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Mike Mayock Draft Guru On McCoy


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This is Mayocks take on McCoys first game and one the pundits and I had in a similar view, he has a WATER PISTOL arm! The guy just can't make all the throws can he? Well watch him throw a 50 yard pass on the run with 1 min left in the game, LOOKS ACCURATE AND DEEP ENOUGH TO ME Mayock! Come on watch the film peeps!


After watching the tape for a third, fourth view, and more, isn't it very apparent this kid can make all the throws in the NFL? In 25 degree weather well thats another story and one we'll need to revisit?


But this Kid on film can do it all, lets let him grow! Cut him lose Mangini!

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This is Mayocks take on McCoys first game and one the pundits and I had in a similar view, he has a WATER PISTOL arm! The guy just can't make all the throws can he? Well watch him throw a 50 yard pass on the run with 1 min left in the game, LOOKS ACCURATE AND DEEP ENOUGH TO ME Mayock! Come on watch the film peeps!


After watching the tape for a third, fourth view, and more, isn't it very apparent this kid can make all the throws in the NFL? In 25 degree weather well thats another story and one we'll need to revisit?


But this Kid on film can do it all, lets let him grow! Cut him lose Mangini!


I watched Colt play all through college... he could not make that throw in college. He's really built up some arm strength. I'd say I agree with the talking head -- he's got "solid to above average" arm strength now. He hasn't shown he can throw "over the top" accurately downfield yet, but he may. People need to throw out the college footage in terms of arm strength when evaluating him because he's definitely improved in that department over the last 9 months. He could always throw 50 yards, but his accuracy fizzled after the 20 yard range. Now he's taking shots in the 20-45 yard range fearlessly and maintaining the accuracy. He'll probably never be a John Elway, but stretching the field won't be a problem.


I'll tell you what, most coaches would rather have a guy with elite accuracy and average to slightly above average arm strength over a guy with elite arm strength but average accuracy.

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On that one interception that bounced off of Watson's hands, it was forced like Wilcots said, but it was a dead accurate throw deep over the middle of the field. If Watson caught that then we'd be goggling over how great a throw that was. Impressive debut.

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I watched Colt play all through college... he could not make that throw in college. He's really built up some arm strength. I'd say I agree with the talking head -- he's got "solid to above average" arm strength now. He hasn't shown he can throw "over the top" accurately downfield yet, but he may. People need to throw out the college footage in terms of arm strength when evaluating him because he's definitely improved in that department over the last 9 months. He could always throw 50 yards, but his accuracy fizzled after the 20 yard range. Now he's taking shots in the 20-45 yard range fearlessly and maintaining the accuracy. He'll probably never be a John Elway, but stretching the field won't be a problem.


I'll tell you what, most coaches would rather have a guy with elite accuracy and average to slightly above average arm strength over a guy with elite arm strength but average accuracy.



Of course look at all the QBs with the "Monster arms" that just couldn't cut it. Exhibit A: Jamarcus Russell. Exhimbit B: Derek Anderson. And I suspect we could go on and on. We can do with a guy who has "above average arm strength" if he has superior QB skills otherwise. The best QBs in Browns history had that same deal. Maybe the worst QB in Browns history had the rocket arm and pudding for a brain: Mike Phipps.

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This is Mayocks take on McCoys first game and one the pundits and I had in a similar view, he has a WATER PISTOL arm! The guy just can't make all the throws can he? Well watch him throw a 50 yard pass on the run with 1 min left in the game, LOOKS ACCURATE AND DEEP ENOUGH TO ME Mayock! Come on watch the film peeps!


After watching the tape for a third, fourth view, and more, isn't it very apparent this kid can make all the throws in the NFL? In 25 degree weather well thats another story and one we'll need to revisit?


But this Kid on film can do it all, lets let him grow! Cut him lose Mangini!


So he cannot make all the throws, neither could Joe Montana........but Brady Quinn could and Ryan Leaf could......................scratchin my head to see what relevance this is............


if he can make enough of the throws accurate enough and does not make the throws he cannot make...........what does that say...........especially with the game of the line


The whole topic is lame............ie he cannot make all the throws........his arm is good enough and his legs are superb and his awareness is better than most and his throws are accurate.............oh my........what counts most...............


I know a huge arm like JaMarcus Russell


rather than argue with a buffoon about how much a big arm matters..........argue about how an adequate arm and all the others tools overshadows a big arm and NO TOOLS


Thanks all those who commented above for seeing what is important in a QB...........ME I tired of measuring QB potential with arm strength..........Otto loves my posts


and one thing........making a throw when the game is on the line.........Colt did it Texas, Montana did it often, Elway did it often, and so does Ben and Peyton and Brees and Brady...............


and that is why their teams are always in the winner circle


Colt has shown the right stuff..........Thank you lord


I can see it now JaMarcus Russell and his cannon arm making line calls like Peyton Manning and pitching a spot on strike.......like Peyton does with his punk arm

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I, too, watched most of Colt's college games and admit his arm looks stronger. There was an incompletion on Sunday where Solomon Wilcots said "Oh there's two or three defenders in the area you really shouldn't throw that. Yes, Solomon but


a) Neither defender had a chance on the ball

B) it was where only Ben Watson could catch it and he dropped it.



Accuracy! I love it!


Case #2: Screens


Colt has always been pretty good about acting out his play fakes but I have to admit that those screens he threw on Sunday were amongst the best I can remember seeing from anybody. They were allowing to develop without being obious and boy did he sell them. What's more is Derek Anderson could never really complete the screen.


I think the draft experts really wanted to grade this kid higher but couldn't based on the NFL scouting standards. That's okay. The more crow they have to eat, the better for the Browns!

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I, too, watched most of Colt's college games and admit his arm looks stronger. There was an incompletion on Sunday where Solomon Wilcots said "Oh there's two or three defenders in the area you really shouldn't throw that. Yes, Solomon but


a) Neither defender had a chance on the ball

B) it was where only Ben Watson could catch it and he dropped it.



Accuracy! I love it!


Case #2: Screens


Colt has always been pretty good about acting out his play fakes but I have to admit that those screens he threw on Sunday were amongst the best I can remember seeing from anybody. They were allowing to develop without being obious and boy did he sell them. What's more is Derek Anderson could never really complete the screen.


I think the draft experts really wanted to grade this kid higher but couldn't based on the NFL scouting standards. That's okay. The more crow they have to eat, the better for the Browns!



naw the friigning draft morons graded him low for two simple reasons neither revelevant...........he is TOO SHORT and no he is not..................and he took gas in the Championship game.........NO HE DID NOT HE GOT A NERVE STINGER..............resulting in a dead arm.....................


so America went with the buffoons who lose big when going wrong high............and get big bucks being ok going high.........not much different than wall street..............


so they dumped Colt and NONE had the guts to say he is a player............welcome to NFL BS

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