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making the playoffs...impossible?


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You knew this thread was coming sooner or later.



I am in no way suggesting that the Browns ARE making the playoffs, I am merely entertaining the notion if it could be a possibility.



With that out of the way...



Even though our schedule get lighter as the year goes on, I think the poor start may have ruined our chances for this year. My inner-fan in me thinks we can come close to winning out---but my logical self says whoaaaa, not so fast. But I do think we will lose two more games and that would put us at 9-7.

Now, If we get luckier we could end up at 10-6. Should we get to 10-6, is it out of the realm of possibility that we make the playoffs? We would hold the tie breaker over New England and NYJ if we beat them next week. Let me hear your scenarios.



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HIGHLY improbable.


If we were in the NFC, then we'd have a shot. But being in the AFC and especially AFC North with Baltimore and Pittsburgh, we don't have much of a chance... even at 10-6.


If we keep playing like we have the last couple of weeks, then we have a pretty good chance next year. Just need to take care of bidnaz in our division.

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You can dream but I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole. Bad luck.



Me either. We would have to reel off at least 3 or 4 more wins before I would even entertain this. And to be honest I don't really care if we make the playoffs this year. If McCoy keeps playing and playing well and he proves to be our future QB, and if we finish 7-9 and we are in every game I will be extremely happy with this season and I will wait impatiently until next year for our playoff run. And I will pray that Holmgren doesn't make coaching changes in the offseason to screw things up.

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You knew this thread was coming sooner or later.



I am in no way suggesting that the Browns ARE making the playoffs, I am merely entertaining the notion if it could be a possibility.



With that out of the way...



Even though our schedule get lighter as the year goes on, I think the poor start may have ruined our chances for this year. My inner-fan in me thinks we can come close to winning out---but my logical self says whoaaaa, not too fast. But I do think we will lose two more games and that would put us at 9-7.

Now, If we get luckier we could end up at 10-6. Should we get to 10-6, is it out of the realm of possibility that we make the playoffs? We would hold the tie breaker over New England and NYJ if we beat them next week. Let me hear your scenarios.



I more than understand the new hope that has been built in these last weeks. The "P" word is not a something to put much trust in. In time with McCoy and the rest of the team starting to click we should be in better position next year. Don't waste a top pick and get us some WR's. You dream if we could of got off to a better start what might of happend.


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i'm not going to say that the browns have a shot at the playoffs. however, i will say that 4 weeks ago, i was looking at our schedule and thinking to myself "who can we beat?". now, i look at the schedule and think to myself "who CAN'T we beat?". go browns. this season is far from over. let's get to .500 and build on that.

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I see 11-5 as the number needed to get into the play-offs as a wilcard this year in the AFC. I see the Steelers/Ravens topping the North and the Pats/Jets topping the east. The West is a mess and someone there will probably end up with a home play-off at 9-7. I see the Colts winning the South, but Tennessee may still squeak by them. You can not lose another AFC game or you are out of play-off contention.

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Let's take one game at a time and see how it plays out..


If we beat the jets, looking ahead who knows what happens, but it adds excitement


The way the schedules pan out, we could EASILY see three teams coming from out division. Don't count us out, yet.

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I'm not worrying about the damn playoffs.


Can we please take one game at a time and just focus on the opposing team at hand, and just winning football games. Not smart to look ahead like that. It's a one game season for me at least. And I'm sure the coaches aren't even thinking playoffs at this point.

well its the players job to look at one game at a time. We as fans don't have the added pressure of playing the actual game while focusing on making the playoffs, so we can talk about it all we want.

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We really needed Cincy to win last night for much of any chance. They suck and I can't believe they opened MNF by starting flat at Home on National TV in a do or die situation.


Agreed! I was just shocked by how bad Cinci started off last night. Although I never liked the clown, it was inspiring watching T.O. put that team emotionally on his back last night. I've never seen a team feed off of someone's energy like Cinci did last night. They had that 4th and 5 converted but Harrison put one hell of a lick on Jordan Shipley and dislodged the ball...disappointing because I too was thinking "If Cinci wins, we still have an outside shot of making the playoffs."

