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Colt is looking like the starter against the Pats


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Colt McCoy in line to make another start

Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on November 3, 2010 11:05 AM ET


Expected to be a gameday inactive his entire rookie season, Browns rookie quarterback Colt McCoy is instead getting a true NFL baptism by fire.


He's already faced the Steelers and Saints, and it looks like he'll make his third straight start against the Patriots on Sunday. Browns coach Eric Mangini said that Jake Delhomme and Seneca Wallace would both sit out practice Wednesday, which makes McCoy the clear favorite to start against New England.


Wallace made some strong statements about the Browns settling on a quarterback last week, and also expected to practice Wednesday. His high ankle sprain apparently hasn't fully recovered.


Wallace may not like it, but we wouldn't be surprised to see the Browns settle on McCoy as their guy.


Team President Mike Holmgren indicated Tuesday that the time will come "soon" to truly evaluate McCoy to see if he can be their guy in the future.


It McCoy can help beat the Patriots, he should at least be the guy of the present. (We can hear the Bernie Kosar comparisons coming.)

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I'm glad Colt is looking like the starter.


1. We need to know if Colt is going to be our QB of the future. At 2-5 in the AFC north, we are not going to make the play offs.

2. The best way to learn the QB position is to play it.

3. What is the reason to take him out now? He's showing he's making smart decisions and can throw the ball accurately.

4. How does either of the other QB's give us a better chance to win vs Colt?


Saddle up the pony and let's continue to see what he's got!

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I would've guessed this is the way the Browns would play it. Colt gets another start because the Browns beat the Saints and he has yet to shit the bed. Keeping Wallace off the field today means the Browns can say he wasn't quite ready. That way, if Colt DOES melt down, they can say Wallace IS ready for the Jets.


But if McCoy plays well... even reasonably well... we've likely crossed the point at which you loosen the leash and say he's your guy for the rest of the year.

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I believe I heard on the radio, that Wallace and Jake didn't practice today, because of their ankle injuries.


McCoy has shown tremendous composure, and qb intelligence... he has "IT". We'll get to see how he does vs the Pats.


Holmgren said that McCoy has inspired confidence in him, from his teammates.

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The Pats are in the bottom half of the league in pass defense, but as always they are well coached. I think that this is going to be a good test for McCoy. We see him going up against one of the best teams in the league and if he does well again, I think it will be hard for the coaches to not start him. Wallace's entire reason for starting was that he was doing well in there for an injured Delhomme. With McCoy doing well for an injured Wallace, wouldn't it make sense to keep him to starter. If Wallace were made the starter after he gets better and after McCoy does good, then it indicates that the coaches are just going to go with the original depth chart before injuries, which also means that Delhomme would eventually start over Wallace as well, regardless of how well Wallace is doing.

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I bet you are a motivational speaker.



--and you live in a van down by the river...


I think he meant it in a kinda-sorta positive way: If you can survive a three team stretch that's won 6 of the last 9 Super Bowls (Steelers, Saints, Pats), everything else should seem easy. But it's almost hilarious to add that the Jets D would be next. Not sure I've ever seen a murderer's row of first starts like that.


Makes you eager to see him against an ordinary team.

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The Pats are in the bottom half of the league in pass defense, but as always they are well coached. I think that this is going to be a good test for McCoy. We see him going up against one of the best teams in the league and if he does well again, I think it will be hard for the coaches to not start him. Wallace's entire reason for starting was that he was doing well in there for an injured Delhomme. With McCoy doing well for an injured Wallace, wouldn't it make sense to keep him to starter. If Wallace were made the starter after he gets better and after McCoy does good, then it indicates that the coaches are just going to go with the original depth chart before injuries, which also means that Delhomme would eventually start over Wallace as well, regardless of how well Wallace is doing.


Agree 100% Bradford is doing reasonably well for the Rams (and I don't see their offense at other positions being any better than the Browns), so should McCoy play OK against the Pats, IMHO he's earned the chance to start the rest of the year. And for once I'll sing Shep's mantra- it would be nice to know if Colt can be the long-term answer @ qb, considering there's going to be a bunch of "supposedly" potential NFL hotshot qbs in the 2011 draft. Holmgren said he needed 4-5 starts to truly evaluate a qb.


Really, this is a no lose situation for the Browns- (as mentioned barring a miracle, the Browns aren't making the playoffs this year) McCoy does well, we just keep riding the same pony- he has a lousy game at some point in this game or the rest of the season, and it would do no harm to sit him and say Wallace is finally healthy. I think Jake is done, other than being a mentor.


