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Due Date Review

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Due Date

Warner Brothers

R 100 min



OK so let me backpedal.

Not everything that comes out in the fall is good.

Ever since filmmakers found out that you can make a fast buck out of a collection of gross out jokes about bodily fluids, dope and the groin area we’ve been treated to one of these turds every few months.

Hey as long as they make money why not eh?

The latest offering of the genre is DUE DATE a grubby little road trip flick that owes more to Beavis and Butthead than Hope and Crosby.

The basic premise is that an outlandish series of events force an edgy expectant father Peter (Robert Downey Jr.) and an incredibly annoying aspiring actor Ethan (Zach Galifianakis) and his ugly little dog to travel together from Atlanta to LA.

I suppose I could document the litany of pitfalls the pair go through as they make their way west but lets just say that most all are clichés and only a very few are even a little funny.

But wait.

As DUE DATE rolled on I decided I actually hated it less than I probably should. Why?

Because Downey is able to squeeze every drop of fun from a script that offers very little.

Oh there are flashes of smart repartee but even those would fall to the ground delivered by a lesser actor. The guy really is good.

And despite that script Galifianakis has enough charisma to keep you from merely hating Ethan.

Don’t get me wrong gang, this isn’t a very good movie but at least the actors have made it less offensive than it might have been.




Email westsidesteve@aol.com

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