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The Oscars for 2011

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Best Picture 2011


So maybe it’s the popcorn lobby that’s prompted the academy to dredge up ten nominees, who knows.

At any rate in my humble opinion there are rarely five that even come close to Oscar status and ten waters down the pool too much. I could actually go a long with a system more like the Golden Globes and separate the comedies and or animation that always seem to get short shrift.

But here’s what we have this year:

1. Winters Bone: A murder mystery that takes place in the backwoods of the Ozark Mountains. It’s an indie hit mostly due to the unorthodox setting.

2. Inception: I think Chris Nolan let the power from BATMAN and MEMENTO go to his head a bit. Instead of being diabolically clever this one seemed to be obtuse for it’s own sake. You get the feeling that there’s nothing beyond the FX.

3. The Social Network: None of the people involved in the fluke success of Facebook are particularly interesting to me. Neither is Facebook itself nor the courtroom battle it spawned, still this film is surprisingly intriguing.

4. The Black Swan: A “sick chick flick” At times riveting, often fascinating but always dark surreal and disturbing.

5. The Fighter: An above average look at the rise and fall of two boxing prodigies from a New England slum and the toll that addiction can take on a family. Christian Bale is brilliant.

6. The Kids Are All Right. It’s a below average romantic comedy that isn’t funny or particularly romantic. The only reason this one made the list is the fact the characters are gay.

7. The King’s Speech: Some great performances and unique storyline are reasons to see this muted British period piece. It’s still a little dull, but that’s OK once in a while.

8. 127 hours: One man stuck in one situation for the entire film and it’s amazingly compelling the entire time.

9. True Grit: It was a great story decades ago and still is. The acting and production here are as good as it gets, but the Coen brothers recent successes my have the Academy looking at other films this year.

10. Toy Story 3: This one is unsurpassed in any area you choose. Unfortunately animated features get less respect than they deserve.

So as far as predictions go, I’d say the buzz is around THE KINGS SPEECH and THE SOCIAL NETWORK. I’m guessing the academy will take their medicine and go with THE KINGS SPEECH though I liked TRUE GRIT and TOY STORY 3 much better.

Odds are that David Fincher gets best director for THE SOCIAL NETWORK. I don’t understand why since I believe the Coen brothers and Danny Boyle did better work. Oh well.

I think Colin Firth deservedly wins best actor for THE KINGS SPEECH while Christian Bale wins best supporting for THE FIGHTER. (That could have been considered a lead role but still…)

Best Actress looks like Natalie Portman in BLACK SWAN and best supporting is Melissa Leo for THE FIGHTER though I really liked Hailee Steinfield in TRUE GRIT.


There ya have it gang, and as always; no wagering.





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