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I Would Like To Discuss Factually Obama Vs The Previous


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I noticed that several topics are entitled Obammy etc and the like or some other less than adult names.


I will specifically ask the following


What has Obama done to show he has made the economy worse than damn near collapse when he took office?


What has Obama done to wreck the steamrolling debt Bush created going into his last budget in 2009 in Obamas first budget 2010?........I am sure this goes over all haters heads


What did he do to lose the wars in Afghan and Iraq after eight years of debacle and losing and 3 trillion dollars and lies...................to make it worse?


Now since the middle class has been shrinking since Reagan took aggression against unions and blue collar wages and it has steadily shrunk.............since........especially during Bush..........What has Obama done to kill the middle class further?


The Stock market is up damn near 50% since Obama took office two years ago..........after Bush made it negative and large negative in his eight years..............How bad did Obama do to not make the Stock Market go up say 200% since the haters are flame thrwoing


Now lets address jobs..........the factories went overseas because the Bush Admin created incentives to move the factories overseas by exempting taxes on overseas operations..........please say why this was caused by Obama and why stonewalling by Republicans to change that is his fault?


Lastly, The Housing bubble became really big when the Bush Admin made loan reserves only 1% instead of 10% for the banks and proclaimed make all Americans able to own a home..............and we are now where we are Obama screwed this up too....he created the housing mess not inheirited it?


The only logic against seeing the obivious is you are white republican and racist


BTW, the average American was worth way less in January in 2009 than 20001 and way more in NOW than 2009...........Explain why people need to call him Obammy.,............the sun dont shine on stupidiity


Wake up America or return to a crusie to irrelevance


The first person from the right who despises Obama and many do who can answer all the above with facts..........I send two tickets to a Browns home game

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I noticed that several topics are entitled Obammy and and some other extinct dufus names.


I will specifically ask the following


What has Obama done to show he has made the economy worse than damn near collapse when he took office?


He has quelched our ability to drill for our OWN OIL, while he has worked to make us dependent on Brazil's oil company,

which his buddy Soros has/had hundreds of thousands of dollars of interest in. He said before the election that energy prices

must "necessarily skyrocket". Dare me to post the video from youtube. I dare ya. @@


What has Obama done to wreck the steamrolling debt Bush created going into his last budget in 2009 in Obamas first budget 2010?........I am sure this goes over all haters heads


Rich, Rich, Rich. Obamao has tripled it, in the conservative estimation. And HE did it with outrageous "bailouts" to buoy up his union voters.


What did he do to lose the wars in Afghan and Iraq after eight years of debacle and losing and 3 trillion dollars and lies...................to make it worse


Obamao encouraged the Muslim extremists with his stupid talk of "timetables", and his statement that he would side with the Muslims if he had to choose.

that's on a video too, Rich. He waffled and wizzed and waffled some more, with conflicting and debilitating "rules of engagement". Politics is everything with him.

He has dissed Israel, while ignoring the Muslim extremists. Their time is now, to go after Israel. Obamao will have American stand down and let them gleefully

ramp up the violence against Israel, before Obamao has to step aside for a new and GENUINE president that will never let them have any chance of it.


Now since the middle class has been shrinking since Reagan took aggression against unions and blue collar wages and it has steadily shrunk.............since........especially during Bush..........What has Obama done to kill the middle class further?


Obamaocare. Disabling our military cohesiveness with the don't ask don't tell elimination, which is complete vote getting, loyalty to special interest politics.

Pushing our national debt beyond comprehension, and beyond our ability to survive it economically.

Unions NEED to be stifled. We can't afford to let Dems shove us over a debt ridden cliff to continue to buy their votes off. Enough, already.

We cannot afford it anymore.


The Stock market is up damn near 50% since Obama took office two years ago..........after Bush made it negative and large negative in his eight years..............How bad did Obama do to not make the Stock Market go up say 200% since the haters are flame thrwoing


You speak too soon, Rich. And Obamao isn't a real AMERICAN president, just because Soros and others are buoying up the market. It can crash, especially

after Obamao continues to lead us toward hyper inflation, and a national debt that collapses our economic system.


Now lets address jobs..........the factories went overseas because the Bush Admin created incentives to move the factories overseas by exempting taxes on overseas operations..........please say why this was caused by Obama and why stonewalling by Republicans to change that is his fault?


I should charge you tuition, Rich, buddy. The factories ONLY went overseas, because of too high taxes, and the unions that went beyond common sense, and

demanded/extorted way too much from companies, causing them to lose profitability. Bush never made the steel companies close. Learn some history about that,

Rich. Please? Those steel mills closed long before Reagan or either Bush was ever president.


Lastly, The Housing bubble became really big when the Bush Admin made loan reserves only 1% instead of 10% for the banks and proclaimed make all Americans able to own a home..............and we are now where we are Obama screwed this up tpp


History, Rich. Go learn it and come back with better questions. The Congress was Democratic. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were run by... Dems.

Like Blarney Frank. It was the LIBS who insisted that the poor must be granted loans because they deserved to achieve the American dream too.


Only, stupidly, those loans were made, and defaults flew like a billion crows into default. If you care, Rich, I can send you further info on that...


The only logic against seeing the obivious is you are white republican and racist


You hittin the sauce or wacky tobaccy or sumtin' ????????? @@

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This thread should be changed to "I want to lose a hundred in a half hour."


I would just like to add that jobs started going beyond our borders when nafta was signed.

And cal you can't pin the jobs going overseas because of unions.

