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Donald Trump is now tied with Mike Huckabee among likely or declared Republican candidates for president in a poll released today. If he were the eventual Republican nominee, would any of you vote for him over Obama?


Also, of the people in or rumored to be in the Republican race - Romney, Huckabee, Barbour, Gingrich, Cain, Santorum, Bachmann, Pawlenty, Trump - is Donald Trump anyone's preferred Republican candidate?

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Donald Trump is now tied with Mike Huckabee among likely or declared Republican candidates for president in a poll released today. If he were the eventual Republican nominee, would any of you vote for him over Obama?


Also, of the people in or rumored to be in the Republican race - Romney, Huckabee, Barbour, Gingrich, Cain, Santorum, Bachmann, Pawlenty, Trump - is Donald Trump anyone's preferred Republican candidate?


Heck, I don't think anyone really gives a xxxx. Obama is a phony piece of garbage. All the republican candidates are phonies. Who cares?

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Good news for Obama if Trump gets the nomination. He's a bozo. But, I think that once the time comes to declare financials he's going to drop out. Too many skeletons from his bankruptcies. Too bad.


You might be right about that.


It may not even be the skeletons, either. It might be the evidence of him being a serial defaulter who has declared bankruptcy three times. All of that stuff is already known, just not as public.


And John, on that list, I hope it's Romney, too. Or Barbour. Mitch Daniels isn't on there, but he'd be my first choice. I'd even take Jeb Bush over that bunch. At least they're all adults. Once you get past that group, it's downright embarrassing. It's pathetic.


But I don't think there's anyone on that list that beats Obama. I'd give Daniels the best shot, but I don't even know if he's going to run, and don't think he'd make it through the primaries. Romney has money and organization. I'd say he's the odds-on favorite. But I also think he'd lose. He's a really detestable phony, even for a politician. I don't think there's ever been someone so devoid of principle in our political lifetime. He'll say just about anything to anyone. And has. And it's all on tape.


It's going to make for some very interesting attacks ads.

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I don't take Trump seriously.


Like Springsteen said "Poor man wanna be rich; Rich man wanna be king."


He's a sideshow like Jesse Jackson or Ross Perot.


That said it really is refreshing to hear anybody say what they think, goofy or not, instead or pre packaged bullshit?


Then again Jesse Ventura was really the governor of Minnesota.....


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I don't take Trump seriously.


Like Springsteen said "Poor man wanna be rich; Rich man wanna be king."


He's a sideshow like Jesse Jackson or Ross Perot.


That said it really is refreshing to hear anybody say what they think, goofy or not, instead or pre packaged bullshit?


Then again Jesse Ventura was really the governor of Minnesota.....



Do you really think Trump believes that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii? He's just spewing pre-packaged birther BS. Especially trying to say his detectives are unearthing mountains of evidence.

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I don't take Trump seriously.


Like Springsteen said "Poor man wanna be rich; Rich man wanna be king."


He's a sideshow like Jesse Jackson or Ross Perot.


That said it really is refreshing to hear anybody say what they think, goofy or not, instead or pre packaged bullshit?


Then again Jesse Ventura was really the governor of Minnesota.....



I don't think saying what you think is all that special when saying what you think is really dumb, or conspiratorial nonsense. It's not truth-telling unless you tell the truth.


In other words, what Trump says may not be pre-packaged, but it sure is bullshit.

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I'm not sold on any of the Reps listed. Trump is circus barker who is one of the best at manipulating words and situations.


I don't like Romney much, Huckabee is just not going to get the nomination, either.


I like Barbough a bit, Pawlenty a bit.


Thume out of S. Dakota needs to step up and run. He's my best choice to send Obamao packing. Barbour is a second.


BTW, Gingrich has too much baggage to win the nomination, too.


But this fraud that was perpetuated before the election, that obamao was "brilliant, smooth, going to bring us all together,


and make us respected in the world, close gitmo and stop the war....", etc etc etc etc etc etc...


is now a sick joke. So much so, that Shep doesn't have the courage to show up and explain himself, or admit he's disgusted at


being so wrong about this profoundly UN-American President in our American history. The libs around here wailed about Bush's failed policies?


Come ON. Everything Obamao touches, turns to muck.


BTW, I hear that Trump would run as an independent when he loses the Rep nomination. He must be getting paid off from Soros or something.

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Do you really think Trump believes that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii? He's just spewing pre-packaged birther BS. Especially trying to say his detectives are unearthing mountains of evidence.


Of course that's not what he said.

I do wonder why he won't sport his college transcripts or medical records either.

Probably just to be a dick, but who knows?

Might have taken real drugs, had VD, or isn't as smart as his apostles imagine.


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Sarah Palin is terrific - I admire her. Maybe I'll add a second hand reference to her at the end of my novel, which I can finally see coming soon....


I wish she were president now. "sigh"

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Did I read/ hear somewhere that Trump is actually leading in some primary polls?


Not good news for the GOP.


Also 23% of republicans will only vote for a birther. Which makes no sense because if their candidate wins what is the point? And you don't vote for a candidate to lose.

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