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12 playoff teams 10 with first time Head Coaches 5 with former Head Coaches as DC 2 with former Head Coaches as OC 1 with former Head Coaches as OC and DC. The new trend is hiring young asst. coaches as the Head Coach,and former Head Coaches as OC and DC. The Browns may be headed in that direction,which has worked pretty well for 6 of the 12 playoff teams.

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With the exception of Sanchez who has a great defense these are the best THE NFL has to offer at the QB position

I would have to say having a above average QB is WAY more important than the coach


Lets face it, the QB situation in Cleveland has been ABYSMAL and thats an understatement


Quinn=3rd string in Denver and most likely out of football this year

Anderson=3rd string with occasional meltdowns..most likely out of football

DelHomme= Flip him,he's done..old and a bad decision maker

Wallace=Career back up nothing more and Holmgren's little bitch who is bitchy

McCoy= We need to know which one is the "Real McCoy" the first 3 games he played or the last 3 he played.If its the latter..Oh Boy


You CANNOT win with that above list (not counting McCoy)..Its a miracle we won 10 games in 2 years with that heap..seriously

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Having an above average QB and a valid target or two is crucial but having a coach/coaches that provide the best opportunities for utilizing the above average QB and the team in general is equally important, and having a stable FO that genuinely sees eye to eye with the coaches needs and program doesnt hurt, in the nfl its not uncommon to see horrible GMs make the coach look bad after failing to provide the appropriate talent to support the coaches program sometimes intentionally....

Going with a newbie HC and experienced DC really does not bother me with the FO we have in place, holmgren thinks shurmur is the guy and he has done nothing to prove that he isnt yet...

He could be the next holmgren/walsh/belichick who knows?


And yeah the QB situation has been beyond abysmal in cleveland and having holmgren, heckert and shurmur around should assure that does not happen again...

IMHO having bad QBs falls on the GM/personnel guy but its not an excuse for the coaches to not trust the players or give it 100% on the field, i wont blame a coach that gives everything to win and loses due to obvious poor player performance/execution but i will put the blame on a coach that leaves many things untried and undone during a game just to keep it close...


I dont like over-conservative football just for the sake of being over-conservative or from a lack of trust in the QB to get it done..

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The experience level of the coaches doesn't really bother me.


Experience is something one gains, so I would assume one can grow in to the position.



If a player sucks, no amount of experience is going to mask that.


If given the choice between a crappy coach and great players v. a great coach and crappy players, give me the crappy coach.

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