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Cleveland Browns Players Report


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Updated at 11:25 a.m. with new information.


BEREA, Ohio -- The NFL lockout has been temporarily lifted, but Cleveland Browns players who showed up at the team's training facility here left disappointed.


Tight end Ben Watson, punter Reggie Hodges and wide receiver Josh Cribbs all arrived about 10 a.m., but departed after 45 minutes.


The players had hoped to be able to work out today, but were told they could not.


Senior Vice President Lew Merletti met the players and handed them a letter telling them they would not be allowed to work out today and asking for their patience while things are being worked out.


The Browns have not been reached for comment yet.


The players did not meet with the coaches or any other members of the Browns front office. They also did not receive playbooks.

They expressed disappointment as they left.


While inside, the players visited the locker room and the weight room, but both were deserted.


Watson had been the first player to arrive, just before 10 a.m. Hodges was riding with Watson.


Within about five minutes, Josh Cribbs also arrived.


"We're back, " Watson said to reporters when he arrived. "We're ready to go to work."


While Watson was talking, Browns President Mike Holmgren drove past on his way in.


Watson said then that he had talked with several teammates by telephone and thought as many as 10 players might try to make it to the facility today.


"Everybody's not here in Cleveland," Watson said. "Guys have kind of dispersed. I've been in and out (of town). I'm expecting anywhere from 10-12 guys. It kind of depends. Guys are all over the place."


Before entering the facility, Watson had also said the players expect to receive their off-season workout bonuses. "This is how we support our families.''


Linebacker Scott Fujita, speaking by phone from California before the players arrived in Berea, said he expected no confrontations.


"I expect things to be handled very civilly," Fujita said. "I don't see why we can't come in, meet the coaches, shake their hands and go to work."


Fujita said that he expects NFL business, such as trades and free agency, to resume soon. And he hoped the Browns would move quickly on those fronts.


"I would hope that we'd be one of those teams to make a quick splash right off the bat," he said. "I mean, we were 5-11 last year."


When asked if there was a state of chaos surrounding the end of the lockout, Fujita said no.


"It may appear that way, but I'm sure the NFL has a Plan B and a Plan C and will do it in an orderly fashion. They're very smart people."


"We've missed a lot of time," Watson said before he went in. "We'd like to work out. We know that legally we're in right standing to be able to come back, so today we just want to get back with the guys who are here, kind of reconvene and try to get working toward next season.


"We hope they will (meet with players)," he said. "we know the league has told them different things. And whatever the organization wants to do that's up to them, but from a players' standpoint, we started back and we're looking at it that way.


"If they give me (a playbook), I would gladly take one. It's been a long, whatever, 40 days and we're just happy to be working again. If they would like to give us a playbook, we'll all take one."

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My question is this: what kind of workout equipment do the Browns have at their facility that any other decent gynasium wouldn't have? Why couldn't these guys have gone down the street to the local body building gym in Berea and lifted their weights and run their laps and do their stairmaster? You know, the one that Stan goes to on a daily basis that gives him that ripped look.

(err....you say that Stan's idea of a workout is lifting a margarita to his lips? Well, each to his own method, eh?)


The major benefit I could see them having right now by going into Berea would be to meet with the trainers to see how they are doing with any nagging injuries and to get professional guidance there. And yes, to meet with coaches and get a playbook, but that wasn't going to happen.

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Yeah its a lil sad i wish most Browns would of showed up if not all but its not really plausable considering half of them are probaly in there Home towns etc. working out on there own...


Well they did say that only 10-12 guys were in town to even come, and those guys probably got calls/txts from Watson, Cribbs, and Hodges to not show up.

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My question is this: what kind of workout equipment do the Browns have at their facility that any other decent gynasium wouldn't have? Why couldn't these guys have gone down the street to the local body building gym in Berea and lifted their weights and run their laps and do their stairmaster?

they showed up in hopes of working out so some could collect off-season workout bonuses and to stick the knife in a little deeper in the owners' backs considering their now favorable PR shine.


when it comes to this bullshit i hate both sides. i root for the players on the field and i want the brown's owner to make money so he can spend more. but for the average joe to feel sorry for any of these turds????? yeah they can all go F themselves including goodell and that webster lookin' head of the NFLPA!!

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