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Jon Gruden is NOT THE Answere


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Jon Gruden did not do well in Oakland and he had one great season in Tampa a year to remember in a team he inherited from Tony Dungy. Dungy's problem was he was too conservative and never concentrated on offense and had a lousy QB. Gruden in the miracle year milked one more great performance out of a serviceable QB backed by a great defense.


Great defenses are few and far between.


Franchise QB's are not nearly as rare and have staying power.




he is more smoke than substance


What I do want to see is a coach who understands how to scheme on defense and is offensive minded. I like to believe that Holmgren thinks that way too.


Heckert is proving to a good GM and Holmgren a good President


I like Mangini but get bewildered by the ultra conservatism on offense and the need to play a washed up Jake.


I do not want Mangini fired especially to replace him with the likes of Gruden which would be a move backward


But if Holmgren sees the next genius that actually is focusing on scoring instead being close............I am all for a new coach


But he better have a record of building offensive powerhouses and stellar defense


Gruden does NOT fit that bill


The Browns have come a long way from the total garbage that Sewage left pardon the pun.


My track record says my judgement has been way good over the years.


We may have a real QB for the first time since Bernie..............now let's get him some weapons and a coach who thinks offense


If Mangini stays he better show that next year or else we need a change


and if Holmgren makes the change now hope that is not Gruden........because that is going backward


Like I said a thousand times to get criticized as opposed to popular opinion Offense Wins championships and we need a coach that focuses on Offense........I think Holmgren thinks that way too......if Mangini cannot adjust time to move on but NOT to Gruden

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I'm a little lost. Seriously.


Gruden coached for 11 seasons. He won 5 division championships. He had 6 winning seasons, 8 at .500 or above. He won a Super Bowl. He was 95-81 overall.


Mangini has losing records with two franchises. Overall he's 33-44. He's never won anything.


How is that better? I honestly don't get it.

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I didn't say it was better...........but 91-85 says Gruden is mediocre. As far as Mangini he inherited GARBAGE from Sewage and had to wallow in that garbage year one.


Like I said I am not proclaiming Mangini is the answer. I am saying he has done a pretty good job so far with nothing work with but his offensive decisions concern me.


What I AM SAYING IS PLEASE NO GRUDEN...........we don't need another overhyped mediocre coach


Gruden inherited good teams with a lot of talent and when he left both they were losers

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i think making a coaching (HC not OC) change would be a huge mistake and counter-productive at this point. this franchise needs stability. why tear the whole thing down, rip it all up and start all over again, again? the team is showing progress. sure there are positional players that need to be sent packing and we need help through the draft and possibly free agency. doesn't it take like five years for a new coach with his systems implemented, his players in place to take effect and show whether or not it's viable? let's give it some more time with mangini. if next year we aren't seriously contending for a playoff spot then shit can him. we just can't keep tearing the system down because we think someone else can do a better job.


and FFFF gruden.

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I didn't say it was better...........but 91-85 says Gruden is mediocre. As far as Mangini he inherited GARBAGE from Sewage and had to wallow in that garbage year one.


Like I said I am not proclaiming Mangini is the answer. I am saying he has done a pretty good job so far with nothing work with but his offensive decisions concern me.


What I AM SAYING IS PLEASE NO GRUDEN...........we don't need another overhyped mediocre coach


Gruden inherited good teams with a lot of talent and when he left both they were losers


It's 95-81. It's a good record.

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i think making a coaching (HC not OC) change would be a huge mistake and counter-productive at this point. this franchise needs stability. why tear the whole thing down, rip it all up and start all over again, again? the team is showing progress. sure there are positional players that need to be sent packing and we need help through the draft and possibly free agency. doesn't it take like five years for a new coach with his systems implemented, his players in place to take effect and show whether or not it's viable? let's give it some more time with mangini. if next year we aren't seriously contending for a playoff spot then shit can him. we just can't keep tearing the system down because we think someone else can do a better job.


and FFFF gruden.


It depends. Stability in and of itself isn't good. That's like saying you're going to start Ryan Leaf for the next decade no matter what happens... for the sake of stability. The Browns have, for the most part, been stable. That is, they've consistently sucked since the return.


When you have things right, primarily at QB and HC, you try to keep it for as long as possible. Do the Browns have the right head coach for the long term? To the point of keeping him in the name of stability?


I think there's a strong chance we'll finish 6-10 after finishing 5-11. I'm not sure that's a case for stability.


And teams change coaching staffs and win immediately all the time, often because there was talent on the roster but not the right schemes or coaches. Atlanta, the Jets, Baltimore, KC, St. Louis, Tampa Bay... they all won in either year one or year two. It seems to be more likely to yield MORE wins than less.