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well its the players job to look at one game at a time. We as fans don't have the added pressure of playing the actual game while focusing on making the playoffs, so we can talk about it all we want.


Good point. I understand that, I just don't want to praise about how good we are. Let's try to win more than 4 games in a row (last season), and I think we can if we keep this momentum. GO BROWNS!

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At this stage I'm not so much concerned about making the playoffs as I am seeing continuous improvement week-to-week. Eliminating turnovers and bone-headed drive killing penalties. We can see this team coming together right before our eyes and right now I just want to sit back and enjoy it. Go Browns!

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The reason we brought up the Jets game and a possible 4-5 record: We then play a string of 5 teams we really should beat.


Wouldn't it be cool to be 9-5 with the Ravens and Steelers coming to Cleveland?


of course.. but it would be cooler if we played Dallas and Carolina in Cleveland the last 2 weeks :lol:

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Shepwrite wrote:

My son Jack and I agreed that we'd wait until the Browns beat the Jets to go to 4-5 to even muse about it. The Chargers just went to 4-5 and everybody says their one of the serious contenders.


The chargers are contenders because of their division. No team in the West has more than 5 wins, so with a healthy dose of divisional play, it'll be easy for them to overcome the 1.5 games they currently trail.

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Also... playoff teams are facing off against each other while we're in our "easy" stretch of five games. Hell, Baltimore plays AT Atlanta day after tomorrow. We're looking to move past teams like the three contenders in the AFC West, too. Ideally, three playoff teams come from the AFC Central, with us at 10-6 being the third.


Hey, a guy can dream.

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I'll say this: If the Browns get to 6-5... any team at 6-5 is in the playoff hunt in almost any year.


And if we get to 9-5 with the Ravens and Steelers coming to our house, those games will be HUGE. They'll matter.


If we win the Jets game. I do not see us losing during during the Carolina, Jacksonville, Miami, Buffalo stretch.

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Doerschuck (maybe my favorite Browns beat writer) says two more wins and everybody will be talking playoffs:


Asking around the locker room, the Browns don’t want to waste a chance to climb into playoff contention, now that they’re beating playoff teams. The math is a bit daunting.There are two wild-card spots available, and at this point, the non-division leaders with better records than Cleveland’s 3-5 are:Patriots (6-2), Dolphins (4-4), Steelers (5-2), Colts (5-3), Jags (4-4), Texans (4-4), Raiders (5-4) and Chargers (4-5).


That makes the Jets game a must-win. If it is a win, though the Browns will be 4-5 …


• The Colts (Peyton Manning has to fade sometime) would be 5-4 if they fall to Cincinnati.

• The Dolphins would be 4-5 if they fall to Tennessee.

• Either the Texans or Jags will be 4-5 after they play each other.

• The Raiders have a bye, then face a string of tough games starting with Pittsburgh, which could drop them to 5-5.


Check out everybody else’s record in two weeks. If Cleveland wins the next two Sunday’s, everyone will be talking playoffs.


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Doerschuck (maybe my favorite Browns beat writer) says two more wins and everybody will be talking playoffs:


Asking around the locker room, the Browns don’t want to waste a chance to climb into playoff contention, now that they’re beating playoff teams. The math is a bit daunting.There are two wild-card spots available, and at this point, the non-division leaders with better records than Cleveland’s 3-5 are:Patriots (6-2), Dolphins (4-4), Steelers (5-2), Colts (5-3), Jags (4-4), Texans (4-4), Raiders (5-4) and Chargers (4-5).


That makes the Jets game a must-win. If it is a win, though the Browns will be 4-5 …


• The Colts (Peyton Manning has to fade sometime) would be 5-4 if they fall to Cincinnati.

• The Dolphins would be 4-5 if they fall to Tennessee.

• Either the Texans or Jags will be 4-5 after they play each other.

• The Raiders have a bye, then face a string of tough games starting with Pittsburgh, which could drop them to 5-5.


Check out everybody else’s record in two weeks. If Cleveland wins the next two Sunday’s, everyone will be talking playoffs.


Nice work!

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