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Interracial Marriage

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A PPP poll released today finds that 46% of Mississippi Republicans think interracial marriage should be illegal. 40% think it should remain legal.


Do you think interracial marriage should be

legal or illegal?

Legal ............................................................... 40%

Illegal .............................................................. 46%

Not sure .......................................................... 14%


Would you be okay with describing those 46% of Mississippi Republicans as holding racist views?

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A PPP poll released today finds that 46% of Mississippi Republicans think interracial marriage should be illegal. 40% think it should remain legal.


Do you think interracial marriage should be

legal or illegal?

Legal ............................................................... 40%

Illegal .............................................................. 46%

Not sure .......................................................... 14%


Would you be okay with describing those 46% of Mississippi Republicans as holding racist views?



So, since you can't really defend the president on much you post a smear on Barbour disguised as an internet poll.

Good work.

I had to look up the PPP.

They mention vthe Dems numbers?


But anyway I'm in favor of legalizing interspecies marriage.


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What? This is a PPP poll, Steve. It's news today. This has nothing to do with the president or Haley Barbour. It's a poll of the political opinions and preferences of Mississippi Republicans.


Can you answer the question? Would you think it's accurate to describe that view as racist?


Or, if the results of this scientific poll bother you so much, would you think it's accurate to describe anyone who thinks interracial marriage should be illegal as holding racist views?


Afterwards, you can ask me all the opinions about President Obama that you like. I have no problems defending him where I think he deserves to be defended, or opposing him when I don't agree with him.


But you should understand this by now: when the attacks are ill-informed, specious, don't make sense, or are downright crazy, I'm not defending the president so much as reality. And that's what I spend most of my time in here doing, and it's tiresome.


So, answer the question.

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Well, I'd say that's pretty progressive of them considering the following


They rank worst of all 50 states in the following criteria


Economy > Median Family Income

Economy > Nest Egg Index

Education > Assessments > % of Students Above Advanced > Grade 8 Math

Education > Percent of People Who Have Completed High School (Including Equivalency)

Health > Oral health > Visits to the dentist

Lifestyle > Best States to Live

Lifestyle > Children Ages 0-5 Who Are Read To Every Day, Percentage

Presidential Elections > 2004 > Popular Votes for Ralph Nader (per capita)

Transportation > Public Transportation > Federal funding, 1995 (per capita)

Transportation > Seat Belt Use


They rank ahead of all 50 states in the following criteria.


Crime > Lynchings > Black

Crime > Lynchings > Total

Crime > Lynchings > Total (per capita)

Economy > Percent below poverty level

Health > Adult physical disabilities

Health > Child Death Rate

Health > Death Rate per 100,000

Health > Fire death rate

Health > Obesity Rate

Lifestyle > Children Who Attend Religious Services Weekly, Percentage






At least they're going to church.

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They interviewed only 400 people?


Really now?


Whatever happened to the demand for PRIMARY, SCIENTIFIC polls?


Oh yeah, it is only important if it's a poll whose results you DON'T like.


got it.


Heck. you really need to learn how to criticize Obamao. Avoidance of truth as a political method only works for closed,


liberal/marxist cliques.

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Cal, I think we've established you don't know what makes a scientific poll a scientific poll. You have no clue, and you're showing that once again. 400 people is small, but fine if it's a representative sample.


What's funny is that you guys won't answer a simple question.


So, Cal, Steve, what's your answer? The poll is fine. Or think of it this way: they asked a sample of 400 Republicans in Mississippi if they thought interracial marriage should be illegal, and 196 of them said they thought it should be. That's 49%. So, would you say these 196 Republicans in Mississippi are racist?


I don't know how much simpler I can make it than that.

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Heck, in the past, you and yours have railed against polls you don't like,


by criticizing and mocking the number of people polled, and by simply


declaring it NOT a "primary, mainstream poll".


400 is not fine. It's obvious that you like to call what you agree with, "science".


And what you don't... "bogus".


And on and on it goes.


I think it's stupid to believe that interracial marriages should be illegal, unless it's where both are men, or both women.


