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Dick Jauron hired


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Why don't you go take your rage out on your wife like you normally do you dip shit. Just admit that you are being a hypocrite for saying one coach should have been given more time but this new guy should be given less. Lets be honest Holgrem doesn't give a shit what people think, he wouldn't have given a second thought to firing Mangini last year but he legitimately thought he could work and gave him another year to prove it, in Holmgren's eyes he didn't prove that his system could work so he got shit canned. DEAL WITH IT!!!

dude, i'm not be hypocrytical . it amazes me how a faction of our fans say "toss this guy out, he sucks. toss him out now!" but when THEY get the situation THEY like it's "no. no. no. we've got to give this guy time to do it right." well where was that thinking with mangini? and believe me i'm not a mangini fag. pleez. i listened to the jets fans here in ny while he was coaching and then finally came here.....so i know all the grief etc. i just thought he was doing a decent job here i.e. getting rid of the garbage and setting a disciplined foundation.


you can say that "i" or "we" are bitching but we all want the same thing, a championship. what do most championship teams (longevity) have in common, stability upstairs.


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so, why complain that people complain?




go FXXK yourself hillis quiff. shouldn't you be tired after you and hillizboss yank the big white rhino for your daily meal? or "oooh. i'm a better browns fan than you. i'll do whatever they say cuz i'm a quiff!" who's gay the guy with the big hillis sig? yeah that's right. poser.




yep. or how about just not firing a guy two years into a REBUILD.




pull together when you say so, when it's your dimwitted guy? can we all pull together again two years from now when your guy gets fired? DOUCHE.



ok FXXKFACE. go watch the games today in your mom's basement. don't know how the reception will be though with the aluminum foil around those rabbit ears. maybe if you crawled out of your man-love hillis cave you could see that there is more to the world than the appalachians. "ooh, i'm white and i've been discriminated against." dat a boy. bwaah haah hah. really? butt pirate.



You are such a major dick eating douche its just becoming sad.

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Except it's all substantiated and a few minutes browsing the OBR archives and Google pulls it all up, but that's alright fanboy, keep talking out of your ass. Better yet since you're so obsessed with everyone agreeing with you and doing some gay cheerleader bullshit how about YOU leave. YOUR the one with the issue. Or at least grow a xxxxing pair, Jesus.




Yeah, pinning a tough as shit schedule on the regime already in place when you don't have a franchise QB or much talent on the roster makes no sense. Why would a new guy buy himself a year? It's not like the upcoming schedule was alot easier and buying that time puts your little buddy in a better position. Oh, wait....





Hey Retard, when you get done listening to your Eminem and jacking off to Peyton Hillis? Head on over to clevelandbrowns.com and listen to the pressers from earlier in the year. Unless Mangini and Daboll are flat out liars THEY xxxxING TOLD THE MEDIA HE WAS.


But hey, I got great news. Since you want everything to be a Holmgren cheerleading section and you don't want to post amongst those of us who actually know what the xxxx we're talking about? There's a forum just for guys like you out there, it's called jackinghard, barkingtard, some sorta shit like that. Why don't you head on over there and line up with the rest of the Holmgren fluffers?


First off links or no dice on the whole Holmgren yelling at the coaches bullshit. Next I am not a xxxxing blind Holmgren follower. I just refuse to believe your bullshit stories. No person goes to that kind of length to do something when he had to ability to fire the xxxxing guy a year ago and set everything up the way it is now. Plus following your hard schedule theory then that is also a reason as to why the defense didn't hold up this season and it shouldn't be held against Rob Ryan you super tard. I know what I'm talking about but your are litteraly just to xxxxing butt hurt over a guy getting fired that you turned hypocrite and are saying that now everyone else shouldn't have a chance to prove anything. I'm not made about anything else other than the fact that you and others are just being hypocrites no matter which way you slice it that is what you now are.


And yes I'm a Peyton Hillis fan. He won us most of our games this season and without him we would have been lucky to win two games. So xxxxing sue me.

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FXXK the ducks and FXXK you. little boy.


Who it's nice to see that you are able to make a post that is not a personal attack. For the most part at least I have posted with some sense and all the fire back as mostly just been a personal attack based around school yard banter and bulling.


Honestly I will leave this forum for at least a full 6 months to this day if you guys just admit that you are being hypocrites. You wouldn't even have to lie because you are being hypocrits about the whole xxxxing situation so it's really just a win win for you guys. 6 months without me and all you have to say is what everyone already knows.

