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Thoughts On Osama

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No politics here and sorry if I sound liberal:


The president did the right thimng.

I can't imagine anyone making a different choice


I don't have a good feeling about the quick burial at6 sea.


I think they did the right thing in performing the service in Arabic.

The real loons will still hate us and the moderates won't like us any better but they might not hate us too much more.

I wouldn't think many of them hate OBL.

Muslim US relations across the board are going to take a hit.


I'm angry about the gleeful demonstrations at everyone who participates.

College kids partying at an Osama is dead kegger etc.

I wonder why that footage is different than bearded assholes dancing in the street to celebrate more US dead.

Act like you've beenthere before.



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I agree WSS, but as you pointed out, a lot of the celebrating was by college kids....they haven't been there before.


I want this lockout bullcrap to go away, but opening the season in NYC on 9-1-11, the 10 year anniversary, sounded dumb to me before the Navy Seals did their mission.Goodell should reconsider in light of the Bin Laden killing (if there is football). Why tempt these extremists any more than we have to? I hope I'm wrong, & just being paranoid about this.

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I was initially pumped about it. Ding dong, the witch is dead. Felt patriotic for the first time in a long while; the United States killed one of its greatest enemies.


As the night went on, I saw the shots from DC and other colleges. It's finals week here, so there wasn't really anyone celebrating. All that I could think of was how unbelievably angry I was when I saw videos of people in the Middle East cheering after 9/11. I don't blame anyone for celebrating. I can't relate to it to much as I didn't know anyone who died, but lots of people did, and they're entitled to it. And while it's in many ways different than celebrating for 9/11, I can't help but think these videos are going to help motivate another generation's hate for us.


Also, I don't see this as a huge obstacle in US/Muslim relations. Pakistan/US relations, absolutely, but not Muslim/US.

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And while it's in many ways different than celebrating for 9/11, I can't help but think these videos are going to help motivate another generation's hate for us.


I hear ya.


Also, I don't see this as a huge obstacle in US/Muslim relations. Pakistan/US relations, absolutely, but not Muslim/US.



Well they don't see him like we do.

Though I oppose them I'm probably more sympathetic to the IRA than Hamas.

I'd guess that's how it is with average Muslims in Detroit or Akron.





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I am glad that we have reached a milestone on the war on terror. What I don't care for is all of the mis-information that is starting to come out and how everyone is changing their stories.


A real leader is truthful and should be reliable. With all of the crap coming out on how all the details of the operation went down ais and then they reverse the details of the story is a disgrace on the Obama administration.


It is pretty sickening that the White house is continually changing the details in an attempt to influence the emotions and the behavior of the American Public.


Whatever happened to being honest?

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No need for anybody to nitpick this one, Brother Steve.


Fast, clean and with precision.


Also not a whisper heard from the lunatic fringe about State Sponsored Assassination nor interrogation techniques.


I like slam dunks - this was a slam dunk.


I mean, we still don't know how much information we got out of waterboarding, and if the information we got from it was good, it still led us to a 10 year, multi-trillion dollar goose chase. I still think we shouldn't torture.

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I don't see the comparison. One group of people celebrated as 3000 INNOCENT people died a horrible death.


The other group of people celebrated when the #1 enemy of the state was killed, a man behind the deaths of 3000 innocent people.


I think one is worse than the other, but that's just me.


I'm still celebrating.

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Right, I agree with you, and I'm still happy that we finally nabbed the xxxxer. Unfortunately, a mass murderer is not how they saw him. He had very legitimate reasons to fight the USSR, and our foreign policy was the reason he targeted us. He managed to bring both countries to their knees, economically, and he'll be remembered by them as the guy who fought for Islamic independence from the commies and Americans.


I'm in no way saying your celebrations are wrong; they aren't.

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we've been hunting this guy down for 10+ years. we got him. he didn't want to surrender. he had women confront our military on entry to his room. i'm sure it was total chaos. the guy was killed. what's better: him being taken alive and being brought back here for endless trials until he goes to jail for the rest of his life while we support him or him being alive and being on trial in some arab country where they eventually hang or shoot him anyways?


if these next generations of americans don't start 'manning-up' and quit crying the politically correctness paranoid pussiness we will all soon falter and invite our eventual takeover.


why don't you ask yourselves what your grandfathers would have said or done? if this was a hunt for hitler back in the day and the end result was the same, you don't think they'd be dancing down broadway in times square?

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Given the exact same scenario, but had it happened during Bush's second term.....


does anyone imagine the left and the media would be so quiet and "supportive"...???


John hit it square - it would be screaming about assassination, calling for Bush's impeachment because of it,


calling our Soldiers murderers....


It would have been entirely opposite. Totally, totally corrupt.

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