. He was completely poised. Showed no sign of panic, and I'm not talking about scrambling out of the pocket ("Solomon Wilcots" asswipe)


His accuracy was tremendous. Seriously. Just think of what he did!!! Two tipped int's which can happen to anyone.

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Ok who is the one NO vote? Please explain. Colt had the best game by a QB for us so far this year against the Steelers.

Colt was Impressive... Mostly his Coolness. He was like WHO are you guys ?? He was just Playn` Some Football ! No Bad at all...

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I've been reflecting on today's game quite a bit and I was going to say "give him one more week and then evaluate when the other guys are healthy." but the more I think about it the more I think that Colt should start the remainder of the games. Some reasons:


1. He just put up 282 yards and an 80.5 rating against arguably the best defense in the league. He showed tremendous poise and the environments don't get any more hostile.

2. If he's going to have growing pains and he's already as good or better than Wallace or Delhomme...you may as well let the future start now.

3. He showed me today that he's mentally tough enough. If he can survive in Pittsburgh, do you really believe he could be "mentally scarred" by playing?

4. The next three games are really tough but the remainder smooth out a bit. You get the Steelers and Ravens at home. You get Buffalo and Jacksonville. I think I'd take my chances with the rookie.


I'd like to hear your thoughts and reasons why Colt should or shouldn't start. I thought I was over-reacting to him playing well today but considering the above....perhaps I am not.

He was very solid... Now about 100 yrs or so ...on the lovely Prevent Defense. But Once he got down there He got a Beautiful play on the TD... I was NOT happy... but Impressed. Better days ahead for the Brownies .

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you have a starting QB now.



now your team should start building around him, but honestly the QB is the foundation, and the hardest part to get.

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My reasons why, in no particular order:


1. His accuracy is pretty good. Shit, he can actually hit receivers in stride

2. His first start was AT the home of one of the best defenses in the NFL, and fair pretty well. First INT was a Delhomme and I didn't see the second one. But things can't get much harder from here

3. I know this is is basically what i said in #1 but he completed 70% of his passes, coupled with #2 and you can see why we are all impressed

4. By the end of the game he was quite as fleet of of foot as we was early on. He started to stay in the pocket and take a few licks while completing passes downfield.

5. Also when Colt threw to TE's it was because they were open and not dump offs (I.E Quinn, who despite being from my hometown, sucks immensely)


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you have a starting QB now.



now your team should start building around him, but honestly the QB is the foundation, and the hardest part to get.


I said "start him the rest of the way". One good start does not a franchise QB make. Eric Zeier had a good debut. That said, I think that doing that in Pittsburgh is what impressed me. It also impressed Dick LeBeau and Tomlin or so I am told.

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I said "start him the rest of the way". One good start does not a franchise QB make. Eric Zeier had a good debut. That said, I think that doing that in Pittsburgh is what impressed me. It also impressed Dick LeBeau and Tomlin or so I am told.



i would agree. i honestly thought we were gonna get 4 or more interceptions and he wouldn't pass 100yrds passing till the 4th qtr when our scrubs were in.



this bodes VERY well for your team and the future.

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I said "start him the rest of the way". One good start does not a franchise QB make. Eric Zeier had a good debut. That said, I think that doing that in Pittsburgh is what impressed me. It also impressed Dick LeBeau and Tomlin or so I am told.

Yes ... His COOL .. Wahtever attitude Impressed me. He wasnt Scared of the PITTSBURGH LBers at all.

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OK, I put in the second"no" vote. Let's not get all giddy Browns fans. Was that an impressive performance? Hell yes!!!! Um teams have tape on the Coltster now.


I'm not flat-out nixing the idea, but let's not get carried away. Assuming Wallace and Delhomme are still both crippled, I would let Colt start against the Saints- who have been playing far less impressive D than the Steelers- and THEN you evaluate where you want to go during the bye week.

