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The Browns are on the Upswing


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The Browns have moved to 24 on the NFL power list according to USA Today. Although lower tier we are moving up the scale after being bottom feeders for a few years. I expect us to lose to NE but a good showing will not have us moving lower. I do expect as the season winds down we do a little better and improve in power rankings into the teens.


Go Browns, make an emphasis on getting some skill players on offense in the off season and the draft and we will be ready to rock and roll next year.

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The Browns have moved to 24 on the NFL power list according to USA Today. Although lower tier we are moving up the scale after being bottom feeders for a few years. I expect us to lose to NE but a good showing will not have us moving lower. I do expect as the season winds down we do a little better and improve in power rankings into the teens.


Go Browns, make an emphasis on getting some skill players on offense in the off season and the draft and we will be ready to rock and roll next year.



My personal motto is "Expect to Win"



Never expect to lose.


Now, I know what you are saying....there is a good chance we might lose the game, but I am preparing to win...and honestly think we will. The Pats and Browns always play close games....and close games bring the underdog in to things in a big way.


In this match-up, you are possibly better off being the underdog. I can remember many games where we were big favorites and barely won or lost. Seems we tied a crappy Patriots team some years back.....for me, some years back can mean 25 or more. ;)


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The Browns have moved to 24 on the NFL power list according to USA Today. Although lower tier we are moving up the scale after being bottom feeders for a few years. I expect us to lose to NE but a good showing will not have us moving lower. I do expect as the season winds down we do a little better and improve in power rankings into the teens.


Go Browns, make an emphasis on getting some skill players on offense in the off season and the draft and we will be ready to rock and roll next year.



Why do you refer to the Browns as "us" if your a pissburgh fan first?

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The Browns have moved to 24 on the NFL power list according to USA Today. Although lower tier we are moving up the scale after being bottom feeders for a few years. I expect us to lose to NE but a good showing will not have us moving lower. I do expect as the season winds down we do a little better and improve in power rankings into the teens.


Go Browns, make an emphasis on getting some skill players on offense in the off season and the draft and we will be ready to rock and roll next year.

I Agree Rich. AFC North will be Getting Interesting.

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The Browns have moved to 24 on the NFL power list according to USA Today. Although lower tier we are moving up the scale after being bottom feeders for a few years. I expect us to lose to NE but a good showing will not have us moving lower. I do expect as the season winds down we do a little better and improve in power rankings into the teens.


Go Browns, make an emphasis on getting some skill players on offense in the off season and the draft and we will be ready to rock and roll next year.


I started getting really good vibes that we were going to play tough on Sunday. I hope Holmgren's stupidass press conference of pretty much tossing his towel into the coaching ring next sesaon doesn't effect our play. They were playing hard for Mangini we just don't have the offensive weapons (WR's). Holmgren needs to stay the course and stay retired.

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My personal motto is "Expect to Win"



Never expect to lose.


Now, I know what you are saying....there is a good chance we might lose the game, but I am preparing to win...and honestly think we will. The Pats and Browns always play close games....and close games bring the underdog in to things in a big way.


In this match-up, you are possibly better off being the underdog. I can remember many games where we were big favorites and barely won or lost. Seems we tied a crappy Patriots team some years back.....for me, some years back can mean 25 or more. ;)

I like your motto. You can't be in this business and train, study and sweat and then have the mindset of we'll try but will probably lose. Every Sunday a team steps up and knocks off a favorite pick team. I do think back when we took out the Pats in a 94' playoff game with Vinny T. the QB then.




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I started getting really good vibes that we were going to play tough on Sunday. I hope Holmgren's stupidass press conference of pretty much tossing his towel into the coaching ring next sesaon doesn't effect our play. They were playing hard for Mangini we just don't have the offensive weapons (WR's). Holmgren needs to stay the course and stay retired.


Holmgren's starting to piss me off with this, "If i'm in a suit or not" bs. Just shut your yap and let Mangini concentrate on winning and not losing his job. It's gotta be an added stress to know your boss may want to take your job. If he becomes both Headcoach and GM... I don't even want to think about that.

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Here's a quote from Chris Mortensen's chat today:


What in the world can the Browns do to get back on track?


Chris Mortensen

(11:57 AM)



The Browns have played very well in the majority of their games. It's clear that they have very marginal skill talent at QB, WR and RB. They don't have the playmakers. It's a well-coached team.

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Holmgren's starting to piss me off with this, "If i'm in a suit or not" bs. Just shut your yap and let Mangini concentrate on winning and not losing his job. It's gotta be an added stress to know your boss may want to take your job. If he becomes both Headcoach and GM... I don't even want to think about that.


I thought his press conference was positive for Mangini. Holmgren said something like "I will not base the decision (of whether or not to fire Mangini at end of season) solely on wins and losses, I will look at the big picture." It sounds to me like he likes what he sees and is giving Mangini a chance. All this suit and no suit crap was drug up time and time again by reporters. Remember, the media (not Holmgren) hates Mangini and wants him to fail..

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Well, I called the turnaround of the Browns when we dumped the Sewage Disposal system. I never criticized bringing in Mangini he is by far the best coach we have had since the franchise came back. I praised the hiring of Heckert and the moves he made and summarily stated so that he was improving personnel. I liked the hiring of Holmgren and stated so but was and am still worried about his ego.


