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Don't Believe Obamao Is Intentionally Setting Our Country Up To Fail?


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Now, having read that, and understanding that the forcing of banks to make BAD LOANS to impoverished areas of our country,


and now lawsuits for dollars through ObaMao's "justice" dept.... in the past....


ObaMao wants to force it MORE ????? Seriously ?


What better evidence is there, that Obamao and co. are INTENTIONALLY setting up our economy to fail?




fail just enough to have an excuse to change our economic system? Or, just enough to warrant the implementaion of EXTREMELY high taxes


for anyone who can possible pay them?


And, obaMao is renewing his outreach to Muslims... why not an outreach to Jews and Christians and conservatives and..........???


And, these two dirbags are having a rapper to OUR WHITE HOUSE, who angrily advocates the murder of policemen, and Pres Bush.... What the ... ???


And ObaMao ridiculing every American who wants our border protected from illegal immigrants (btw, reports are now out, that Hezbollah is working with the Mexican


drug cartels)...


So, if anybody can explain ALL OF this away as "nothing", I'd really be interested to read it.

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During President Dwight D. Eisenhower farewell speech, he issued a warning to the American people for the potential of misplaced power that would endanger our liberties.


He also stated that we must not allow this to happen, and advised all of us to be vigilant.


Like most commi's, Obama needs to create chaos so all the sheep will follow and fulfill his plans of wrecking this great nation. If Obama can achieve a second term I would not be suprised that the progressives and libs will try to overturn term limits.

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Say, that's a great idea, Heck, and you could join us, and T and I could take you on a snipe hunt again and again and again and again...


(shhh everybody.....)

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You two should really go out into the woods and train together. Heck


Heck translation:


"Obamao is my idea of American Honey, and T and Cal are making me cry, because I can't refute what they are saying..."

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Actually I don't think so.


I think there are a lot of reasons people espouse ideology.

Not the least of which is acceptance and power.


There really is an appeal about socialism, though to me it's kind of an adolescent charm.

Sure we're taught that "fairness" is good and it's easy to think that those who have what we envy should give much of it back.

It's an easy thing to champion the downtrodden against the unfairness of the rich and make no mistake; there's a lot of wealth and power to be gained by assuming that role.


Still I think there's a pollyanna idea at work here that humans really want to be equal.


Though I'm not quite cynical enough to believe the left actually wants to see the US fall so they can assume the position of the protectors, I do see that those fighting for the little guy are usually in the top bracket of wealth and power.


It really is one of the perks of being the "peoples" candidate.



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Yes, Steve, I got ya on that, but still,


how else to you explain the destructive policies like intimidating banks to make bad loans to poor areas....

and having that explode into a huge problem, (then blaming Bush for the economy and the housing loan crisis), when it was

blarney franks and whats-her-name who were running FA and FM.....

and then Obamao wants to do the exact same thing again?

I believe Obamao and the people around him want our system to fail, at least enough so they can

create an atomosphere of emergency, to implement new economic structures into our country.


Or, I'm so busy right now, that I don't have time to think up some other reason for Obamao and co's actions.


Van Jones, Cloward-Piven, it goes on and on and on around Obamao.

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Oh I see the problems Cal but still I gotta believe it's not a plan to ditch the US to take over like MAJOR LEAGUE.


In a better world a bank employee wouldn't write a shaky loan even if there was a commmission and a borrower wouldn't lie about his means even if the bank couldn't ask specifics.

Personally I'd like to think investors planning to flip property were cognizant of the risks and behave accordingly.

I'm not a fan of bankruptcy laws anyway but I think the General MNotors stockholders got hosed, unless they've been compensated through means of which I'm not aware.


I just think it's good intentions fouled by human nature.


As for the rest of the shit I just assume he or his handlers pay little attention to the details.










Yes, Steve, I got ya on that, but still,


how else to you explain the destructive policies like intimidating banks to make bad loans to poor areas....

and having that explode into a huge problem, (then blaming Bush for the economy and the housing loan crisis), when it was

blarney franks and whats-her-name who were running FA and FM.....

and then Obamao wants to do the exact same thing again?

I believe Obamao and the people around him want our system to fail, at least enough so they can

create an atomosphere of emergency, to implement new economic structures into our country.


Or, I'm so busy right now, that I don't have time to think up some other reason for Obamao and co's actions.


Van Jones, Cloward-Piven, it goes on and on and on around Obamao.

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