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Peyton Hillis for Christmas


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Keep you kid from growing up to be a nerdy wimp, splash one of these PEYTON HILLIS FATHEADS on his wall to remind him what a tough football player looks like. Rip that stupid-ass Tiny Canadian Pussy Douche poster off your daughters wall and point to her what you had in mind for a future son-in-law.


PEYTON HILLIS FATHEADS On-SALE for Only $99.99 $69.99. (For more details click here)



Make it a Peyton Hilis Christmas.



Peyton Hillis Jerseys now available at www.TheBrownsStore.com Just click on any Jersey and follow links to the BRowns Jersey selections (Direct link not yet available, but coming soon).





Thanks for supporting this site by shopping at TheBrownsStore.com



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Yeah thanks for the update im gonna have one of those for christmas btw does anyone know where i can get a TJ Ward jersey ive looked everywhere and can not find one???




then you pick "select a player" and from the drop down menu Ward is in there. You can actually get any jersey from someone on the active roster this way. Pretty sweet, getting a dawson jersey for christmas most likely.

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