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And teams change coaching staffs and win immediately all the time, often because there was talent on the roster but not the right schemes or coaches. Atlanta, the Jets, Baltimore, KC, St. Louis, Tampa Bay... they all won in either year one or year two. It seems to be more likely to yield MORE wins than less.

so you want the flash-in-the-pan win one super bowl and then suck for another decade like tampa after gruden? how do our arch rivals continue to win over and over again. stability which stems from a good foundation from top to bottom.

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oh but Gruden is the answer! How could you say that he didn't do well in Oakland? If it wasn't for the tuck rule the Raiders would have Beaten the Patriots and played in the Super Bowl. Then he took over a Tampa Bay team and won a Super Bowl with Brad Johnson as his quaterback. Maybe some of you guys are satisfied with winning 5 games a season, but Me and Mike Holmgren aren't! Or maybe you really are Mangini's son but either way Mangini will be gone and yes Gruden is the answer! He has been a much better head coach then Mangina and he will lead the Browns to the Super Bowl!

In Gruden We Trust!

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so you want the flash-in-the-pan win one super bowl and then suck for another decade like tampa after gruden? how do our arch rivals continue to win over and over again. stability which stems from a good foundation from top to bottom.


Not a flash in the pan. His teams were 9-7 each of his last two years... then fell apart after he left.


The Tampa Bay team he won the Super Bowl with was old. Lean times were inevitable.

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Wow rich, I'm so glad you aren't our gm or in charge of football operations.


You can't compare gruden to mangini. Its like comparing bill parcells and jim mora.


When he comes here you guys will be happy!

anyone with a brain larger than a pea is happy you don't call the shots too.

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Wow rich, I'm so glad you aren't our gm or in charge of football operations.


You can't compare gruden to mangini. Its like comparing bill parcells and jim mora.


When he comes here you guys will be happy!


Well Parcells never won a playoff game that Belichick was not an assistant so that tell me your football acumen. I get it and got it..................you keep up if you can


and please listen sometimes because a few of us KNOW the game

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I did not say Parcells was not a good coach. I am saying he was way overrated. How great is Miami now? How great were the Pats after he left? How great were the Cowboys with and without him? How great were the Pats after he left?


How great were the Giants after he left?


And yeah tell me how many games he won in the playoffs in all those years without Belichick telling him what to do???


Go for it.


Meanwhile, I am not going into a pissing contest with an obvious football genius. YOU


I got better things to do.


Now if you want to discuss why I have my positions rather that supposing that I am just pissing in the wind


Let's talk .......otherwise buzz off

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Jon Gruden did not do well in Oakland and he had one great season in Tampa a year to remember in a team he inherited from Tony Dungy. Dungy's problem was he was too conservative and never concentrated on offense and had a lousy QB. Gruden in the miracle year milked one more great performance out of a serviceable QB backed by a great defense.


Great defenses are few and far between.


Franchise QB's are not nearly as rare and have staying power.




he is more smoke than substance


What I do want to see is a coach who understands how to scheme on defense and is offensive minded. I like to believe that Holmgren thinks that way too.


Heckert is proving to a good GM and Holmgren a good President


I like Mangini but get bewildered by the ultra conservatism on offense and the need to play a washed up Jake.


I do not want Mangini fired especially to replace him with the likes of Gruden which would be a move backward


But if Holmgren sees the next genius that actually is focusing on scoring instead being close............I am all for a new coach


But he better have a record of building offensive powerhouses and stellar defense


Gruden does NOT fit that bill


The Browns have come a long way from the total garbage that Sewage left pardon the pun.


My track record says my judgement has been way good over the years.


We may have a real QB for the first time since Bernie..............now let's get him some weapons and a coach who thinks offense


If Mangini stays he better show that next year or else we need a change


and if Holmgren makes the change now hope that is not Gruden........because that is going backward


Like I said a thousand times to get criticized as opposed to popular opinion Offense Wins championships and we need a coach that focuses on Offense........I think Holmgren thinks that way too......if Mangini cannot adjust time to move on but NOT to Gruden


You know, I bust your chops a lot Rich. But I have to say I agree with what you have to say here.

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oh but Gruden is the answer! How could you say that he didn't do well in Oakland? If it wasn't for the tuck rule the Raiders would have Beaten the Patriots and played in the Super Bowl. Then he took over a Tampa Bay team and won a Super Bowl with Brad Johnson as his quaterback. Maybe some of you guys are satisfied with winning 5 games a season, but Me and Mike Holmgren aren't! Or maybe you really are Mangini's son but either way Mangini will be gone and yes Gruden is the answer! He has been a much better head coach then Mangina and he will lead the Browns to the Super Bowl!

In Gruden We Trust!


so now you are tight with Holmgren :rolleyes:


Also, Here is an article I found on Warren Sapp's take on Dungy vs. Gruden: http://www.tampabay.com/sports/football/bu...ticle643685.ece


*Specifically look at "So who deserves the most credit for winning the Super Bowl? Dungy or Gruden?"

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