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I see what you are saying, that it is quite of series of tests for Young Colt.


I was just making reference to Gip's "Debbie Downer" reputation on the board that he seems to relish.


Good to see you back (again) ... we are 0-3 when we pass for over 200 yards, but 2-0 when we rush for over 100 yards and win the turnover battle.


So let's not get all "Give me a franchise QB or Give me Death" at this point in time...




I think it's great to win games in different ways... but for the long haul, you ain't gonna win much for long without a serious guy at the centerpiece position... for about a decade or so. It's a commonality of all the teams that sustain success for more than a year or two. You can look at the best teams for the this Millenium or for ANY decade... and you'll find stability and excellence at quarterback.


Ironically, the most recent article about that fact quoted John Gruden a TON. He basically said everything else is easy once you have your long-term guy at QB. Holmgren just said the same thing the other day.

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Hi Pats fan here.


Haven't seen McCoy play and don't know much about him. I can say that rookie QBs usually do awful against a Belichick defense the first time they face it. And you can bet since you guys have Mangini that BB will pull out all the stops and toss all kinds of things at McCoy that he probably hasn't seen before.


Our Dline and run D have been good, and the secondary has played much better the last couple games. This should be a tough game for the Browns but also a trap game for the Pats.

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Im a firm believer in whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger so if he can go into Shittsburg,then beat the saints, then have to go agasnt belliecks defense and perform decent,followed by rex ryans jets the next week damn what else does the kid have to fear

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If he didn't fold against Pittsburgh and New Orleans which are both attacking defenses, I can promise you the Pats aren't going to scare him. Yes, he could do poorly but I bet you that Seneca is really nervous right about now. Every good snap Colt takes in a real game goes a long way to pushing Wallace back to the bench;


You don't like to throw the rookie to the wolves but he's done admirably so far. Ride the wave.

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Hi Pats fan here.


Haven't seen McCoy play and don't know much about him. I can say that rookie QBs usually do awful against a Belichick defense the first time they face it. And you can bet since you guys have Mangini that BB will pull out all the stops and toss all kinds of things at McCoy that he probably hasn't seen before.Our Dline and run D have been good, and the secondary has played much better the last couple games. This should be a tough game for the Browns but also a trap game for the Pats.



Don't count on it. He started against the Squealers and the Saints, and they threw everything they could at him. He expects it, and he did a good job.

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Sounds like he's done pretty well against 2 very tough defenses. Belichick will take away the couple most important weapons which look to be Watson and Cribbs, and force the Browns to beat us with the rest of what he has to work with. Looks like it should be a great game and not an easy win for either team.

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Hi Pats fan here.


Haven't seen McCoy play and don't know much about him. I can say that rookie QBs usually do awful against a Belichick defense the first time they face it. And you can bet since you guys have Mangini that BB will pull out all the stops and toss all kinds of things at McCoy that he probably hasn't seen before.


Our Dline and run D have been good, and the secondary has played much better the last couple games. This should be a tough game for the Browns but also a trap game for the Pats.

hi Pats fan. nice screen name.


regardless of who starts, it definitely helps them they practice against a Rob Ryan 3-4 defense every day. that's pretty huge, and if it's Colt it will make a significant difference for him vs comparison to other rookies starting against the Pats.


Colt admitted recently he loves road games. not sure whether he also loves games at home, but it will help manage the pressure some at least.


fwiw if Jake's healthy i give him the nod, and believe EM will too...but i don't think he is. as much as i want to see Colt and like playing the current hot hand, he'll survive being benched>>>i give SW the start.


season Colt a bit longer and keep Seneca's pride in check, as we evaluate him against a top tier team. lots of ?'s on this team, no need to focus only on the sexy ones and ignore others also important to the Browns future.

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hi Pats fan. nice screen name.


regardless of who starts, it definitely helps them they practice against a Rob Ryan 3-4 defense every day. that's pretty huge, and if it's Colt it will make a significant difference for him vs comparison to other rookies starting against the Pats.


Colt admitted recently he loves road games. not sure whether he also loves games at home, but it will help manage the pressure some at least.


fwiw if Jake's healthy i give him the nod, and believe EM will too...but i don't think he is. as much as i want to see Colt and like playing the current hot hand, he'll survive being benched>>>i give SW the start.


season Colt a bit longer and keep Seneca's pride in check, as we evaluate him against a top tier team. lots of ?'s on this team, no need to focus only on the sexy ones and ignore others also important to the Browns future.


