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ESPN continues to shrug Browns


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Just as anyone on this board could have predicted, the Browns beating down the Pats yesterday fails to be a top story today, despite the history between the staff on the two teams and the difference in their records. They give us our typical 30 seconds, show a touchdown or two and move on to the next story. Right now the top two stories are Favre (Imagine that), and the COWBOYS!! Haha I just think ESPN is such a joke for making "Cowboys fall to 1-7" the big headline. I really feel no need to elaborate as I'm sure you all can see how ridiculous the Cowboys being a main headline is. At least those of us who get Sports Time Ohio can turn that on and get the whole story. Stepping back and looking at it though, I think its better for the Browns to be under the radar and to keep our guys out of the spotlight to avoid inflating egos before we have proven we are truly a winning team.

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Some of you really have to step back and look at it from a "big picture" point of view.


Of course the Cowboys are a bigger deal, everybody wants to see the Cowboys fall falt on their face so when they do, it's headlines. If the Browns work their way up and stay up their for a few years they will start to get some run, until then, it's just a lowly team knocking off a powerhouse......no big deal.



Well from the "big picture" view, the 1-6 cowboys falling to arguably one of the best teams in the NFC is not a story at all compared to the 2-5 Cleveland Browns knocking off the team with the best record in the NFL. Like I said though, I think its a good thing for the Browns anyway, I could care less what they talk about. Its not like it makes me angry, I just find it amusing.

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Some of you really have to step back and look at it from a "big picture" point of view.


Of course the Cowboys are a bigger deal, everybody wants to see the Cowboys fall falt on their face so when they do, it's headlines. If the Browns work their way up and stay up their for a few years they will start to get some run, until then, it's just a lowly team knocking off a powerhouse......no big deal.



Yeah but come on Stone! 2 contenders in a row. And not just sneaking by on a field goal. These were 2 beatdowns that we handed to 2 legitimate teams! That says something. Once may be a fluke (like the win against the Giants in 2008). Twice? Not so much. It is going to get really interesting down the stretch. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we're going to win it all. But I will say we are becoming more relevant every week!



As for Dallas... talk about a clusterf*** down there in Big D! I don't have issues with the Cowboys, but I do dislike Jerry Jones. Guess it serves him right for selling his boy Jimmy Johnson down the river back in the day.

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I know three people who work or have worked at ESPN and they'll all tell you the same thing. There is a definite agenda. Every day there are five stories that are going to get rammed down everyone's throat. They go for ratings and sizzle rather than news. Anything remotely interesting (or even not) about Brett Favre is an example of something that will always get to the top. Cowboys are another example.


In a way, I don't care because ESPN is even more biased than the other media. Did you know that they have had a business relationship in Boston with Bob Kraft? Conflict of interest? Perhaps they're suppressing this story.


Either way, we still need to fly under the radar until after this week.

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The Cowboys aka America's Team falling flat is a bigger story considering the amount of talent, money and media hype that was invested into it. The bigger story should be what more should Wade Phillips do to get Jerry Jones to fire him ? Does Wade have some damning evidence of JJ doing something illegal that is preventing the firing ?

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ESPN spent 5 minutes (8% of SportsCenters one hour before Wade Phillips got fired) to drone on about the 1-7 Cowboys, even including Lebron James' tweets about the Cowboys?!?!?! COME THE F@#K ON!!!!


They did spend 3 minutes talking about the 4-4 Dolphins @ 6-2 Ravens, but two minutes of that was about the supposed spitting incident. ESPN sucks.

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and they did have stuckey on 'first and ten' this morning. hillis highlights have been on all the espn shows today. i just hope mangini holds back the hype from the team. i'd rather have no coverage than that which might blow up players' heads.

btw f the cowboys and f brett favre.

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ESPN seems only interested in promoting individuals & their stories. Tiger, LeBron, Favre, A-Roid, & Kobe currently. I guess the Cowboys, Yankees, Heat, & Red Sox are the only teams worth talking about.


I used to watch Sportscenter all the time, now it's rare for me. The old NFL Primetime show, with Chris Berman was funny, but now, there isn't much on that keeps me watching. I'm sick and tired of individuality over team.

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Hopefully we will soon return to being one of the "always featured teams" with "always featured players" because in bigtime sports tv nobody likes to hear about a loser except the losers fans and yet jones keeps finding ways to keep the cowturds in the bigtime picture, our time is coming! hehehehe...

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Well, for what its worth, this morning on Mike and Mike ESPN Radio the running topic of conversation was about Mike Golic's new "Man Crush" on Payton Hillis.


Golic was praising Hillis for his performance and stated how he really admired Hillis's "guns"/ his biceps. Greenberg then jumped on him about that all morning. During all that time they were talking about how well Hillis played and how well he was built. So Hillis got a lot of love in that regard from ESPN.


One comment Greenberg made was that when the Browns traded Brady Quinn for Payton Hillis, so did Golic. (Golic was also supposed to have a 'man crush' on Quinn).


When Mike Ditka came on Mike Greenberg asked him if Ditka thought it was normal for a guy to talk about how much he admired another guys "biceps". Ditka said " I don't know about his guns because I was admiring Hillis's tush".

It was hilarious, needless to say.

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Well, for what its worth, this morning on Mike and Mike ESPN Radio the running topic of conversation was about Mike Golic's new "Man Crush" on Payton Hillis.


Golic was praising Hillis for his performance and stated how he really admired Hillis's "guns"/ his biceps. Greenberg then jumped on him about that all morning. During all that time they were talking about how well Hillis played and how well he was built. So Hillis got a lot of love in that regard from ESPN.


One comment Greenberg made was that when the Browns traded Brady Quinn for Payton Hillis, so did Golic. (Golic was also supposed to have a 'man crush' on Quinn).


When Mike Ditka came on Mike Greenberg asked him if Ditka thought it was normal for a guy to talk about how much he admired another guys "biceps". Ditka said " I don't know about his guns because I was admiring Hillis's tush".

It was hilarious, needless to say.


Golic also gave the Browns his good award of the week and said a lot of nice things about the team. And the Browns game was also a topic on the first segment of PTI today. I was happy with the coverage. If they just keep winning games and playing tough the respect will come. These things don't happen overnight.

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