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How to handle December 2nd?


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I have been thinking about this and have come up with what I feel is the best way to handle this game. When James is introduced everyone in the stands should turn around and the arena board shoud read " You turned your back on us and now, we turn our backs on you". Thoughts?

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Yeah, Lebron has not been on our team for 4 months, they have thier own problems to deal with. Root for our team boo the Heat as a team. Just remember, if the fans make an ass out of themselfs, Lebron will use that as a reason for leaving and then we will get more negative Pub. Go Cavs.

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I hope you all have read about the increased security for the game. Also, anti Lebron shirts, posters and whatnot wont be allowed. Will even be confiscated. Undercover cops in stands too. Would hate to hear that any of you got arrested.

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I hope you all have read about the increased security for the game. Also, anti Lebron shirts, posters and whatnot wont be allowed. Will even be confiscated. Undercover cops in stands too. Would hate to hear that any of you got arrested.


Oh, I'm sure there's quite a few Cavs fans that would gladly spend a few days in the slammer for the privilege of dumping a beer on the Traitor.


But really- on a National PR level -and since the game's on TNT, it would be best to keep it cool.


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Who cares LeBron wins. He doesn't care what any of you do... his team has a winning record and we're getting shredded at home, yet again..... The Heat are going to steamroll our shitty shell of a team. Im disgusted with this team right now... Cleveland sports are going through a dark time right now.... Crying about LeBron STILL is not going to change that.


Screw him stop giving him all this attention im so xxxxing sick of hearing about it


that fan that went ape shit on the 8 year old should have saved that for LeBron.

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