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Obamao's Decision On Obl ... Took Him 16 Hours To Grow A Pair


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Yep. It's official. The officials around Obamao were stunned when, instead of deciding, and not being able to vote "PRESENT" again...


"slept on it" ... and finally decided later.


I figure he probably called President Bush and asked HIM what to do.


Maybe Obamao was also being serviced by Monica Lewinsky.


But, Obamao finally DID make the gutsy and correct decision to go ahead.


Thank you, and God Bless you, President Bush !@@

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I figure he probably called President Bush and asked HIM what to do.


Really Cal, if that was the case he would of used a bunker buster in a non-bunker bustin' situation.


Give the dude some f*cking props, he did what Bush couldn't, wouldn't or didn't know how to do.


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Give the dude some f*cking props, he did what Bush couldn't, wouldn't or didn't know how to do. Kosar


I did. I SAID he did the right thing. Then I found out it took him SIXTEEN FREAKIN HOURS to decide to go for it.


Meanwhile, it was President BUSH who set up the structure of the special forces to do this kind of op, I believe at least TRIPLED


their funding, instead of cut it...and it was President BUSH who authorized the CIA to use the extended interrogation techniques (which, btw, never once


was done at Gitmo or in the States).... which got some important info that led to this conclusion.


It was a class move by Obamao to invite Pres Bush to appear with him at Ground Zero - but Bush declined, saying he would stick to his behind the scenes life...


which is also class.


Your couldn't/woudlntcrap is baloney. This op has been in the works for four years. Obamao has been Pres for only two and 5 months. You do the math.

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Maybe it's just me............


When people say Obama 'waited 16 hours' I have to ask what the heck difference did that make?


It's crazy to believe anybody would act impulsively before ordering a State Sponsored Assassination. Would anybody here?


How many days and, perhaps, weeks or months did Panetta wait before he made the recommendation?


Bottom Line: the effort worked with precision.


Do you think Jimmy Carter might have wanted to wait a bit before ordering his famous and ill-fated act?


Sometimes the means justify the ends.


In this case, I believe the means and ends were justified.

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Maybe it's just me............


When people say Obama 'waited 16 hours' I have to ask what the heck difference did that make?


It's crazy to believe anybody would act impulsively before ordering a State Sponsored Assassination. Would anybody here?


How many days and, perhaps, weeks or months did Panetta wait before he made the recommendation?


Bottom Line: the effort worked with precision.


Do you think Jimmy Carter might have wanted to wait a bit before ordering his famous and ill-fated act?


Sometimes the means justify the ends.


In this case, I believe the means and ends were justified.



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Less than sixteen hours, is no "rush to judgement".


Obamao has had over two years to decide this.


The op could have been squandered away again, Clinton style.


The point is, this is the fool who set an all time record for voting "PRESENT",


instead of "yes" or "no".


Clinton could have had obl taken out, but he failed to decide, AFTER he was "unavailable" ....


But yes, he did make the exact right decision, which is rare for him.

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Then, maybe Obamao DID NOT make the decision at all.


Like T already posted: (it looks like Obamao the Willy Ninny couldn't make up his mind again)


That's what happens when you have absolutely no honor, nor principles and values, upon which to make decisions.


Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?


A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.


I was correct in stating there had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper. The primary opposition to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her opposition that was enough to create uncertainty within President Obama. Obama would meet with various components of the pro-invasion faction, almost always with Jarrett present, and then often fail to indicate his position. This situation continued for some time, though the division between Jarrett/Obama and the rest intensified more recently, most notably from Hillary Clinton. She was livid over the president’s failure to act, and her office began a campaign of anonymous leaks to the media indicating such. As for Jarrett, her concern rested on two primary fronts. One, that the military action could fail and harm the president’s already weakened standing with both the American public and the world. Second, that the attack would be viewed as an act of aggression against Muslims, and further destabilize conditions in the Middle East.