That should be illegal.


but interracial between a man and a woman? No, of course not.


but, it's also completely unwarranted to label it "racist".


More likely, I know couples who were interracially married. They had a lot of trouble - from not moving to certain neighborhoods,


to their children being harrassed by more than one race....


So, one could feasibly think it should be illegal, because it makes it tougher on some couples, and their kids, to


have a regular life in society... sometimes, some places.


That isn't racist - that's thinking that it's very inconvenient, and not fair to the kids. Or something.


CAN they think that, because they are racist? sure. But the assumption is invalid.


But Steve is right - you will go to any lengths to try to divert attention from the failures of your choice for president.


when Bush was pres, you never brought up dumb side issues..... figures.

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Of course it's racist. My wife is Japanese. We were married in Beaufort, SC in 1977 when I was 23 years old. Some people had no problem, others you could tell didn't approve, the glares we got, etc. Mississippi is one of the worst states in the USA without a doubt. It's redneck to the core. I went to a school in Meridian. They not only hate blacks, asians, etc. They hate yankees. I mostly stayed on base.

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For the record the gold standard for polling is +/- 5% accuracy - 95% of the time (some political polls like to get closer than +/- 3% but that is largely symbolic and not statistically much different than the former.


If the selection is representative of the population you wish to survey and the responses are weighted back to the original in order to provide feedback in a representative manner, they something like 375 responses is adequate.


Having more responses really has significantly diminishing returns.

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I feel comfortable in saying they hold racist views.


Many of the same folks, I would guess, also are not in favor of marrying a Jew or Catholic either. Heaven forbid a Mormon.


What do Mississippians have to do with the price of tea in china any way?


OK Heck, I think that's about right.

Are there any other "questions?"



But let's not pretend this is merely meant to poll the republican candidates, because interracial marrige isn't related to it besides giving people like you a cheap and phony way to smear those candidates.



Hey inner city Democrats, do you think OJ was innocent?


Do you agree or disagree with the Reverend Wright?


Which presidential candidate do [did] you support?


Conclusion Obama ranks high among those who like Wright and OJ.


(like Mississippi racists favor Barbour)

Would you call that a bullshit conclusion or not?



PS I love the VT conclusion that stupid Christian and poor go hand in hand.


I'll expect the usual Hecksonian outrage over that.




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You missed one VT. I'm sure Heck will scold you for not mentioning that Mississippi also boasts the highest percentage of African Americans of any state.


I mean while we're drawing conclusions and all.









Well, I'd say that's pretty progressive of them considering the following


They rank worst of all 50 states in the following criteria




They rank ahead of all 50 states in the following criteria.








At least they're going to church.

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Would you be okay with describing those 46% of Mississippi Republicans as holding racist views?


No! But can you believe that this is news worthy?


Thank God people are allowed to have their own views on different issues and not worry about the thought police or manipulation of how people are allowed to think through bully tactics used by the liberal media.


Do you think that liberals are the worlds largest Hate Group?

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Tell me your answer, Steve. We're not talking about all the other stuff you'd like to change the subject to. Don't take from someone else's post. Just tell me what you think. Are those people racist or not? If yes, why? If not, why not?


Or just say yes or no.

Where did you learn to read, Mississippi?

I agreed with Chicopee.

Yes, without bickering over a definition, I'd call that racist.


So what?


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That's racist. I wish they had asked what the person's race was, though I suppose a poll of 400 republicans in the south is probably not the most diverse bunch.


Ha. Yes, that would be a little redundant.


I spend a lot of time in Mississippi and I find this result to be stunning. It's certainly not the most progressive place in the world, but the idea that more than half either think interracial marriage should be illegal or aren't sure, in 2011, is quite the eye opener.

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Ha. Yes, that would be a little redundant.


I spend a lot of time in Mississippi and I find this result to be stunning. It's certainly not the most progressive place in the world, but the idea that more than half either think interracial marriage should be illegal or aren't sure, in 2011, is quite the eye opener.


It would be nice to results of a poll of ALL residents of Mississippi with crosstabs for Republicans, Democrats, and Blacks. I honestly wonder if the results would be all that different.

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