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FXXK the ducks and FXXK you. little boy.


Dude, you used to talk football. Now you talk full blown Retarded anti-browns bullshit. Get over yourself, you are more annoying than ANY steelers fan to ever grace this board.


Edit: By the way, xxxx the ducks is right, I honestly don't give 1 shit about most college football. My avatar is a picture of TJ ward from before I could find him in a browns uni. xxxx the ducks :lol:

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I can't believe people are cool with everything this team does. It pisses me off that Mangini is gone and this is what we have in return. For losing Mangini I expected more, not this. But Mangini is gone. My only hope now for the new staff is that Heckert has a great draft every year and Holmgren doesn't try to micromanage every facet of the team. I really want this team to win like the rest of you, but I can't sit back and watch this team year after year and not see it through jaded eyes. I have hope to give to the team, but I have zero trust in anything this team does anymore until they earn it. So you can high5 eachother about these hirings and call everyone a hater who doeesnt drink the koolaid, but if your a browns fan with an IQ above 30 then somewhere in the repressive part of your brain it feels the same way I do. And that is the way it should be until they prove otherwise. Had me or any other poster predicted, or pulled a WRREBEL on the entire board, this would be the guys that replace Mangini and Ryan before the season started, after laughing for awhile you probably would have suggested I aim a little higher than that don't you think?

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I was heavily against Mangini fired. I don't like the direction we're going in, personally. I thought we had a great system in place, and we just needed another year.



But that didn't happen. So, instead of sitting around all butthurt because my guy didn't get the shot I thought he deserved, I moved on.



Grow up, dickmouth.


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God God.... is it impossible to get banned around here?


Jauron is a good coach. The problems I see are:


- Personel - Who are our DE's? Who's the MLB?


- Group think - too much commonality/ history in the coaching staff; especially on the offensive side of the ball.


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I can't believe people are cool with everything this team does. It pisses me off that Mangini is gone and this is what we have in return. For losing Mangini I expected more, not this. But Mangini is gone. My only hope now for the new staff is that Heckert has a great draft every year and Holmgren doesn't try to micromanage every facet of the team. I really want this team to win like the rest of you, but I can't sit back and watch this team year after year and not see it through jaded eyes. I have hope to give to the team, but I have zero trust in anything this team does anymore until they earn it. So you can high5 eachother about these hirings and call everyone a hater who doeesnt drink the koolaid, but if your a browns fan with an IQ above 30 then somewhere in the repressive part of your brain it feels the same way I do. And that is the way it should be until they prove otherwise. Had me or any other poster predicted, or pulled a WRREBEL on the entire board, this would be the guys that replace Mangini and Ryan before the season started, after laughing for awhile you probably would have suggested I aim a little higher than that don't you think?


And I can completely understand that you don't like the hires, but I am glad that you are at least going to give them a chance to see what they can do before you reserve judgment and praise unlike these other guys who are ready for them to be shit canned now. This is obviously not the best hiring we could have done and yes Mangini should have been given more time, but I'm not calling for peoples heads before they have had a chance to prove themselves and I am going to be against any kind of firing before 2 years unless they xxxx up to near McDaniel proportions.

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And I can completely understand that you don't like the hires, but I am glad that you are at least going to give them a chance to see what they can do before you reserve judgment and praise unlike these other guys who are ready for them to be shit canned now. This is obviously not the best hiring we could have done and yes Mangini should have been given more time, but I'm not calling for peoples heads before they have had a chance to prove themselves and I am going to be against any kind of firing before 2 years unless they xxxx up to near McDaniel proportions.

It just seems to me that we didn't take a step forward with coaches. Kinda like the prom queen to a chick with 6 kids.

Lost a hc that had the players seeing the same vision.

Specal teams coach.

Def. Cordinator that with the right pieces could of made us a top ten D.


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I just told your stupid ass how to get to them. 1: Go to Clevelandbrowns.com, 2: Go into the media section, 3: Watch Manginis and Dabolls pressers from the first handful of games. You can either go there and watch for yourself or you can shut the xxxx up for once in your life.





Bullshit. Your cheerleading like a motherxxxxer for he and the bullshit he's selling to this fanbase kid.




Newsflash: I don't care what you believe. You're a brainless little cheerleader talking out of your ass.





