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Is it the Wrs or QB?


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We have had some erratic play from both the QBs and WRs for a while now. We invested A LOT in those positions over the past few years so that raises the question. Is it the Robiskie and Massaquoi of the world. Or is it the Quinns, Delhommes and Wallace?

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We have had some erratic play from both the QBs and WRs for a while now. We invested A LOT in those positions over the past few years so that raises the question. Is it the Robiskie and Massaquoi of the world. Or is it the Quinns, Delhommes and Wallace?


that do what, make our fave team suck? quinn/da sucked (no more discussion needed). i liked the maasaquoi pick because i saw alot of him as my best friend is a GA fan and watched him for a couple of years in college. he also had stafford throwing to him in college. robiskie i don't get. ohio state is my fave team but didn't see him as a nfl wr.


delhomme is done. i love his attitude and what he brings to a locker room but dude hang up the cleats. wallace is a bandage on the problem for now just like delhomme but he is younger and can at least move away from the pocket when necessary. i really hope mccoy can be our future so we are not continuously drafting qbs.


an answer to the question is both.

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it was the QB AND the WR's.


you've found a QB but unfortunately don't have a WR that would start for any other team in the NFL.

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We have had some erratic play from both the QBs and WRs for a while now. We invested A LOT in those positions over the past few years so that raises the question. Is it the Robiskie and Massaquoi of the world. Or is it the Quinns, Delhommes and Wallace?


I will say this, Colt did great last sunday, but you could see on ESPN, and it was pointed out by the analysts, that Robiskie was wide open on at least 4 plays where Colt either dumped it off while note being pressured, or ran it too soon.

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We have had some erratic play from both the QBs and WRs for a while now. We invested A LOT in those positions over the past few years so that raises the question. Is it the Robiskie and Massaquoi of the world. Or is it the Quinns, Delhommes and Wallace?


Well, certainly the QB situation has been in flux with first the Quinn/DA deal, now with Delhomme and Wallace being hurt we are on our 3rd starting QB after only 5 games. That cannot be good for any team.


And the same is true for WR. Losing Stallworth, trading Edwards, putting the WR position in the hands of unprovens like Cribbs, MoMass, Robiskie, bringing in Stuckey.


Too much flux, too much confusion. How can the cohesion and time required develop between QBs and WRs under those conditions?

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wasn't that pretty much what everyone thought tho? that he would be a solid possesion reciever after developing. i don't remember many people expecting him to be our number 1, but more of a solid slot guy, which unfortunatly has yet to happen.

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wasn't that pretty much what everyone thought tho? that he would be a solid possesion reciever after developing. i don't remember many people expecting him to be our number 1, but more of a solid slot guy, which unfortunatly has yet to happen.

The thought on Robiskie was that he had a low ceiling but a high floor, turns out that only one part of that was correct. He was supposed to be an NFL ready receiver, not a savior which is what I was responding to.

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I just think the whole offensive side of the ball has not found it's way . The line has been unsettled , the receivers and TEs have been in flux , along with the QBs . What they need is some continuity , and time to play together for a spell . That's my take on it . I don't believe we have any Jerry Rice types but if we could get the timing down I believe we are serviceable as an offense .

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