AHHH!!! Not Delhomme. If we start him, we're pretty much conceding the game. He's junk and too washed up. He hasn't been practicing for a long time now and he just needs to stay on the sidelines as a mentor. He can teach Colt that it's not too bad in Ohio vs Texas...

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Gotta think anybody who wants to start Delhomme now, next year, or ever is just cutting against the grain. Makes zero sense for a team trying to round into playoff shape for 2011 and 2012. He's old, he's injury-prone, he got cut for Matt Moore, nobody else wanted him, and his good years are getting really small in the rearview mirror.


I just don't know what the point would be. Wallace is better right now and McCoy has more upside than either. Wouldn't you like McCoy to go into the offseason with 11 straight starts under his belt and for once have a clear-cut #1? I sure as hell would.


Right now, I set the odds for Delhomme being on the team next year at about one in 50 and headed downward. If we stayed in this offense, I could buy him as a backup/mentor for McCoy, because they like each other... but I really think we're headed for a WCO, which Delhomme has never played. Wallace has a ton of experience in Holmgren's WCO.


If McCoy starts and Wallace backs up, I won't be shocked to see a much younger #3, someone with some upside. It's something Holmgren likes to do.


BTW, it's officially McCoy this Sunday. Wallace was ruled out. After three straight starts and a bye week, McCoy probably knows the offense better than Delhomme.

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Gotta think anybody who wants to start Delhomme now, next year, or ever is just cutting against the grain. Makes zero sense for a team trying to round into playoff shape for 2011 and 2012. He's old, he's injury-prone, he got cut for Matt Moore, nobody else wanted him, and his good years are getting really small in the rearview mirror.


I just don't know what the point would be. Wallace is better right now and McCoy has more upside than either. Wouldn't you like McCoy to go into the offseason with 11 straight starts under his belt and for once have a clear-cut #1? I sure as hell would.


Right now, I set the odds for Delhomme being on the team next year at about one in 50 and headed downward. If we stayed in this offense, I could buy him as a backup/mentor for McCoy, because they like each other... but I really think we're headed for a WCO, which Delhomme has never played. Wallace has a ton of experience in Holmgren's WCO.


If McCoy starts and Wallace backs up, I won't be shocked to see a much younger #3, someone with some upside. It's something Holmgren likes to do.


BTW, it's officially McCoy this Sunday. Wallace was ruled out. After three straight starts and a bye week, McCoy probably knows the offense better than Delhomme.



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Delhomme had a great preseason, was voted captain by his peers, and is getting paid 7 mil...it's his job to lose. imo, he hasn't lost it yet.


if Jake's healthy and it's McCoy, there's no turning back, so i would agree Jake is a duster. if he's not, that still gives them an out re: McCoy.


i want to see McCoy play Sunday as much as anyone but we can't get anxious with this. he can afford to season a bit more, and a hungrier McCoy can't be a bad thing.


if it's McCoy and SW feels like he's healthy...it could get pretty messy. we'll have to see how it plays out (if EM allows us to see, that is).

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Delhomme isn't good enough these days to have a lock on a job for any NFL team. He isn't Hasselbeck, let alone Brady. His job entitlement is zilch. We don't have "that guy" and shouldn't pretend we do.


Screw the 7 million. It was a national joke anyway. There's just no point to starting Delhomme now that we're halfway through the season, 2-5, he's played one half, and he isn't expected to be healthy until week 10.


Makes zero sense.

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Why I'm optimistic: With our schedule, it feels like every game we go into, I expect the Browns to look overmatched. I think the other team expects it.


Then you get in 1.5 quarters and you say, "You know, for a team supposedly lacking in any discernable talent... we look just as good as (Ravens, Steelers, Saints, etc.)."


I honestly think there's more talent on this team than people acknowledge... or know yet. I think we have a Top 10 OL, a Top 10 set of TEs, and a very good bruiser tailback. I think we have lots of talent on defense: Rubin, Coleman, Schaefering, Fujita, Gocong, Benard, Haden, and Ward are really legit players. I think Elam is adequate and Wright is an upper-bracket talent coming out of a weird slump.


If we just added a #1 WR and a very serious DE while keeping Roth and DQJ (who will be a bargain)? I think this team would be very, very good next season. Also throw in another pass rusher and a new OC and it's 10 wins.

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Why I'm optimistic: With our schedule, it feels like every game we go into, I expect the Browns to look overmatched. I think the other team expects it.


Then you get in 1.5 quarters and you say, "You know, for a team supposedly lacking in any discernable talent... we look just as good as (Ravens, Steelers, Saints, etc.)."


