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Survey Monday The Royals

The Gipper

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Here are today's survey questions. Give you opinions:


1. The NFL schedule has been announced. Will any games be lost to the lockout? If so how many, and which games would you NOT want to see lost?



2. MLB has 30 teams and they have the fewest of their teams make the postseason with 8. (NFL with 32 teams has 12. NHL and NBA with 30 teams have 16 make postseason). MLB is talking about adding 2 more Wildcard teams to the postseason to bring the number of teams to 10.

Should they? If so, should the WC teams play a 1 game playoff, as suggested, or minimally 3 games?



3. Should the NFL goe to an 18 game schedule as suggested?



4. The Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton occurs this week. Will you watch?



5. Will the KC Royals and the Indians continue to fight it out in the AL Central, or will they both fall back as expected?



6. The Sacramento Kings are threatening to move out of Sacramento. Should they move back to Cincinnati and re--become the Cincinnati Royals?

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Here are today's survey questions. Give you opinions:


1. The NFL schedule has been announced. Will any games be lost to the lockout? If so how many, and which games would you NOT want to see lost?


I think there will be a couple of game lost. I would not want to see any games against division opponents lost, but that first game is against the Bengals, so it very well may be.

Maybe when they planned it that the Browns will play the Ravens and Steelers 4 times in the last 5 games of the season the lockout is what they had in mind.



2. MLB has 30 teams and they have the fewest of their teams make the postseason with 8. (NFL with 32 teams has 12. NHL and NBA with 30 teams have 16 make postseason). MLB is talking about adding 2 more Wildcard teams to the postseason to bring the number of teams to 10.

Should they? If so, should the WC teams play a 1 game playoff, as suggested, or minimally 3 games?


I don't think it is that great of an idea, but I can see how it would keep the interest active in more cities....plus, it would give a great advantage to winning your division.

The one attractive thing to this aspect is that it would be a big F*** you to the Red Sox/Yankee hegemony. For the past decade those teams have generally been shoe-ins to the playoffs because of their money advantage, and with the current wild card setup it has been a sort of "so, what, me worry" attitude between them as to who wins the division because they both knew they would be in and would be on equal steading whether they were the division winner or the WC. Under this plan, their bullshit hegemony would be blown up and one of the could be Fukodomeed for real. And, imo, that would be good.


3. Should the NFL goe to an 18 game schedule as suggested?


I don't like the idea. But I don't like the 4 meaningless preseason exhibition games that they charge full price for either. The owners are not going to give up their 20 revenue dates, so I guess it is better to have 18 real games that 4 bullshit games.



4. The Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton occurs this week. Will you watch?


As someone said: it may be impossible to avoid if you watch any TV at all. Even Sesame Street will probably cover it. If it is on while I am channel surfing I may stop and watch for a bit, but I won't go out of my way.



5. Will the KC Royals and the Indians continue to fight it out in the AL Central, or will they both fall back as expected?


Are the Indians already falling back? I suspect both will eventually fall behind.



6. The Sacramento Kings are threatening to move out of Sacramento. Should they move back to Cincinnati and re--become the Cincinnati Royals?


The Kings/Royals have been the worst carpetbagger franchise in the history of American Pro Sports. They started as the Rochester Royals, then became the Cincinnati Royals, then the Kansas City Kings, then the Sacramento Kings. Now the owners may want to move them to Anaheim. Hell they can't move any further west...unless they become the Honolulu Kings....or the Tokyo Kings. They would probably do that if they thought it would make them money.

I agree they should stay right where they are, but, if they did move, hell yes, send them back to Cinci. No harm in getting an Ohio rivalry going.

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Here are today's survey questions. Give you opinions:


1. The NFL schedule has been announced. Will any games be lost to the lockout? If so how many, and which games would you NOT want to see lost?


who cares


2. MLB has 30 teams and they have the fewest of their teams make the postseason with 8. (NFL with 32 teams has 12. NHL and NBA with 30 teams have 16 make postseason). MLB is talking about adding 2 more Wildcard teams to the postseason to bring the number of teams to 10.

Should they? If so, should the WC teams play a 1 game playoff, as suggested, or minimally 3 games?


keep it as is the only pure system


3. Should the NFL goe to an 18 game schedule as suggested?





4. The Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton occurs this week. Will you watch?


yish oksy


5. Will the KC Royals and the Indians continue to fight it out in the AL Central, or will they both fall back as expected?


one or both will be there at end game


6. The Sacramento Kings are threatening to move out of Sacramento. Should they move back to Cincinnati and re--become the Cincinnati Royals?


why Cincinnati???????????? if they want to move there a lot of better choices

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