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Browns Super Bowl Scenario Survey


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Yes, it's a very good bet that the Browns aren't going anywhere this year. Our best hope is to continue to improve, keep giving McCoy a shot, and allow the kid to grow, and then hope that Holmgren and Co. do what is necessary through next years draft and free agency to take a substancial leap in that direction. With that being said, I would like to know what would be your perfect scenario or fantasy of the Browns getting to the Superbowl?



1. Who would you like to see us play in the AFC Championship game? Home or Away?




2. Aside from just making it there, which team(s) would you like to see the Browns face in the Super Bowl?





3. Where would you like to see it played, and would you drop a fortune to go?




4. When it happens, what do think would be your initial reaction?




5. What benefit(s) other than finally winning our 1st championship since 1964, do you think that it would it bring to Cleveland, and NE Ohio?



6. Would it be a bigger deal than the Indians winning a World Series, or the Cavs winning the NBA title?




7. Finally... when that day comes and they do win it all, would it erase all of the pain of what has happened to this franchise with things such as the drive, the fumble, and the move?




Hey, sooner or later it's going to happen, so I just wanted to put this list together for fun to take away some of the misery. I would love to hear the thoughts of fellow Browns fans, should that glorious day come about! Feel free to add questions, or other comments to this scenario as well.

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Yes, it's a very good bet that the Browns aren't going anywhere this year. Our best hope is to continue to improve, keep giving McCoy a shot, and allow the kid to grow, and then hope that Holmgren and Co. do what is necessary through next years draft and free agency to take a substancial leap in that direction. With that being said, I would like to know what would be your perfect scenario or fantasy of the Browns getting to the Superbowl?



1. Who would you like to see us play in the AFC Championship game? Home or Away?


How about the Jags or Dolphins. Preferably a home game. That would mean we would have had the best record and we could show those warm weather team what a January on the shores of Lake Erie would be like.




2. Aside from just making it there, which team(s) would you like to see the Browns face in the Super Bowl?


The Lions or the Cardinals.





3. Where would you like to see it played, and would you drop a fortune to go?


WTF, why not New Orleans. As good a place as any.




4. When it happens, what do think would be your initial reaction?






5. What benefit(s) other than finally winning our 1st championship since 1964, do you think that it would it bring to Cleveland, and NE Ohio?


Not that much financially. Just Good Vibrations.



6. Would it be a bigger deal than the Indians winning a World Series, or the Cavs winning the NBA title?


Bigger than the Cavs for sure I think. And probably bigger than the Indians because at heart Cleveland is a football town.




7. Finally... when that day comes and they do win it all, would it erase all of the pain of what has happened to this franchise with things such as the drive, the fumble, and the move?


Remove? No. Pacify, yes.




Hey, sooner or later it's going to happen, so I just wanted to put this list together for fun to take away some of the misery. I would love to hear the thoughts of fellow Browns fans, should that glorious day come about! Feel free to add questions, or other comments to this scenario as well.


Because of this I did not have to do my weekly survey...which I forgot about doing. Thanks for stepping in.

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Yes, it's a very good bet that the Browns aren't going anywhere this year. Our best hope is to continue to improve, keep giving McCoy a shot, and allow the kid to grow, and then hope that Holmgren and Co. do what is necessary through next years draft and free agency to take a substancial leap in that direction. With that being said, I would like to know what would be your perfect scenario or fantasy of the Browns getting to the Superbowl?



1. Who would you like to see us play in the AFC Championship game? Home or Away?

Denver and Home



2. Aside from just making it there, which team(s) would you like to see the Browns face in the Super Bowl?

Eagles, Redskins, Buccaneers, and Colts



3. Where would you like to see it played, and would you drop a fortune to go?

I would liquidate all of my bank accounts and assets to go. Somewhere warn would be nice.



4. When it happens, what do think would be your initial reaction?

I will run naked through the streets.



5. What benefit(s) other than finally winning our 1st championship since 1964, do you think that it would it bring to Cleveland, and NE Ohio?

Economical boost and more fans (unfortunately fairweather)


6. Would it be a bigger deal than the Indians winning a World Series, or the Cavs winning the NBA title?

YES this is a football town!



7. Finally... when that day comes and they do win it all, would it erase all of the pain of what has happened to this franchise with things such as the drive, the fumble, and the move?

No. That pain stays forever like a scar. It would merely be a band aide.


Hey, sooner or later it's going to happen, so I just wanted to put this list together for fun to take away some of the misery. I would love to hear the thoughts of fellow Browns fans, should that glorious day come about! Feel free to add questions, or other comments to this scenario as well.


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Yes, it's a very good bet that the Browns aren't going anywhere this year. Our best hope is to continue to improve, keep giving McCoy a shot, and allow the kid to grow, and then hope that Holmgren and Co. do what is necessary through next years draft and free agency to take a substancial leap in that direction. With that being said, I would like to know what would be your perfect scenario or fantasy of the Browns getting to the Superbowl?



1. Who would you like to see us play in the AFC Championship game? Home or Away?... Pittsburgh. Home would be nice, but then again I think it would be equally nice to see us bitch smack them in their own house just to see that stunned look on their faces.


2. Aside from just making it there, which team(s) would you like to see the Browns face in the Super Bowl?... Detroit, Arizona, New Orleans.


3. Where would you like to see it played, and would you drop a fortune to go?.... I'd like to see it played in Miami. If I couldn't afford a ticket, I would definitely make sure I was there. New Orleans would nice too considering I would love to party on Bourbon St.


4. When it happens, what do think would be your initial reaction? I'd probably shout, get really drunk, and as Zombo said drop to my knees and cry.


5. What benefit(s) other than finally winning our 1st championship since 1964, do you think that it would it bring to Cleveland, and NE Ohio?... It would definitely help our image. Plus the party wouldn't stop until July!


6. Would it be a bigger deal than the Indians winning a World Series, or the Cavs winning the NBA title?... No question the Super Bowl would be a bigger deal. This is a football town first and foremost. Though some douchebag basketball player from Akron did try to change our minds at one time.


7. Finally... when that day comes and they do win it all, would it erase all of the pain of what has happened to this franchise with things such as the drive, the fumble, and the move?... Winning cures everything IMO! Those ghosts from the past would finally be put to rest, though me personally I've pretty much gotten over them. It still hurts to watch those highlights though.


Hey, sooner or later it's going to happen, so I just wanted to put this list together for fun to take away some of the misery. I would love to hear the thoughts of fellow Browns fans, should that glorious day come about! Feel free to add questions, or other comments to this scenario as well.



I've listed my answers.

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only gonna answer the first one.


Steelers and stains in the AFC championship game. preferably in cleveland so i can savor the pain on the fans face for getting so close and having the Steelers take it away from them and go on to win our 7th SB trophey.

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