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Offense Vs. Defense During The Lockout


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Im gonna say offense since there not a lot of unfamiliar faces...the D-Line may take some time jelling.

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The offense is working with the playbook, haven't heard about the defense...


but I figure most defensive players have played in a 4-3 at some point, but not many?


offensive players have played in a wc offense....


Hard to say. This whole biz is confusing to me. I thought the players de-something'ed their union, and


what the ()*&^(*&^ is the hold up to a new cba?


The union wants to get rid of the NFL draft? Or they want personal helicopters at their players' beck and call?j


Or, the owners want to limit salaries to $27.50 an hour? crap. Just get it over with already. :angry:

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Offense should be able to shake off the cloud of OC Daboll's attempt to field a competitive offensive scheme last season. Was never able to figure out exactly what he was trying to accomoplish.


But that's in the past so lets move on. Fundamental WCO roles hopefully will be absorbed and a competitive package will emerge come sept 11. Figure it will take longer for


the defense to become UnManginized and format a scheme that will let them hit the field running. Suppose one could investigate how many of the younger player have WCO/4-3


college backgrounds which may translate to a less steep learning curve.

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It will be as always. The D will rebound quicker.


Solid offensive play is predicated on timing and assignments.


While Defense has plays and assignments, it is still largely reaction based. In the end, no matter the assignment on paper or chalk board, the assignment is to get to the ball.

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It will be as always. The D will rebound quicker.


Solid offensive play is predicated on timing and assignments.


While Defense has plays and assignments, it is still largely reaction based. In the end, no matter the assignment on paper or chalk board, the assignment is to get to the ball.


I agree completely with you. Defense is far more instinctive, thus will attain whatever level it will become quicker. Of course, if that defense is going to suck it doesn't matter how much time together it will have.

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