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Season of the Witch Review

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Season Of The Witch


PG 13 94 min


One might guess that Francis Ford Coppola’s success with THE GODFATHER series was long enough ago that the influence he wields to keep nephew Nicolas Cage constantly employed might be on the wane. Apparently not.

I have nothing in particular against Cage’s thespian abilities but it sure seems he’s played about every type of known role in the world and has yet to change anything besides wardrobe and makeup.

That’s not to say the guy doesn’t have a certain charisma; he does.

And he’s never hurt anything he’s been in and rarely signs on to a truly terrible script and

SEASON OF THE WITCH really isn’t bad. As a matter of fact it’s monumentally average.

I won’t give away much of the plot but here’s the basics. Behman and Felson (Cage and Ron Perleman) are two rough tough crusaders disillusioned by the senseless violence and the hypocrisy of war. It’s not long before the two deserters find themselves in a dungeon pondering a tough choice.

Be burned hanged or both for desertion or escort a girl accused of witchcraft to be tried by some assumedly fair monks. From that point the film is a succession of trial and tribulations as the party crosses the perilous route. I’ll leave it to the viewers to find out if her accusers are right.

If you like sword and sorcerer flicks there are better ones and worse ones. Same goes for the effects the acting and the story.

Sure it’s a little funny to hear English crusaders who sound like they’re from Brooklyn but what the heck. Plus it’s good to see Perleman (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, HELLBOY) get more work without a latex mask.



Email westsidesteve@aol.com





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  • 2 months later...

well I thought the movie was ok but niether of these dudes come across as shakespearian to Me in any way...but all in all...the effort as ok.

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