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Still Wish The Browns Had Drafted Dez Bryant?


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Drafting for character repays the team that gets that character player.


Way, too many team hurting problems with ... headcases. It isn't worth it.


Deion Sanders on Dez Bryant: 'He needs help' Hall of Famer Deion Sanders has grown so frustrated with Dez Bryant's immaturity and "ignorance" that he stopped mentoring the receiver months ago.


"I'm upset but not surprised whatsoever," Sanders said of Bryant's latest episode at a Dallas area mall. "He needs help. I told the Cowboys from day one that he needs help. Matter of fact, they have a team in place to help him. But you cannot tell a grown man what to do." Sanders' primary concern is that Bryant's flippant attitude will "poison" the other kids that he mentors. The fire may have finally caught up to all of the smoke emanating from Bryant's red flags. Sanders' assessment is the most serious indictment of Bryant's character that we've seen since he declared for the draft last year. Source: ESPN Dalla

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Drafting for character repays the team that gets that character player.


Way, too many team hurting problems with ... headcases. It isn't worth it.


Deion Sanders on Dez Bryant: 'He needs help' Hall of Famer Deion Sanders has grown so frustrated with Dez Bryant's immaturity and "ignorance" that he stopped mentoring the receiver months ago.


"I'm upset but not surprised whatsoever," Sanders said of Bryant's latest episode at a Dallas area mall. "He needs help. I told the Cowboys from day one that he needs help. Matter of fact, they have a team in place to help him. But you cannot tell a grown man what to do." Sanders' primary concern is that Bryant's flippant attitude will "poison" the other kids that he mentors. The fire may have finally caught up to all of the smoke emanating from Bryant's red flags. Sanders' assessment is the most serious indictment of Bryant's character that we've seen since he declared for the draft last year. Source: ESPN Dalla




Monday, March 28, 2011

Dez Bryant sued over jewelry

By Calvin Watkins



Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant is being sued for $246,000 by a New York-based jewelry company in a civil suit filed Friday in Dallas.

Bryant purchased $267,000 worth of jewelry from A+A Diamonds LTD d/b/a Rafaello & Company, which makes high-end jewelry for celebrities and athletes.

Bryant's highest purchase was a $60,000 custom charm bracelet. He made the purchases on four different days last year, spending as much as $144,000 on Feb. 8, 2010, according to court documents.

"We'll let the lawsuit speak for itself," said Mike Bowes, a Dallas-based attorney who represents the plaintiffs. "My clients in New York worked for several months with Mr. Bryant's counsel to work something out with no satisfactory resolution."

Bryant could not be reached for comment.

The Cowboys wide receiver was in trouble two weekends ago when he received a criminal trespass warning for an incident at NorthPark Center when he got into a profanity-filled exchange with off-duty police over sagging pants. Bryant said his pants weren't the problem, but one of his friend's pants were low and Bryant got into an argument with the police, who took exception to the fashion statement. Bryant later said that he was treated badly by the police.

The citation would have banned Bryant from the mall for 90 days, but after apologies were administered from both sides, he has been allowed to return to the shopping center.

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In all honesty i think he is a great player and i thought he would be prior to even being drafted last year,i hope he gets some of his charcter issues dealt with because he dosent come off as a bad person...He seems more like a guy who grew up in the wrong enviorment and hasnt been able to let go of some of his past history,but when you play in the NFL you need to Mature and understand you are under a microscope with everything you do...I still think he will be a great reciever and basically domaniated even as a rookie...I wouldnt have been upset had the Browns drafted him but that would have meant more than likely we wouldnt have Joe Haden and personally i like Haden better because he is a great person as well as player......As far as Deion is Concerned i dont really think he has much room to talk but if Sanders was trying to help him and now Bryant is no longer in contact with him i wonder what the falling out was, two Big Egos who both cant probaly accept another ones opinon

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If Deion Sanders--of all people--says you need help, you probably need help.


From reports I've heard, supposedly Sanders has found religion and seriously changed his ways.

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Drafting for character repays the team that gets that character player.


Way, too many team hurting problems with ... headcases. It isn't worth it.


Deion Sanders on Dez Bryant: 'He needs help' Hall of Famer Deion Sanders has grown so frustrated with Dez Bryant's immaturity and "ignorance" that he stopped mentoring the receiver months ago.


"I'm upset but not surprised whatsoever," Sanders said of Bryant's latest episode at a Dallas area mall. "He needs help. I told the Cowboys from day one that he needs help. Matter of fact, they have a team in place to help him. But you cannot tell a grown man what to do." Sanders' primary concern is that Bryant's flippant attitude will "poison" the other kids that he mentors. The fire may have finally caught up to all of the smoke emanating from Bryant's red flags. Sanders' assessment is the most serious indictment of Bryant's character that we've seen since he declared for the draft last year. Source: ESPN Dalla


Good call Cal...............what a piece of crap

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He hit rock bottom?



Apparently you dont decipher well....I never said he hit rock bottom...but it can be said his image isnt always good...remember before he was drafted by Atlanta?...he said "theyre gonna need a whole lot of money in layaway to sign Me".....I never liked the punk.

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Say what you want about Deon but he was pretty smart selling himself and he is still making cheddar years after he retired

Yes, he was a showboat but he didn't get caught with drugs, beating up his wife, roomful of baby mama's..and that dude

was a player....Actually was a tea totalor.. He was not a willing tackler, but admitted that.. but if you threw the ball his way it was a pick six more

often than not.

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I think this topic got a lil off the subject where everyone is talking about Deion..


When the question should be knowing what we know now that both Joe Haden and Dez Bryant are both gonna be stars in this league would you take him over Haden if we could do it all over..


I would say no simply because i love Hadens characater and the way he has embraced this city like it is his own, granted that Dez may become one of the best Recievers in the League if not the best...But Haden is no slouch

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um....dez was showing some ability before he ended the season on IR. not much to really speak about. definitely not even in the realm of being one of the best receivers in the league....


his real issue is whether he plays long enough to be in the running for that crown....and its not looking good thus far. being a good....or one of the best....receivers in the league involves much more than ability, u need something this kid doesn't posess.....a brain.

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