Yeah, THAT would have went over well. Come in and fire a guy hot off of 4 straight wins to close out the season in order to bring in the OC of the 32nd ranked offense in the NFL at HC, up against a tough as shit schedule with no talent? I mean yeah i'm sure you mindless fanboys would have been all over his balls over how brilliant it is but even Clevelands shit media would have put his fat ass on notice over that one.





I take it super tard is some hip new wigger slang? Whatever. Yes clearly last years schedule explains away your boyfriend Flabios shit defenses his entire career as a DC.






Except you haven't a clue, but whatever. Or as your type says "whatevs yo."


Lets see you stay off for a week and then you drag this stupid back up. How about you stop trying to make up a stupid bullshit persona for me and actually make a legitimate argument. Just cause I can toss some cuss words together doesn't mean I'm a rap fan. The fact of the matter is either your spouting stupid conspiracy bullshit and making stupid claims that you are not even willing to look up your self to prove to make yourself feel better about Mangini getting fired. Deal with it you xxxxing hypocrite. I don't get how you can call for a new coach to be fired while you bitch about a coach getting fired after only two seasons. And if Ryan deserved to be fired then why was his defense still better this year than last year (or his whole career) even though the team played the toughest schedule. Which doesn't matter because 5-11 is 5-11.


If you want to think I am a Holmgren cheer leader then fine because Jesus himself wouldn't be able to sway you otherwise but this whole time I have made several things very clear. 1. I thought Mangini should have been given more time since I believe a coach should have around 4 years to prove himself. 2. I think the new coaches should be given the 4 years time to prove them selves like every other coach regardless of team or front office.


But whatever, with your kind of logic you should (and probably are) greeting people as they walk into walmart.

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Stay off? It's called having a life kid. Not everyone can hang out in their mommies basements listening to Eminem while jerking off to Hillis photos and Rob Ryan pressers all day, sorry.





His defense was ranked 22nd. After two years on the job. It was 26th ranked the day he waddled through the door. If it takes you two years to go from 26th to 22nd? You xxxxing suck at your job, that's all there is to it. Inherited the 14th ranked passing defense. Two years later: 18th. That's going backwards. From 28th in rushing D when he walked through the door to... 27th. I realize you think moving up 4 places in the rankings after two years of coaching the squad but the reality is when you're bottom of the barrel? You should be able to make a better jump than that, especially when you're given upgrades or equal talent at most positions.


But hey, that's the differences between a Rob Ryan and a competent coach. You can keep getting pussyhurt over the reality or man up, grow a pair and accept that your loverboy is a joke as a defensive coordinator.


You stupid dipshit. I am not on here claiming that Ryan should have been retained. I am pointing out that your just a xxxxing hypocrite. A hard schedule means one guy should have been kept while another is shown the door is a load of bullshit. Both kept or both fired. Both were fired so xxxxing deal with it. You can't say 5-11 is more like 8-8 talking about strength of schedule and then say that 22nd overall defense has nothing to do with how hard the schedule was. I agree that the record is the record now and you were right that Ryan should have been shown the door, but because of that same reasoning Mangini was shown the door so just xxxxing deal with it and move on.


Oh and since you have such a wonderful full life with kids and a wife I wonder why you take time out of your day to come on here and troll and act like a total dumb ass none stop. Sounds more like you hide your anger from your family and spew it out on here for us to read. Sorry that I live in a college dorm and have a a half an hour a day to get on a read/post and you have to wait until your wife burns one to many roasts in order to get on.

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so what's the story on jauron's style of d? i haven't been able to find much info on it. i've just recently moved and haven't been on the net much the past few weeks. any info would be much appreciated.


Its pretty much the 'suck-o-lot' defense! Not much to know, even less to be excited about.


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so what's the story on jauron's style of d? i haven't been able to find much info on it. i've just recently moved and haven't been on the net much the past few weeks. any info would be much appreciated.

a very bland T2 4-3 that doesn't blitz, relies on pressure from the front 4....it was almost entirely abandoned after the WCO became mainstream because it was a run stopping defense. u need athletic linebackers to run stop and cover the flats, as well as a rangy safety.


these are all components the browns have none of.....so welcome to several more years of crappy defenses that lose games and give up huge yardage. its a somewhat effective defense when you have talent at the key positions.....if the argument was made that the 3-4 was ineffective because we lacked the personnel, we're in the same xxxxing boat now as before. well, except that all our 3-4 trained players need to learn new jobs....


so yeah...huge step back in both scheme and personnel.

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