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Gene Zacharyasz For Mayor


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The Browns Board managing web master, CREATENS, has created www.GeneZacharyasz.com for the campaign of Independent Mayoral Candidate Gene Zacharyasz of Berea Ohio. Gene is a lifelong Browns fan, and has even attended The Browns Boards lengedary Tailgate Parties. Since we have a political forum here, we thought the exposure of this top-ranked site might help Gene in his quest to be elected Mayor of Berea, Ohio.


Gene also has a fan facebook page at: www.facebook.com/GeneForBerea.


At both the website & facebook page, you can learn about Gene Zacharyasz's vision for the city of Berea, which could be an important term in deciding over the Cleveland Browns remaining in their training complex in Berea.


Gene knows the importance of the Browns staying in Berea, for Berea's ecconomy, and believe the state or the art facility built in 1991 that Art Modell turned his nose up on and cried no-one ever did anything for him, has been good for the Browns. The Berea community has been receptive to the Browns, and accomodated the facility during the Browns absence when Art moved.


If you are a Berea registered vote, please become familiar with Gene Zacharyasz and cast him your vote. If not a Berea resident, thank-you for allowing us use of this forum to help support Gene.






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