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every time the browns draft a QB, they start him too early


he gets hurt or has a bad outing, then they start the backup the next game. then there is some sort of QB competition because both QBs are OK


why dont you guys root for the offensive captain to come back and play. jake delhomme is the starter. hes the captain


this is one of the major issues with the browns franchise. i know you guys are always excited about the new toy that you guys seem to draft every other year but the guys in charge know what they are doing and mccoy only started because it was an emergency


once the other guys are healthy he should go back to holding a clipboard and learning from the vets

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I voted yes.


If he continues to grow, or heck, plays as well as he did today, it makes all the sense in the world to continue to let him start and grow.


I believe he will show more pronounced growing pains going forward as defenses start to gameplan around him, but how cool would it be to have a legitimate quarterback that teams have to game plan against?


Imagine he pans out and does become our franchise qb. Imagine Haden and Ward also reach their potential and grow from what they've already shown and start for the next 7 years. What a great draft 2010 would go down as for us.


Sure it's just imagining, but I like it!

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More yards and a better completion percentage than the "amazing" rapist. The int's weren't his fault and without the cheapshots on MoMass and Cribbs he would've thrown to 4 receivers instead of the 2 left.


Steelers excuse: Ben was rusty, really? how many NFL games has Colt played in his CAREER...yeah he wouldn't be rusty at all, I guess we all saw which guy put up better numbers.

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OK, I put in the second"no" vote. Let's not get all giddy Browns fans. Was that an impressive performance? Hell yes!!!! Um teams have tape on the Coltster now.


I'm not flat-out nixing the idea, but let's not get carried away. Assuming Wallace and Delhomme are still both crippled, I would let Colt start against the Saints- who have been playing far less impressive D than the Steelers- and THEN you evaluate where you want to go during the bye week.


I'm excited as all hell! Why? Well his accuracy, poise, and arm strength are all there. Hopefully it wasn't a fluke for the entire game, but he did very well. The future is now, let him keep playing while he's in a grove. He needs are much experience as he can get.


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One reason I liked Derek Anderson is that he wasn't afraid to take a shot down field. He had HorseBalls. Colt won me over with his guts on Sunday. I could not stand the Tim Couch & Brady Quinn era's because they were a couple of pansey-asses and always settling for the underneith shit. Colt seemed way more accurate than anyone we've paraded out there to-date, will go for the kill shot, and has touch on his passes. If we can get him to trust in his Oline and stay in the pocket longer (which is a huge 'if' ,btw), he could be a big QB in this league.

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every time the browns draft a QB, they start him too early


he gets hurt or has a bad outing, then they start the backup the next game. then there is some sort of QB competition because both QBs are OK


why dont you guys root for the offensive captain to come back and play. jake delhomme is the starter. hes the captain


this is one of the major issues with the browns franchise. i know you guys are always excited about the new toy that you guys seem to draft every other year but the guys in charge know what they are doing and mccoy only started because it was an emergency


once the other guys are healthy he should go back to holding a clipboard and learning from the vets



You're flat out wrong on your first statement that "every time the browns draft a QB they start him too early". You obviously don't spend much time watching the Browns. Sure, we started Couch, but who else did we have? We didn't start Quinn too early. Who else are you referring to then? I say let him play. The only way to learn anything is to do it.

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I didn't vote. I'm impressed so far with the decisions made regarding QB personnel. My vote is in favor of letting the guys who gave Colt THIS start make the decision about his continuing to start. They certainly know more than I. Would I mind seeing more of him? Certainly not.





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I didn't vote. I'm impressed so far with the decisions made regarding QB personnel. My vote is in favor of letting the guys who gave Colt THIS start make the decision about his continuing to start. They certainly know more than I. Would I mind seeing more of him? Certainly not.


I believe they gave him the start by default ... we had no other healthy QB's and brought back a fourth QB we had cut on Wednesday. I guess most are saying that the coaches depth chart of Delhomme>> Wallace>> McCoy is pretty much ass-backwards and should read McCoy>> Wallace>> Ratliff>> Delhomme

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