I was triumphant in applause to the drafting of Colt McCoy whom I proclaimed a winner on draft day. That is moving nicely to prove me correctomundo once more.


I have been a Browns fans longer than most of you have been alive...........samo Steelers..........so the assholes zip those comments


The Browns are back................and yes..........by all intelligent indications they likely would have lost today


I am enthralled they won.............and convincingly.......the thrashed a good team


Two weeks in row............that is two trashing this year as opposed to NONE for seven years........


Now for all i am glad I was wrong in saying we will likely lose................I did not however NOT predict we would lose........I said likely which any sane person would


Rich usually gets it................and I am so glad I was one of the first to say back when we had shed the shit and finally were moving to be what the Browns were about


there are a few more ingredients missing..............but things are going to be real fun for some time


GO BRowns and fjuck all you ashsoles who made the ashiwle comments to my august positive observation


I do not front run.............I run in Front


Here we go Brownies

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Well, I called the turnaround of the Browns when we dumped the Sewage Disposal system. I never criticized bringing in Mangini he is by far the best coach we have had since the franchise came back. I praised the hiring of Heckert and the moves he made and summarily stated so that he was improving personnel. I liked the hiring of Holmgren and stated so but was and am still worried about his ego.


I was triumphant in applause to the drafting of Colt McCoy whom I proclaimed a winner on draft day. That is moving nicely to prove me correctomundo once more.


I have been a Browns fans longer than most of you have been alive...........samo Steelers..........so the assholes zip those comments


The Browns are back................and yes..........by all intelligent indications they likely would have lost today


I am enthralled they won.............and convincingly.......the thrashed a good team


Two weeks in row............that is two trashing this year as opposed to NONE for seven years........


Now for all i am glad I was wrong in saying we will likely lose................I did not however NOT predict we would lose........I said likely which any sane person would


Rich usually gets it................and I am so glad I was one of the first to say back when we had shed the shit and finally were moving to be what the Browns were about


there are a few more ingredients missing..............but things are going to be real fun for some time


GO BRowns and fjuck all you ashsoles who made the ashiwle comments to my august positive observation


I do not front run.............I run in Front


Here we go Brownies


Go die of AIDS.


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I said no at first but I see something different now. With the Browns beating up these top-tier teams who in turn play the Steelers the very next week, its pretty bad for Pittsburgh since the black n' gold have to travel to the home of the teams that just lost to the Browns and who definitely WILL NOT let their squads loose two weeks in a row.


The Browns are doing an amazing job of beating the Steelers without actually beating the Steelers; they're making it very hot for Pittsburgh since the Steelers have to face a pissed off opponent on the road....in consecutive weeks.


*damn :mad:


...but impressive win today, though

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I said no at first but I see something different now. With the Browns beating up these top-tier teams who in turn play the Steelers the very next week, its pretty bad for Pittsburgh since the black n' gold have to travel to the home of the teams that just lost to the Browns and who definitely WILL NOT let their squads loose two weeks in a row.


The Browns are doing an amazing job of beating the Steelers without actually beating the Steelers; they're making it very hot for Pittsburgh since the Steelers have to face a pissed off opponent on the road....in consecutive weeks.


*damn :mad:


...but impressive win today, though


TRANSLATION: "Thanks for giving us Steeler Fans an excuse for why we've lost two games in a row with Big Ben at the helm seven days before we lose the second"

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I said no at first but I see something different now. With the Browns beating up these top-tier teams who in turn play the Steelers the very next week, its pretty bad for Pittsburgh since the black n' gold have to travel to the home of the teams that just lost to the Browns and who definitely WILL NOT let their squads loose two weeks in a row.


The Browns are doing an amazing job of beating the Steelers without actually beating the Steelers; they're making it very hot for Pittsburgh since the Steelers have to face a pissed off opponent on the road....in consecutive weeks.


*damn :mad:


...but impressive win today, though

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY .... WOW ... What a Turnaround. Colt McCoy is Special and its not Hard to See that. Hillis a Beast ... The O Line Solid... TJ Ward another Cog . The Browns are for real. Wake up NFL... Even thier losses this year they have played well. THIS Season is not yet over for them... Steeler need to wake the Hell Up and quit Reading the Freaking NFL "Power" Rating... starting TONITE in Cinncy. Congrats Brownie Fan... Smile Freely Today. You future has Sunny days involved.

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TRANSLATION: "Thanks for giving us Steeler Fans an excuse for why we've lost two games in a row with Big Ben at the helm seven days before we lose the second"

Quit being a bitter Bitch Anteater... That was an Accurate assessment, and It excuses NOT, a Steeler Loss. But Momentum and the classic "Wake Up Call" are a REAL Element in Football. NO Excuses needed N. Orleans Outplayed Pittsburgh , but without the Spanking Provided by the Browns the sense of Urgency they Played under would NOT Have been Heightened to the point that it was.

And Now Bellicheat is in the same Boat. Time for the Steelers to Step up or Fade away. Time for people like you to stop being Pu**Y~A** Crybabies and be a Strong Browns fan and not such a sad sack ...looking to the worst possible tie in every time a rival fan says something. The Browns have impressed the Hell out of me ,Sadly Some of their Fan Base like You...Not. And i KNOW you could care less... but I am just pointing out the Obvious Common sense way it is. Quit being so pathetic man.

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