I honestly think there's more talent on this team than people acknowledge... or know yet. I think we have a Top 10 OL, a Top 10 set of TEs, and a very good bruiser tailback. I think we have lots of talent on defense: Rubin, Coleman, Schaefering, Fujita, Gocong, Benard, Haden, and Ward are really legit players. I think Elam is adequate and Wright is an upper-bracket talent coming out of a weird slump.


If we just added a #1 WR and a very serious DE while keeping Roth and DQJ (who will be a bargain)? I think this team would be very, very good next season. Also throw in another pass rusher and a new OC and it's 10 wins.




the problem is that no one in the national media watches this team. They see the record of 2-5 and they figure the Browns are a pushover. No one bothers to do the homework. They read the Cliffs Notes version. Yes, this team needs more pieces but this IS the NFL where guys are paid to execute and most of all, have pride. If you think that the Cleveland Browns or the Detroit Lions are going to roll over because the Pats and Jets are rolling into their respective towns this weekend...you're mistaken. You can't just roll the helmet out on to the field and expect to win. Why do teams get trapped in trap games? Because they don't put in the work or the attitude because they never had to in high school and college. The margins are so much narrower at the pro level. The difference between winning and losing is so tight....that you can't honestly expect anything but parity most of the time.

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Browns' McCoy embraces chance to play Patriots

By Nate Ulrich

Beacon Journal sports writer


POSTED: 08:00 p.m. EDT, Nov 05, 2010


BEREA: First the Pittsburgh Steelers, then the New Orleans Saints and now the New England Patriots. Yes, rookie Colt McCoy will continue to run the gantlet Sunday at Cleveland Browns Stadium.


''I embrace it,'' McCoy said Friday after he was named the Browns' starting quarterback for their upcoming game against the Patriots. ''I really think it's cool to play my first three games against six Super Bowl [wins] combined with all of the quarterbacks: Ben Roethlisberger, Drew Brees, Tom Brady.

''The cool thing is that those guys had to do exactly what I'm doing. They were rookies once, too. They played in these games, and for me, I see it as 'What an opportunity.' Let's go out there and play. I want to go out there and play the best I can for this team.''


Quarterbacks Seneca Wallace and Jake Delhomme did not practice this week because of their high-ankle sprains and are listed as questionable and doubtful, respectively, on the team's injury report. Browns coach Eric Mangini said Wallace still has ''an outside chance'' of being active Sunday, but he won't be the team's starter.

Instead, McCoy will start at home in a regular-season game for the first time. His first couple of starts took place in two of the NFL's most hostile environments — Heinz Field and the Superdome — but he didn't react like a deer in headlights.


''For a young guy, I've been pleased with his poise, I've been pleased with his approach and I've been pleased with his confidence,'' Mangini said of McCoy. ''It's not that false bravado that someone has to try to make those around them feel better about the fact that they're playing. It's legitimate. This is his third shot, and I feel good about him going into this game.''


McCoy has completed 32-of-49 passes (65.3 percent) for 355 yards and a touchdown with two interceptions for a passer rating of 76.5. The Browns (2-5) are 1-1 since he became their starter, and he's shown improvement in each practice.


''He has the right attitude,'' wide receiver Chansi Stuckey said. ''He has the moxie that a quarterback needs, his leadership and things like that. I think he's getting comfortable using the system in the game, making checks, recognizing blitz, recognizing coverage, getting us in the right run checks. I think that's the part where he's grown a lot.''

If there is any coach who could formulate a plan to derail a 24-year-old quarterback's progress, it's the Patriots' Bill Belichick, whom McCoy called a ''genius.''

Browns offensive coordinator Brian Daboll knows he must pay close attention to McCoy's mental preparation for the Patriots (6-1).


''You try to break down all the plays and simplify certain things that he can take from each scheme that they play, and you can't overwhelm him with things,'' Daboll said. ''That's one thing I've tried not to do the last two weeks with him is just kind of take little bits and pieces of each defensive scheme and maybe try to find some sort of tendency for him where it triggers because the game happens so fast, particularly for a young quarterback.''


After McCoy's first start, a 28-10 loss to the Steelers, Daboll stressed the importance of pocket presence. McCoy listened. He was sacked five times against the Steelers but only once in the Browns' 30-17 win over the Saints. He also threw two interceptions against the Steelers but none against the Saints.


''Getting hit by those big guys are a little bit different than the college guys, and he did a good job of standing in [the pocket] and moving when he needed to move,'' Daboll said. ''I thought it was better than the week before, and that's what you're looking for from young guys is to improve each game. Again, he hadn't had a ton of reps. He's kind of learning on the fly right here. In training camp, it was all Jake and Seneca for the most part.''