But I do believe you have some tickets coming.

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I noticed that several topics are entitled Obammy and and some other extinct dufus names.


I will specifically ask the following


What has Obama done to show he has made the economy worse than damn near collapse when he took office?


He has quelched our ability to drill for our OWN OIL, while he has worked to make us dependent on Brazil's oil company,

which his buddy Soros has/had hundreds of thousands of dollars of interest in. He said before the election that energy prices

must "necessarily skyrocket". Dare me to post the video from youtube. I dare ya. @@


What has Obama done to wreck the steamrolling debt Bush created going into his last budget in 2009 in Obamas first budget 2010?........I am sure this goes over all haters heads


Rich, Rich, Rich. Obamao has tripled it, in the conservative estimation. And HE did it with outrageous "bailouts" to buoy up his union voters.


What did he do to lose the wars in Afghan and Iraq after eight years of debacle and losing and 3 trillion dollars and lies...................to make it worse


Obamao encouraged the Muslim extremists with his stupid talk of "timetables", and his statement that he would side with the Muslims if he had to choose.

that's on a video too, Rich. He waffled and wizzed and waffled some more, with conflicting and debilitating "rules of engagement". Politics is everything with him.

He has dissed Israel, while ignoring the Muslim extremists. Their time is now, to go after Israel. Obamao will have American stand down and let them gleefully

ramp up the violence against Israel, before Obamao has to step aside for a new and GENUINE president that will never let them have any chance of it.


Now since the middle class has been shrinking since Reagan took aggression against unions and blue collar wages and it has steadily shrunk.............since........especially during Bush..........What has Obama done to kill the middle class further?


Obamaocare. Disabling our military cohesiveness with the don't ask don't tell elimination, which is complete vote getting, loyalty to special interest politics.

Pushing our national debt beyond comprehension, and beyond our ability to survive it economically.

Unions NEED to be stifled. We can't afford to let Dems shove us over a debt ridden cliff to continue to buy their votes off. Enough, already.

We cannot afford it anymore.


The Stock market is up damn near 50% since Obama took office two years ago..........after Bush made it negative and large negative in his eight years..............How bad did Obama do to not make the Stock Market go up say 200% since the haters are flame thrwoing


You speak too soon, Rich. And Obamao isn't a real AMERICAN president, just because Soros and others are buoying up the market. It can crash, especially

after Obamao continues to lead us toward hyper inflation, and a national debt that collapses our economic system.


Now lets address jobs..........the factories went overseas because the Bush Admin created incentives to move the factories overseas by exempting taxes on overseas operations..........please say why this was caused by Obama and why stonewalling by Republicans to change that is his fault?


I should charge you tuition, Rich, buddy. The factories ONLY went overseas, because of too high taxes, and the unions that went beyond common sense, and

demanded/extorted way too much from companies, causing them to lose profitability. Bush never made the steel companies close. Learn some history about that,

Rich. Please? Those steel mills closed long before Reagan or either Bush was ever president.


Lastly, The Housing bubble became really big when the Bush Admin made loan reserves only 1% instead of 10% for the banks and proclaimed make all Americans able to own a home..............and we are now where we are Obama screwed this up tpp


History, Rich. Go learn it and come back with better questions. The Congress was Democratic. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were run by... Dems.

Like Blarney Frank. It was the LIBS who insisted that the poor must be granted loans because they deserved to achieve the American dream too.


Only, stupidly, those loans were made, and defaults flew like a billion crows into default. If you care, Rich, I can send you further info on that...


The only logic against seeing the obivious is you are white republican and racist


You hittin the sauce or wacky tobaccy or sumtin' ????????? @@


How many jobs do you think drilling for oil would create? Surprisingly few. He gave Brazil loans to purchase drilling equipment from the US.


Carrying a debt during the great recession is reasonable. You and I both know he did not triple the national debt. What is completely ridiculous is carrying a budget deficit during times of economic expansion as Bush II did. But somehow now that the money is being used inside the US instead of overseas military operations it's terrible. By the way, TARP was created under Bush. So credit the bailouts to him.


Oh no... please don't let anything happen to Israel :rolleyes: They can't protect themselves, even with the billions in aid given to them by the US? The war in Afghanistan should have been over and done with before Obama even took office. But it was bungled so badly by Bush's team it's turned into a clusterxxxx.


Congress was Democratic during Bush's first six years in office? Wow that's news to me. Here I thought it was republican. So republican, in fact, that Bush didn't veto a single piece of legislation his first six years in office. And yep, lowering the reserve to 1% caused the collapse of our economy. Banks went bankrupt, stopped loaning money to nearly everyone, small businesses that use loans or depended on those who use loans went bankrupt.


Come on, Bush was a disaster. Obama is doing a mediocre job with what he inherited. Could be worse abnd could be better.

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And cal you can't pin the jobs going overseas because of unions.



Agree. Sadly, it's a flaw of capitalism, and both unions & management can SHARE the blame.

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Share the blame, indeed, I grant you that.


But back in the day, many years before NAFTA, the steel mills closed.


And not, not all Bush's term involved a Dem majority in Congress.

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Back in the day, early seventies, I dated a gal from Barberton, whose Dad had worked in the steel mill out that way.


She mentioned to me, not to bring the subject up with him, he always gets upset.


But, one day, he and I were talkiing, and he brought it up. He said the unions pushed it over the cliff,


and it was the executives who had got it close. So, it's true - it wasn't all the unions fault.


Here's some great info on the subject:



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