Read more: http://socyberty.com.../#ixzz1LOolNB9y

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What is it? The truth is coming out. Valeria Jarrett is Obamao's closest advisor, and she's a radical. She kept advising Obamao to not act on the obl situation.


Did you know they've known where obl has been.... since AUGUST?


That right up until the team went into action, Obamao hadn't DECIDED WHAT TO DO?


But, Obamao DID say to Panetta, that he favored a team being sent in, over a bombing strike,


and if it failed, Panetta would be all ON HIS OWN.


What Obamao didn't know, is that Panetta had already been working to activate the team and give them the go.


Hillary Clinton was angry that Obamao wouldn't make a decision, and Gates was going to resign way early over the same.


But Hillary convinced Gates to stay on, and Panetta went for it.... circumventing stupid jarrett and Obamao's indecision.


I suppose he figured that gave him plenty of time to delay that decision. Panetta went for it, with Gates knowing.


We'll see how this plays out. But Obamao surely is a "cowboy loose cannon murderer of innocents" now to the left.


when obamao was a state legislator - he VOTED "PRESENT" 131 times, so he wouldn't have to make a decision that someone


could criticize. How's that for being a cowardly fraud?


Sarah Palin would have made a better president, surely.

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Vapor translation:


"..........change the subject, I'm losing... eh.....I'm so tired I can't think straight... "

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That's what I'm hearing on the radio. Sorry, Vapor, I can't link to the radio station I was listening to.


But I've heard this stuff different places. Your president DID vote "Present" that many times. Go freakin look it up.

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Well, why wouldn't he be in the situation room? He's allowed. Nobody ever said anything about Obamao not being in the situation room.


Of course, he found out about the decision quick enough. Common sense would ordinarlly keep you from making assumptions like you just did.

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Then, maybe Obamao DID NOT make the decision at all.


Like T already posted: (it looks like Obamao the Willy Ninny couldn't make up his mind again)


That's what happens when you have absolutely no honor, nor principles and values, upon which to make decisions.


Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?


A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.


I was correct in stating there had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper. The primary opposition to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her opposition that was enough to create uncertainty within President Obama. Obama would meet with various components of the pro-invasion faction, almost always with Jarrett present, and then often fail to indicate his position. This situation continued for some time, though the division between Jarrett/Obama and the rest intensified more recently, most notably from Hillary Clinton. She was livid over the president’s failure to act, and her office began a campaign of anonymous leaks to the media indicating such. As for Jarrett, her concern rested on two primary fronts. One, that the military action could fail and harm the president’s already weakened standing with both the American public and the world. Second, that the attack would be viewed as an act of aggression against Muslims, and further destabilize conditions in the Middle East.


Read more: http://socyberty.com.../#ixzz1LOolNB9y


Thunder chicken had to react because otherwise all of the military brass would of hung his skinny ass out to the press and let them know how big of a coward he is.


It probably went something like this.

Obammy started to stutter because their wasn't a teleprompter in place and then Hillary sneezed because over her allergies from all of the musk oil Obammy wears, and Panetta said their you go thats an order "Kill the bastard"!


Then in disbelief over what just took place Obammy called Oprah and she suggested that he spins this for his re-election and get a jump in the polls.


The only thing that is missing is that Obammy lost our newest stealth helicopter during the mission. Dejavu Jimmy Carter.

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Well, why wouldn't he be in the situation room? He's allowed. Nobody ever said anything about Obamao not being in the situation room.


Of course, he found out about the decision quick enough. Common sense would ordinarlly keep you from making assumptions like you just did.



Actually common sense should tell you that Generals and military officials don't consul the president over every single decision. If they decided on their own to have the drills practicing the raid and to be prepared that's probably normal. It's their job. They should be fired if they weren't ready. As far as the decision to actually follow through, Obama was there watching the events unfold. He either gave them the go ahead of let them decide on their own if the time was right. But we know that Obama didn't play the back nine on Sunday and went into the west wing with his golf shoes on... so no one overrode anyone as you say.. but hey it fits your political hack views so it must be true.

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