The Browns are a veteran team — they have 16 players who are 30 or older on their 53-man roster. McCoy, however, has not had a problem commanding respect from his elders.


''When he came in in the beginning, he was calm, cool, collected,'' tight end Benjamin Watson said. ''He kind of did what the coaches had planned for him to do, and he kind of took control from the get-go.''


McCoy has earned his teammates' trust in part because he's a perfectionist. McCoy said he treats practices as if they're games, and Daboll said McCoy becomes aggravated if one of his passes is about 6 inches off target.


''He's not arrogant or cocky or anything like that,'' Daboll said. ''He's competitive. He wants to do well so bad.''



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the problem is that no one in the national media watches this team. They see the record of 2-5 and they figure the Browns are a pushover. No one bothers to do the homework. They read the Cliffs Notes version. Yes, this team needs more pieces but this IS the NFL where guys are paid to execute and most of all, have pride. If you think that the Cleveland Browns or the Detroit Lions are going to roll over because the Pats and Jets are rolling into their respective towns this weekend...you're mistaken. You can't just roll the helmet out on to the field and expect to win. Why do teams get trapped in trap games? Because they don't put in the work or the attitude because they never had to in high school and college. The margins are so much narrower at the pro level. The difference between winning and losing is so tight....that you can't honestly expect anything but parity most of the time.


I agree. I don't recall an NFL season with the parity as seen this year. With few exceptions any team can beat another on a given Sunday. There have been a ton of close games.


It makes for a great league and season.

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Delhomme isn't good enough these days to have a lock on a job for any NFL team. He isn't Hasselbeck, let alone Brady. His job entitlement is zilch. We don't have "that guy" and shouldn't pretend we do.


Screw the 7 million. It was a national joke anyway. There's just no point to starting Delhomme now that we're halfway through the season, 2-5, he's played one half, and he isn't expected to be healthy until week 10.


Makes zero sense.

without having all the info it stands to reason it would make little sense to you. you have a fan perspective...and in my view prove it constantly.


you also have a serious axe to grind with Delhomme. your response, if anything, is consistent and predictable. i occasionally read both boards...and there's nothing new here.


you are entitled to your opinion, as am i. mine just happens to be the same as many of the players. like JC for ex.


not a nock against Colt, but the gameplan is watered down when he's in there, and rightly so--he's seeing things for the very first time. they face the Pats Sunday, not the Rams or Bills...or even the Packers or Chargers. the Pats. you play to win TODAY, not to determine next year's draft chart. Jake has the tools and the experience. although his arm isn't as sharp as it once was, he has proven in the past that he can take over games. again, not a nock on the rookie, who up til now has merely shown he can manage games. enormous difference there.


it's all moot now because Colt has been confirmed as the starter. regardless, all signs point to how a healthy Jake would be starting tomorrow, whether any of us like it or not.

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without having all the info it stands to reason it would make little sense to you. you have a fan perspective...and in my view prove it constantly.


you also have a serious axe to grind with Delhomme. your response, if anything, is consistent and predictable. i occasionally read both boards...and there's nothing new here.


you are entitled to your opinion, as am i. mine just happens to be the same as many of the players. like JC for ex.


not a nock against Colt, but the gameplan is watered down when he's in there, and rightly so--he's seeing things for the very first time. they face the Pats Sunday, not the Rams or Bills...or even the Packers or Chargers. the Pats. you play to win TODAY, not to determine next year's draft chart. Jake has the tools and the experience. although his arm isn't as sharp as it once was, he has proven in the past that he can take over games. again, not a nock on the rookie, who up til now has merely shown he can manage games. enormous difference there.


it's all moot now because Colt has been confirmed as the starter. regardless, all signs point to how a healthy Jake would be starting tomorrow, whether any of us like it or not.



So? He played the Steelers and the Saints, in away games and played damn good for a rookie. What's your point again? Oh, he's playing the "Pats"?

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my point Die Hard, since after quoting the page and still missing it, is that regardless of the outcome of the last two games,




and you don't lose your position simply due to injury, if injured while in the line of duty of course. being a Navy guy, i'd expect that would be something you could relate to, no?

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my point Die Hard, since after quoting the page and still missing it, is that regardless of the outcome of the last two games,




and you don't lose your position simply due to injury, if injured while in the line of duty of course. being a Navy guy, i'd expect that would be something you could relate to, no?


Yes, you do lose your position over injury. Its football not feel-good ball. Tom Brady is a great example. Brady played better than Bledsole and thus kept the job.


Keep the saddle on the Colt.

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